
Extra Pages: The Author's Odyssey

Samul is a novel author. He enjoys writing novels and even reading other's works as well. But that's just it. Reading and writing novels. Those are the only things Samuel enjoyed in his whole life. His parents were well-off and he didn't need to find a job to feed himself. Everything going well for him until he died, his health was worsening as the day went by. Before he died he tried to write a thank you letter to his parents but he couldn't do that too. The next thing he knows he wakes up in the world that he created, [Blade Of Destiny]. However, instead of transmigrating into the body of the main character or even a side character, the boy became an extra called Lucas Darkheart. Who is Lucas Darkheat? No Idea! He's just an Extra in the novel! ...Or is he just an Extra? ______ Note: The cover is mine and also this cover is made by Author A4KL. &-- Support me one Pateron patreon.com/InkWaver_122

Ink_Weaver122 · Kỳ huyễn
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394 Chs


"Easy there," a calm voice interrupted his thoughts. Lucas turned to see Yato sitting in a corner of the room, a steaming cup in hand.

"You have an impressive ability to take a hit. Most would have been knocked out cold, but you managed to stay conscious," Yato remarked, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and approval.

Lucas rubbed his head, still feeling the lingering effects of the punch. "Where am I?"

"In the infirmary. You took quite a beating during our spar," Yato replied, sipping from the cup. "But don't worry, you'll recover."

Lucas sighed, recalling the events leading up to that punch. "I guess I still have a long way to go."

Yato nodded, his expression serious. "True, but the fact that you pushed yourself to the limit is a testament to your determination. You're more resilient than you give yourself credit for."

"Sir, why did you choose to spar with me? And why go all out?" Lucas asked, curiosity lacing his words.