
Chapter 53: Defeat

"How's the situation going?" he asked as he watched Evelyn in the sky, arms raised, while the clouds were replaced by crimson flames, and from them fell large quantities of fire...

"Besides the extreme heat in this place..." Beatrice squinted her eyes, looking at the sea of ashes where they stood. She could clearly remember how just a few minutes ago, this place was filled with trees, plants, and more, all consumed by Evelyn's flames. She turned her gaze... "Lazy star... quite a curious nickname, don't you think?" she muttered to herself.

Daniela also looked at Evelyn. "It's incredible how much mana she has in her... The nickname 'Lazy Star' was one she gave herself. The reason is simple: she's always lazy, but when she gets angry, her body shines like a light, like a star, basically."

"Well, you know, I heard the class was eliminated just minutes after our attack," Beatrice commented casually. Daniela raised an eyebrow: "By Class Five?" she guessed.