

I have been bored during this COVID-19 period. I need to experience something. Something that will lift my mood and make me happy. Will I achieve this? Will I be happy or will I bring trouble to my self? I have been transported to another world. Quite different from the real one. it's like I'm in a novel. An extra? this... well let's read about me and how I survived in a world where the weak gets killed and the strong rule.

Samuel_Oni · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
26 Chs


"I feel sore", I mumbled as I stood up from the bed. It was a Monday morning and I had an early morning class. "The huntress really did a number on me. My strength might have recovered but my mind is in a great mess. It's as they say no pain,no gain. Oh no,it's almost time for class".

I was so tired from yesterday's training. Therefore, it was inevitable as I woke up late. I rushed to clean my body and ran to my classroom . Monday was a busy day for us all. Apart from it being the first working day of the week, many activities in the academy took place today. I entered the class panting and took my seat, well not without some students staring at me. The class had almost been filled with students but I didn't see my group.

Were they waiting for me? I wondered

I quickly texted Kofi, telling him I was in class. The professor entered and we all greeted. She was the one who informed me about the awakening potion. Before long, my group entered and Kofi sat beside me while the rest found other seats.

Now that I notice it, D class had 150 students and the class was a bit large to accommodate even 200 people but it's still D class.

"What's her name?", I asked Kofi fixing my eyes on the professor.

"Who?", Kofi replied wondering.

"The professor"

"Oh she's professor Nkechi. She's one of the famous professors in the academy and she's married as well. She's said to be A rank and a scientist at that."

" I see, thanks"

Professor Nkechi started the lecture after the class became quiet.

"Everyone is in attendance today", She smiled. "Well it's expected as your mock exams are around the corner. Don't expect me to give you guys AOC* as I have been told not to".

I heard many groans and mutterings. I think I know why she's famous.

"So today we will discuss an interesting topic. We are diving in to the two main classes that we have. Now listen attentively".

Silence descended in the class as one could hear a pin drop.

"The two main classes are the mage type class and the weapon user class. These two are the main classes that everyone fall into. Of course, there are exceptions that were discovered but those are rare. After creating a mana core, it's graded to determine which class it could be accommodate. Those that had mana core with black impurities belonged to the mage class and those that had mana core with grey impruties belonged to the weapon user class. First of all, you might ask me why? Why do they belong to those classes through their impurities? I can't really answer that question as we scientists are still researching. Some speculated that the cause could be as a result of the body physique of the certain human and how it absorbs mana, others think genes play a part. Weird right? So, we haven't found a solution to that problem. Also,you might ask me.. why are we able to see some mage class users profecient in swordsmanship and the likes while weapon users are able to showcase elements with their weapons"

She paused, wanting us to ponder on her words.

"Well, it's as a result of evolution. Evolution made these things possible. Sadly it's not for all to benefit".

She stopped and brought out a sword.

" I'm in the mage class and yes, I can wield the sword but I don't have the an important factor to be very skilled. Chances of me winning if I go up against a weapon user of my level is 10 percent and that's if he underestimate me.

Why can't mages wield weapons? Why can't weapon users cast? Why do they need weapons to utilize their mana fully? What Is the important factor?

The important factor is Nature. After the war,the world had to change for balance to be achieved. Now,the conclusion we came up with was that Nature had been blessed with energy which allowed those with black impurities the ability to cast and use their mana in ways unimaginable. The way I see it, Nature was favorable to them. Oh, the name of the energy is Natural energy"

She stopped showing her face in disgust.

"I don't really like the name. It looks crude. Aether or Nether would be a good name but that's how fate would have it be"

"Now", she continued. "Those with grey impurities need to direct their mana into a physical weapons,more like coating in order to display their ability. They don't have the ability to fight like mages as they are not blessed with Natural energy. The best they can do is to enhance them with mana. Same thing applies to mages. Our mana won't respond if we try to fight with weapons. So in a one on one fight. I'd be fighting against a coated sword with a sword. Despite the rank of the sword, I'd lose if I'm fighting an enemy with the same rank.

But then Evolution smiled on us and brought us those with white impurities. Those with white impurities were called hybrids as they were able to be in the mage and weapon user class at the same time. It's disheartening they are rare but it's balanced now.

So, we have different sections in the mage class and the weapon user class. Your assignment is to search and know them. Any questions?"

"Can a weapon user use the elements of this world?"

"I said that before, they can. They have to discover which element they are in tune with and they can use them with their weapons."

"My Dad is a mage and he uses a staff. Isn't a staff a weapon?"

"I was waiting for this question",she smiled. "You see the staff was specially created for mages using the natural energy. A cheat if you ask me. It's just for amplification. It's boost their mana giving them a desired result than usual".

The bell rang which signified the end of the class

" Ah that's it kid,don't forget my assignment guys and good luck in your exams". She then stopped looking at the door. "Oh Nicholas you are here".

Nicholas? That name is familiar, I thought.

The professor with blue eyes entered with a strange smile. Yes that smile is strange.

"Still beat me how you manage to maintain class order", He said walking up to her and shaking her hand. "I on the other hand take their points".

"Everyone has their own ways", Professor Nkechi replied leaving.

She left the class and everyone kept quiet again.

"I won't waste any of your time so let's start right now. I gave you guys an assignment."

Yeah that's right, I breathe in relief. We were given assignment via emails. If not for Kofi, I wouldn't have known. Something is wrong with me,I just know it. I used ICT gadgets a lot and they were part of my life in my former world but ever since I got here, It's like I detest them. I'd get over this

"Now the names that I call will come out to discuss about the monster they were given to research", Professor Nicholas said bringing out a paper.

I heard my name and I was surprised. My monster was about the Titanoboa. Soon my turn came and I was nervous

"Hello",I said with a smile showing one of the images of the monster. " I'm here to talk about the Titanoboa. It was said to be an extinct snake specie in the old age and during the great war it was later discovered. It's also said to be S rank and is able to stand it ground against two S rank. The Titanoboa is said to grow up to about 20meters. It's quite fierce and dangerous. It has a thick skull and a strong elastic skin. It's known to withstand high level attacks even S rank attacks. There are different variations and colour but the black coloured Titanoboa is said to be the dangerous out of them all. It's said to trive in tropical rainforests and freshwater habitats and is carnivorous in nature. It can also be found in dungeons having those specified habitats. The weakness is not know yet and it's advised to flee if you can from such a monster"

"Wow that's impressive", I heard the professor say.

After my presentation, few others presented theirs and we were done. Soon the class ended and we all went out lunch.

I went out with Kofi and joined the rest of the group. The cafeteria was filled as students were going about eating, talking and laughing.

" I'm sorry for what happened in the morning", I apologized with my head bowed.

"It's nothing", Annika answered waving her hand as they all sat.

"So have you heard?", Kofi asked me after we had eaten our lunch

"Heard what", I answered confused

"Let me guess, it's still in silent".


"Give me that",He said removing my watch from my wrist. How he did it is a mystery to me. He then made changes to my watch. "Now you are informed. I changed your settings to general and added the group's contact to your watch. Also, I also created a social media account for you and added you to the class group. Beats me how you know James If you aren't on the net".

I gave a smile taking my watch back. I do need to socialize. I can't be a lone wolf In a thick forest. I'd wear myself out.

"Since the death of Ibe", Kwami took over unfazed. "The mana chair has been empty so it's necessary for it to be taken. Normally, Ife is the next in rank but there are others who oppose her and the decision that was concluded demanded them to fight for the chair. So registration is in place as the best five will fight Ife in a one on one match. It's going to be awesome".

"Oh", I nodded. "That's why the D class students were restless after the class".

"Are you going to sign up?", Annika asked me.

"Me?", I pointed to my chest. "No"

"Oh what of you guys",She asked the rest of the group.

"I sent mine"

"Same here"

Both Kwami and Aluna said acknowledging their desire to participate.

"Monsters",Kofi replied sounding surprised. "You do know how strong she is".

"Yep she's strong", Aluna crossed her arms. "I have been working on a technique and she's the best candidate to try it on".

"Ah what about you Kwami", Annika asked looking at Kwami.

"Only by battling with someone strong can you be able to fix your flaws".

True,I said in my mind. I'm also fighting with a monster in human form. I should be able to land a hit today. Let's just see.

"the battle starts today and the best 5 will be chosen, Kofi mused drumming his fingers on the table. It's best you guys....

Suddenly he stopped as he saw someone who made him lowered his head. A girl appeared at my side and stared at my face. Every one around me froze with the head downwards as she came.

"Hey you", she said pointing to me. "Why did you tell me I look familiar".

Oh she's the girl from yesterday,I said inside me. She's fierce as usual.

"I just felt so",I replied nonchalantly.

"You felt so?",she scoffed. "What's this?a prank?"

"Look I'm sorry if I offended you", I apologized looking at her face. But your face just triggered a memory and I wondered if you knew me as well".

"Is that so"

The air pressure thickened but I wasn't fazed. I have received much worse.

"Don't ever talk to me again", she said in a commanding voice. "I was just worried for nothing".

After she left, all eyes were on me. I could hear whispers and mumbling

"Did you talk to her?", Kofi asked me. His voice showed concern

"Yeah why"

"Omg that's the forbidden damsel", Kofi almost screamed.

" I'm still surprised you could look at her face", Kwami said with his hand on his chest. Is he calming himself?

"She didn't even attack when you did that".

"What's with the name",I asked clearly confused.

"Well damsel as she's cute",Kofi answered.

I saw Aluna rolling eyes. I even heard a comment from the next table saying "that's right brother".

"And for forbidden as she's dangerous. I heard boys are scared to even talk to her or woo her".

"I once saw a guy who tried to and landed in the hospital. She almost crippled him" Kwami replied shuddering.

"It's said she's also fast", Annika also added. "Even faster than her rank".

Is it her special ability,I thought.

"I even heard only ten students in first years have the right to look at her face and that's because they are stronger than her. A class are scary".

"What about her family", I asked wanting to know more

"Shh, don't talk about them",Kofi answered placing a finger in my mouth. "Anyways what ever you are planning, stop. Infact, I want no part. I can even deny knowing you".

"That's right brother", I heard that voice again.

I didn't know she's that scary,I said in my mind. Interesting

"Let's go to the training center", Aluna said. She hasn't spoken in a while. "People are staring at us even the A class".

I left with them. She was right. I was the center of attention as many people took note of my face.

"Oh I have to go somewhere, I said leaving them immediately. " I'd see you guys later"

"Does he have a girlfriend?, I heard Aluna say

"I don't know", I heard Kofi reply.

Anyways, I went to the huntress training room, leaving them and met the huntress reading.

"I heard Oyin talked to you today", She said closing the book

"Who's that?",I asked

"The girl who had a nice chat with you in the cafeteria", She replied with her eyebrows up.

"Oh that's her name"

"What's your affiliation with her?", She asked wondering.


"You mean you don't know her"


"She barely related with anybody", Gladys said with her finger on her chin. "All she does is train. How did you meet".

I told her everything and she was stunned.

" I'm surprised you were set free just like that. She has a reputation of beating those who look at her face. Your luck must be strong.That's interesting. Anyways you didn't complete your exercise today".

"Yeah I'd do that In the night", I coughed avoiding her eyes.

"Ok, you better", Gladys said reading herself. "Are you ready".

"Yeah", I said taking my stance

The air blew around us as if it was a spectator. Soon Gladys and I moved at the same time hitting and blocking our attacks the same time.

"Why do I feel you are closing the gap even though your skill hasn't activated fully?",She said giving me a kick in the stomach.

I moved backwards stabilizing myself.

"Well it's because I'm able to move my body at a certain degree now", I said flexing my arm.

I moved in with jab to her face knowing she will block and she did. With speed, I raised and directed my leg to her neck. She blocked again before drawing me closer and headbutting me.

Tch,I moved back again

Even with my speed she can still react,I thought. As expected

"Ibe was really strong wasn't he?", I asked remembering the fight.

"Yes he was",She answered. With his new power and the added function of the potion ,he could back it up with his experience and tie with me.

"Aren't you a mage?"

"Yes so was he though he didn't have much skills in his arsenal".

"And you are a sword user?"

"I can't coat my sword with mana as It will destroy it but I can fight with a sword. Quit chatting and come already".

Mage class huh,I thought. She right, Ibe did have a lot of experience and he was good with daggers as well. He was busy battling with monsters thereby developing himself. I on the other hand have no experience at all but I have been given one. One very difficult and I won't hesitate to gain experience.

My feet hardened on the ground at that moment and in no time, I reached Gladys and we commenced the hand to hand combat. Blocking and taking out damage. She did block all of my attack leaving no opening. I on the other hand had received damage and also blocked her attack. Giving a leg sweep, I saw an opening. A small chance at her waist and I didn't waste it. I launched forward preparing my attack. She noticed and tried to hit me with her right hand. I side stepped holding her hand and hitting her right side at the same time.

My first hit.... Complete


"Where am I ",James asked after opening his eyes. He found himself in a cell with chains in his hand. "All I remember was running after Matilda".

"You are awake",A voice said bringing his focus to the next cell in which a feminine figure with her back resting on the cell facing him. He couldn't see her face as it was too dark

[Mana eyes]

On using his skill, he heard a click from his chains and a notification popped up in his screen but James didn't care as he wanted to know who the figure was.

"Oh Matilda", He sighed in relief as he saw her mana makeup. [Mana eyes] allowed him to view the changes with mana in the environment. He could also see the mana constitution of each person. "You are safe. What's going on? Why were we kidnapped?"

"Sorry you got dragged into this", Matilda apologized softly. "My father's company recently discovered a potion capable of curing mana burns. My guess is that the underground boss took me as hostage to prevent him from launching it".

"That's right", James said looking around. We are underground. If I could just break off this chains, we can escape.

"Don't even try it", Matilda replied with caution. "I'm sure you have used your skill already so it's impossible to break the chains now. Those are the [CHAINS OF RESTRICTIONS]. It's capable of restricting our strength and mana. So we are stuck as it's".

System, James called in his mind

< User, strength and mana is now restricted as the CHAINS OF RESTRICTIONS is in effect>

Is there any way to free myself

<Negative. User must find the key and use it. Only then will you be free>


[Name: James Lance

Class: Dual Class

Rank: D-

Potential: Unlimited

Strength: D-(Restricted)






Luck: D-



Willpower: D-

Mana:D-( Restricted)


Decrease: You have the ability to decrease an attack made towards you by 99 percent

???????? (Locked)


Master Elementalist( Evolving)

Mana eyes

Telekinesis (Locked)

Major Regeneration

Rapid Recovery

Danger sense


Flashy Steps

Revoltz style ]

"It's all restricted",James said in anger. "We have to find a way out of here".

Suddenly a light brighten in the cell and they could see two men coming towards them

"Well then kids", one of the man with different scars on his face said while chuckling. "Now's your lucky day as you have been called by boss. By the way,are you in love with those chains? I won't touch you for safety reasons but .."

He snapped his hand and both of them rose to the air.

Telekinesis, James pondered. No, it's gravity manipulation. Quite dangerous

"Now we can move",He smiled

They left the cell and were brought to the boss room after moving around a maze for a while. The man with scars knocked and waited for confirmation before entering. Inside was a fat man sitting with a smoke pipe in his mouth. Entering the room, He dropped the two on the ground and kneeled.

"I asked for the girl Carl", He said obviously angry. "Who's this"

"My Lord", Carl said still kneeling down. "If you'd forgive me, he was caught up dur...".

"Incompetent fools", He roared slamming the desk in front of him. "I have no use for him. Kill him".

"As you wish",Carl replied making James float and moving him closer to his face.

< A Quest has been triggered. You and your friend have been captured by an underground boss. Escape and defeat the boss.

Reward: a random reward

Penalty: Matilda death.>

"This is going to be a problem", James sighed


"Huh, Oyin talked with a guy", A feminine voice was heard over the phone

"Yes senior, she did", A guy with a deep voice replied. He didn't even respect her".

"He didn't respect her!", She exclaimed clearly her tone was in anger. "How dare him. What did you find about him?"

"He has no background and he's an orphan".

"Good", Her laughter was heard. "I just have to show him his place".



"Oh, It's time for the MC short introduction. Mc you have the floor".

"Thank you Author. My name is James Lance and I'm said to be the strongest youngsters for the first years. I have spent all my life in London training and gaining experience. I have a loving family and my father dotes on me a lot but my mother is strict. My younger sister on the other hand is a trickster. She's good".

" Anyways, the system was given to me since birth. How it happened,I don't know. I just had it like that. I thought it was common until I discovered that it was only me. I had few friends as most kids just wanted to associate with me just. Matilda was my childhood friend. We grew up together,battled together and even fought each other. She's a good friend that I don't want to lose. Now I have to save Matilda. I won't let her die".



Thank you very much MC for that introduction. Vote, comment and recommend my novel to your friends. Also don't forget to add to library. Happy weekend

Samuel_Onicreators' thoughts