
Chapter 61: Arriving in hell

"What are we doing in this place?" I asked the air, glancing around at my surroundings—or at least trying to, since it was dark. I could barely see anything, practically blind. The only light illuminating the place was a small lamp in my hand, which had a chain wrapped around my wrist, gently swinging from side to side. With the dim light that barely reached my eyes, I looked down at my feet and saw there were small steps leading downward. Beyond them, there was nothing but silent darkness... The problem was that we had been walking for nearly two hours, and I had the feeling we were descending in circles. I even started to think we were walking in loops. I glanced at the grand figure beside me...

Lilith had a soft smile on her lips. Unlike me, she didn't carry a lamp, which made it seem like she could see in the darkness of this place—or cave, since it felt more like a cave...