
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

30. Day of the practical dungeon

The first year students were flocking in front of a blue colored portal, many officers and organizers from the association could be seen around.

[ Blue dungeon: a casual dungeon where a team can enter and leave the dungeon once they conquer the dungeon after reaching the boss room and eliminating the boss. Once the boss die, the dungeon will disappear as soon as the team exit the dungeon. There are rare cases where a blue portal can turn red or black. A Black portal usually means death. The dungeon will randomly transform into a more difficult dungeon. Can become more difficult by a single rank, or a whole different league. As for the Red dungeon, the dungeon will retain its original rank, however the team members will not be able to exit unless they kill the dungeon boss. ]

" They are probably hiding inside the dungeon "

From the novel description, it mentioned that the D and C rank criminals were already dispatched and were hiding inside the dungeon. Usually the officers will check the mana level readings of the dungeon. However, there were almost no monsters inside and only the boss monster. The detected mana reading is the same as before because the overall mana of the criminals is similar to the hoard of monsters. Unfortunately, they weren't weak brainless monsters, but some honed killers who works together.

Looking around, I can see the excited expressions from the students. It is kinda hilarious that their first dungeon is going to be a missed up and traumatizing one.

" Silence please..... everyone must have received a massage by now. There you will find your team members in this class. Please choose your own leader as this group is going to be yours for the rest of the semester. Each semester you will be in a different group. Now you have 15 min to get to know each other starting from…. Now!"

I checked the email and luckily none of the important leads were in my team.

Rank 9. Raymond Dormans

Rank 183. Ana Clark

Rank 448. Jay Hortens

Rank 980. Selene Roseate

Rank 1749. Arthur Riverblood

"Hmm?… Raymond?...I think he was important in the future but I forgot exactly what he did"

Soon after, I found my team members and as usual the highest rank took charge almost immediately.

" Hello everyone, my name is Raymond and I am a swordman. You can call me ray"

As taking que, the rest started introducing themselves.

" Hi! My name is Ana! and I use magic spells as you can see"

'She said while waving her little wand' It is kinda funny how energetic she is.

" Jay…. I use spear"

Short yet enough. Jay was more of the quite type.

" H—Hi… I am Selene and I am an archer"

Selene seemed like the shy type. Can't imagine her killing monsters with this meek attitude.

" I am Arthur, I use daggers"

After the introduction, Raymond immediately solidified his position as the leader.

" As everyone saw in the massage, I am ranked 9. I can take the lead If no one has any problems with that "

After a short silence, Raymond clapped his hands to shift the mood into a cheerful one.

" Well! now that we have settled that. I would like us to share our thoughts before we head inside"

"Personally, As a swordman I will be at the front line. Miss Ana, can you tell us what type of a mage you are?"

Hearing the question, Ana grinned a wide smile and said in a an energetic voice

" Ahem..Ahem… I the great future archmage! I can use both buffs and debuffs!"

[ There are different types of mages, some of them can can use a long ranged destructive spells. Also, many of them learn some non combat magical spells. Like mage detectives, who uses the surrounding magical fragments to solve mysteries, or the case of Ana who is a support mage ]

Raymond seemingly surprised but happy for this revelation replied

" Wow… miss Ana you are the perfect support. You will be in the middle where most of the protection is located"

Ana's smile grew even more as she heard the compliment. Soon after Selene joined the conversation.

" I—I will use my bow from the b—back "

Raymond replied to her so that she can feel more comfortable.

" Great, with your help we will kill more monsters easily so we can get more points, but staying at the back is a bit..."

Seemingly confused Ana tried to ask but jay interjected before she can ask

" No worries, I will stay at the back in case of an ambush"

Raymond smiled as he heard jays word. However when his eyes landed on me as best as he tried to hide it, but there definitely was disappointiment when he looked at me.

Jay noticed raymonds stare and said in dreadful voice.

" He is just a drag. No need to bring him along"

Everyone seemed surprised at jays harsh words, but deep down in their hearts they somehow agreed with him.

" But he is stil—"

Before Ana could try to side with me, I interjected her and said.

" It is okay, I will hinder you guys. I will stay at the entrance so I don't handicap the team. once you finish we will meet up at the entrance"

After I finished my words, everyone remained silent. They didn't want to admit it but my words were to some extent true.

" heh...Good thing that you know your place, twerb "

Jay cursed at me while laughing, but then Raymond said in a serious voice.

" Stop it jay!…. He is doing this for the team. Rather than cursing him, act more maturely "

Hearing that, jay wanted to reply but he couldn't fight back the heir of the Dormans an elite family renowned throughout the whole continent, so he just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing in return.

Once again Raymond stared at me and said in an apologetic tone.

" Sorry Arthur, and thanks for your consideration"

Looking at Reymond I thought that they are somehow not at fault. My rank was in the worst 300 students who will almost certainly get kicked out of academy by the start of the next semester.

" No problem…"

After reassuring reymond, we heard the same voice of the faculty member announcing the start of the dungeon raid. While walking with my team, I was thinking of what to do inside.

I know that many of those kids will probably die, but I will not interfere. This event is important for the development of the main lead. If I stop it from happening then how will the main character get the skill? Also in future wise, who is more important? Some students who died in the novel? Or the whole races? I can't act rashly as I know how these characters are the hope for humanity...

'Cursing internally' I decided to think more about this later on. For now I should focus on this dungeon.

" Finally, now please listen carefully as I will not repeat myself. This dungeon is. An F rank dungeon, once you enter you will have 20 minutes to prepare yourselves, and then the timer will start. Before you enter, we will give you some bracelets. Make sure to keep them on the whole time. The bracelet will share your live locations and also count the monsters you kill "

After some more instructions, I finally entered the dungeon with my teammates.


