

I have been bored during this COVID-19 period. I need to experience something. Something that will lift my mood and make me happy. Will I achieve this? Will I be happy or will I bring trouble to my self? I have been transported to another world. Quite different from the real one. it's like I'm in a novel. An extra? this... well let's read about me and how I survived in a world where the weak gets killed and the strong rule.

Samuel_Oni · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Mock Exam: My Chops Part 1

The D-day which was a Monday came and I was a bit anxious. It's my first exam in another world anyways. I got up and did my usual activities before heading to Kofi's dorm room.

"Hey Kofi", I greeted entering his room.

"Morning", Kofi answered back closing the door before moving to the mirror to adjust his uniform and hair. "You are early".

"Yeah",I replied taking my seat on a chair nearby. "I figured I should be here early since it's the first day".

"Hmm", Kofi chortled while patting his hair. "It's just theory. There's nothing to be worried about. We are writing it for the next 3 days and then we will shine during our practicals".

"I just hope it's an easy one",I sighed. "I do get nervous in the first day".

"Hey", Kofi said facing me. "About what you side the last time".

"Huh",I made a puzzling face. I didn't tell them everything. I just added some fake stories to it and their reaction was what I expected.

"I didn't know", Kofi continued with an apologetic face. "I feel like I should have be aware all these while so please forgive me".

"No rather", I said standing up with my right hand on his shoulder. "I should be the one asking for forgiveness. I'm sorry as well".

"Don't worry", Kofi replied changing the mood around. "My dad agreed to help us. After the mock exams, we will be on our way to the dungeon.

"Wow",I said in surprise. I didn't expect it to be this fast. "Thanks so much Kofi".

"It's basically an F-rank dungeon", Kofi continued . "He said it's a good experience training for us all and no time to delay in finding a precious potion. I still have doubts whether he believes me or not. Since an awakening potion is a treasure level potion, he should have tagged along but he just said he would help me and that's all".

"That's strange", I said. It's a good thing I didn't tell them the exact location. If any one searches for the potion,they won't find anything.

"Do you ever wondered why something of great importance is in a F dungeon?", Kofi asked facing the mirror back and spraying a perfume on his clothes

"Beats me",I answered.

He's right. I never thought about this. It's either two things. Either it's a long lost treasure that is hidden skillfully or someone put it in a hidden passage for safekeeping. I hope it's the former.

"We are going to be safe",I continued clearing my mind. "What can happen in the lowest dungeon. I hear even F+ rank people can clear it with their eyes closed".

"You are right", Kofi said nodding his head. "Any high level monster will cause the dungeon to collapse".

"Are you ready",I asked tired of seeing Kofi admiring himself in the mirror several times.

"No", Kofi answered humming. "Give me a few minutes. You want to see how you look?

"No", I replied moving towards the door." I'd stay outside. Take your time".


I need to think this through,I pondered as I stepped outside. If it's possible, we should have a teleportation amulet that will whisk us away if we ever find any trouble. The map shows that the potion is in a secret passage. Anyways, I know we will be fine. My heart beat normally and I always have that heart beat premonition if any bad thing were to occur. We will be fine.

"Sorry I took long", Kofi apologized as he stepped out of his dorm room. "Let's head to Kwami's dorm.

"No need", kwami said showing himself. "I'm here already. Let meet up with the girls".

"Ok", Kofi nodded

"Were you eavesdropping?",I asked shocked to see him there.

"Hm", Kwami nodded.

Thank goodness I didn't think aloud,I sighed taping my forehead.

"Let's get this exam over and done with", Kwami said leading the way.

We went and met up with the girls before making way to our class. We entered and sat according to our rank so I sat at the last end since I am the last rank number of first years The class carried a mixture of emotions as we were all expecting the exams in a short while. At 8 am sharp, Professor Nicholas walked in with our papers and slam them on the table in front.

"I have two rules",He began with a cold stare." First,I abide by the time and second, I hate cheating. If you are caught, be sure to know that 30 percent of your total mark will be deducted. It almost time to start so...."

Professor Nicholas clicked his fingers and all the papers were on each of our desks.

"What skill did he use?",I said quietly watching the paper lie on my desk. "Interesting"

"Now start", Professor Nicholas commanded.

The next thing I heard was the turning of papers and a few gasp. I turned mine as well and a smile came out of my mouth. The questions were simple but a bit technical. The novel didn't even bother to give pointers on the mock exams so I had to shuffle and pick some topics based on what I remembered from the novel and it worked. Ah,that reminds me. The first event is happening in a few days. I wonder if I should warn James. It would seem right....right? Or I shouldn't interfere with the chain of events? Won't it cause another event to occur and might be disastrous to James and his colleagues?

"Crap, 10 minutes had passed",I murmured inside me. "I'm behind already".

I wrote down what I knew in the blank questions and picked the option I felt was correct in the multiple choice questions. Soon enough the time was up and we all stop writing. Suddenly, our papers floated in the air and were collated and arranged before landing on the table where the professor was standing behind. He then packed everything and left.

"That's a nice skill", I said watching him leave.

"How was the exam", Annika asked facing me.

"The monster physique exams was quite okay",I answered her

"Easy for you to say",Aluna sighed. "I had a blank head in the multiple choice questions. I pray my luck works fine"

"I feel the examination is a bit hard", Kwami said placing his hand on his forehead. "What do you think".

"Now that I think about it,Kofi replied facing Annika. "You are right. It was more than usual. Too bad we couldn't use the past questions".

"What if it was planned?", I asked. "The seniors didn't give us pointers on what to read. We got to do the exam all on our own. What was their aim?

"I don't know", Annika replied in a low voice. "Besides, only you and a few others got to do it on their own. Remember what the Prof said.

"What the prof said?", I said in a thinking mode. "I remember he said he hated cheating and if you are caught.. .. wait he hated cheating, he didn't say no cheating. That means...."

"You just realized" Annika smiled. "You can cheat. Just don't get caught. I guess they are training us on how to receive and share information while in a difficult situation or predicament".

"I see", I added snapping my fingers. "Also,they are testing the capability of each students in terms of knowledge wise. That's in respect to the time. The exam was a bit standard like an international exam with different questions and modalities. This is interesting".

"Let's have a joint discussion today", Kwami suggested. "That way ,we can share ideas".

"Fine by me".


"Good", Kwami smiled."Let's go then".

We left and had a joint discussion for the rest of the day. The next two days, the same thing was repeated and few students were caught and their marks were removed. I did the theory all by myself without relaying on anybody and I think I did well.

"That ends it", Aluna cried with joy. "We are through with theory".

"How were the exams generally",Kofi asked me

"It was normal for me", I replied him with a nonchalant attitude. "I could answer most questions The ones that were tough, I used my imagination".

"Wow as expected of you", Kofi said smiling. "You still have that carefree attitude".

"The A class are going to get a shock", Aluna added. "I can just see the look on their faces".

"I'm sure there are intellectuals in A class", I said trying to stop the hype coming from them.

"There are", Annika replied. "Especially the best 10 but we all trust you enough to surpass them".

"You helped us during our preparation week", Kofi said patting my back. "We could see that you know enough to even be an assistant professor on this academy".

Is it because i came from another world with the knowledge of the novel?, I asked myself. I remember. All those lame writing the author wrote concerning some theories and findings, I memorized them. That's why I could relate them to each other while reading here. Bring me back schooldays in my world. Huh....

"Yo", Kofi said shaking me a bit. "You soaced out there".

"Could it be you were thinking about the practicals already",Aluna said jokingly.

"I...." I stammered because I didn't know what to say.

"As expected", They all laughed.

I guess even in this world,I smiled at them while being in my thoughts. They overhype here as well. I'd just flow with them

"What do you think our practical will be based on?" I asked with a serious tone.

"I have no clue".Aluna answered with a shrug. "We'll just train and see for ourselves the next day".

"That's exactly like a blind training"

"What can we do about it?", Aluna replied. "The seniors are keeping quiet about it".

"Let's just get some to eat and then train", Kwami suggested moving towards the exit of the classroom.

"Now that you mentioned it", Kofi added. "I'm hungry as well"

"Same here".

"Shall we then?",Kwami said opening the door.

We left and made our way to the cafeteria and ate to our fill. After resting and chatting for a while. We proceeded to leave.

"Huh", I mused while picking a piece of paper that was quickly place on my table as we were about to leave. "What's this".

"A secret love letter?", Kofi teased as I checked the contents of the paper.

"Stay away from the fear duchess and forbidden damsel brat. If you don't,we will have your head".

"So much for a love letter ",I said passing the paper to Kofi. "This is lame. They couldn't even construct a threat note well".

"Shouldn't we take it seriously? Annika asked with concern. "Those guys are the fanatics of the fear duchess and forbidden damsel"

"You've heard about them", Aluna asked facing Annika with a curious eye. "I thought you were the shy type no offense".

"None taken", Annika replied as she rolled her eyes. "I joined a chat group in which different gossips and information are passed across. Back to what I'm saying, Those guys spell danger. You should be careful.

"I'm fine", I said trying to calm her down. "I don't think they will do anything and besides,I have no relation with those two ladies"

"Well about that..",Kwami nudged me and made me face Oyin. She was looking at me with emotionless eyes. Eyes that wanted to tear my very being from limb to limb and into pieces.

"Can we leave?",I asked having a bad chills from Oyin's looks

"I think that's a good idea", Kwami answered taking the lead.

We left hurriedly and went in the direction of the tbe training hall.

"I don't understand", I complained to my group while walking. "All I ever did was to greet her that day and ask if we knew each other".

"I feel there's more than that",Annika replied trying to reason with me. "No girl would have that kind of facial expression just because of greetings"

She's right,I thought. Could it be she sensed I'm unusual. That's impossible. I don't show my emotions any more so any excess power from my skill is reduced. Besides, I have negligible mana to begin with so she can't sense anything off me

"You are cool", Aluna said as he tried to cheer me up "I don't believe she'll kill you over that. She's just curious".

"How do you know?",I asked with a curious eye.

"She...", Aluna paused sighing before continuing. "She was my first friend. It's a long story. I doubt if she's even remember me.".

"I'm sorry about that",

"Don't be", Aluna smiled. "It was a long time ago".

"Let's cheer up our mood by training rigorously", Kofi said with so much excitement in his voice.

"I agree".

"You betcha".

We then headed to the training hall and trained till dark. The hall was full with different students practicing their best skill or moves. I on the other hand had my gun training and sword training. Instructor Alhaadi helped us and corrected a few mistakes we made. I tried to hit specific targets with my gun to increase my accuracy. In the end, we were all tired from the whole work. Bidding ourselves good night, we headed to our various dorm rooms and slept for the night.


In the deep night, different insect sounds were heard as a figure was practicing so hard in the cold night. Her sword dance and moves were beautifully executed with no opening. Making last move,she slashed downwards creating a lethal strike in the air which resulted into cracks coming from the ground.

"I overdid it",Oyin said quietly sheathing her sword. "I guess that's all for tonight. I'll crush anybody who dare stands in my way tomorrow. Time to return back to my room".

As she prepared to leave, she felt a sharp headache which caused her mana to go haywire for a bit before returning to normal.

"Ah",She moaned in pain. "What's wrong with my head. Every since that boy appeared that day,I have been having these headaches. I think I need to go home for a while".

Oyin quicky put herself together and went towards her dorm room stealthily in the deep night.



"It's nice having you around Aluna".

"So this is the Author Femi was talking about"

"Yep, that's me".

"Ah, is it okay if I made a request".


"You see I need more skill and charm as a weapon user. Can you do something about it?".

"Hun hun"

"So why am I here?".

"Right, I wanted to ask about the academy cafeteria. Is the food there that good".

"Of course. Even those in A class don't miss the servings for nothing. I hear there's an excellent chef there".

"Is that so?"

"So what about request?"

"I'd do it if you promise to reconcile with Oyin. I know your story".

"Never mind. Instead, I will use my spear to subdue you instead".

"Wait ,what are you doing. Oi..."

That was close. Merry Christmas to you all. Don't forget to comment and vote guys. One love

Samuel_Onicreators' thoughts