
Chapter 93: Descended

"Why are you running, damn coward!" Leslie exclaimed angrily, looking around. In her hand was a large, slender sword, almost as big as her body, surrounded by yellow lightning. She walked with a scowl, scanning her surroundings, only to find grass with some roses of various colors. It was a meadow, the place where she was supposed to fight the demon—or so she thought. "Why are you hiding! Aren't you supposed to be a man?" She was beyond irritated, having spent four hours chasing the damned demon who kept running from her.

The demon was about the size of a child, no taller than 1.45 meters, but had a deep voice and a proud demeanor. The wretch even dared to look at her with disgust, which led her to cut off one of his arms. After that, he somehow managed to escape her sight and hadn't reappeared, leaving her frustrated after four hours of searching since their initial encounter.