
Extra's Pov

When you think everything's going well, the world will be publicizing his middle finger in your face. I lived a great life, a lovely family, great friends, a good job... I owned everything. Not only that, but I was also a writer... It was my hobby that I loved very much, as my novel “The Land of Survival” was a great success... Little did i realize at the time , that she would be the main reason for turning my life around, i was reincarnated inside my novel l, and worse than that........ inside the body of the much-hated villain frey. That failed villain who dies from the beginning. If a novel has 100 tracks, it will die in 99 of them... and I was not joking here. But who cares about it? I don't want this life... I've already owned everything... Spare me the second chances nonsense... Because one is enough for me.. Fu*k this world and fu*k the son of the b*tch who brought me here... I'm going back to my world... To my life... Whatever it takes.

just_an_extra1 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Senate Part 2


One word stuck in everyone's mind

Fry Starlight was clearly mocking Leonidas Starlight, the esteemed first family elder.

Before their eyes, an ant dared to defy a gigantic dragon...

The atmosphere in the room threatened to explode at any moment, especially in the terrifying glow cast off by Leonidas' eyes.

"I think I sped up..."

Maybe I shouldn't have provoked him. After all, what's the point if he goes crazy and kills me now?



Suddenly, I heard a voice... the sound of laughter.

I followed the sound to see a woman sitting to the right of Leonidas. She was laughing so hard that her chest was bouncing up and down.

'Oh, it's just as I imagined it...'

I smiled when I saw this lady. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties, with gray hair and deep black eyes.

She embodied the essence of a sexy woman.

However, it is important not to disregard the fact that she was an old woman who had managed to maintain her youthful appearance until now.

"What do you find amusing, Carmen?" Leonidas asked, taking a deep breath and restraining himself in front of Carmen, who continued to laugh. Thanks to her, the tension that had filled the air moments ago dissipated.

Carmen Starlight, perhaps the only person who could laugh in the presence of Leonidas... after all, she stood on equal footing with him.

"Sorry, sorry, old man. I was truly bored and couldn't help myself from laughing," Carmen apologized between laughs.

Leonidas gripped the handle of his luxurious chair, causing it to crumble into dust, before speaking with a commanding voice.

"Compose yourself, Carmen, and remember where you are."

"Alright, sorry~" Carmen ceased laughing, realizing she had crossed a line. The focus shifted back to me once again.

"Fry Starlight, are you mocking this council and me?" Leonidas inquired.

Upon hearing the question, I took a step forward.

"I am not mocking Your Excellency, but I meant every word of what I said. I have nothing to offer this family," I replied.

Taking a breath, I continued, "Because I will not become the next lord."

Leonidas raised an eyebrow, and whispers filled the room as everyone muttered under their breath.

"He won't be the next lord?"

"What does he mean by those words?"

Inwardly, I sighed, thinking, 'Why did they bring so many people here? They'll scrutinize every word I say... how bothersome.'

Leonidas silenced everyone before he continued.

"What do you mean, Fry Starlight? Didn't you come here to claim the title of lord?" Leonidas questioned.

I nodded. "That's correct... but not for me."

Turning around, I extended my arms towards my sister. "I relinquish my position and all that accompanies it to my sister, Ada Starlight, because she is more deserving of it."

Ada stepped forward and stood beside me.

The hall erupted into an even louder commotion than before, with the Senate members engaging in heated debates amongst themselves.

Leonidas kept his gaze fixed on me until the last moment, his thoughts unclear to me.

"I expected a boring discussion, but it seems to be getting more interesting," Carmen chuckled, sprawled in her chair, enjoying the spectacle.

I braced myself for the reaction to come.

"Stop joking, Fry Starlight,"

Leonidas declared.

And here we are..

Leonidas rose from his chair and positioned himself in front of the other elders.

"I don't understand... Why are you relinquishing your position? As far as I know, you was desperate to obtain it..."

"If Your Lordship does not know me, with all due respect, Elder Leonidas, I have never desired the position of lord, nor am I deserving of it," I explained.

"On the contrary, I usurped it from its rightful owner, Ada Starlight."

"Tell me, Elder Leonidas, is there anyone in this family more deserving than her?" I asked, scanning the room.

At first, I noticed several heads raised in agreement, but they soon suppressed their opinions. Among them was Emond, whom I had encountered the day before.

Leonidas stroked his beard as he looked at Ada. Though she appeared frail for her age, that alone was not the criterion for her evaluation. Her accomplishments spoke for themselves, and, most importantly, if she were to assume the position, the despised Fry would not become the lord.

"She is the youngest person in history to successfully manage the family business and achieve such remarkable success. Her accomplishments speak for themselves.

There is no one quite like her, who has achieved even half of what she has. In fact, I doubt anyone here, apart from the elders, has the courage to speak in her presence."

"She dedicated her life to serving the family, and what do I have to show in return?" I shrugged, a smirk on my face.

"As I said earlier... nothing."

"She's the one who should become the lord..."

I took a step back, waiting for a response. Truth be told, I wasn't worried. I was confident they wouldn't refuse, considering I was now giving them what they desired.

. . .

"Fry," I felt a tug from behind and realized it was Ada.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Did you perhaps exaggerate a bit back there?"

"Where's the exaggeration? on the contrary, I believe I haven't said enough... Maybe you should have come forward and spoken for yourself too."

"Mm." Ada lowered her head, and I couldn't discern her expression.

'What's this? Is she weak against praise? Or is she simply content with obtaining the position?'

Well, the most crucial moment has yet to arrive.

"Move forward, Fry Starlight," Leonidas called me, confirming my expectations that they wouldn't take much time.

I gave them what they wanted, and now it's time for them to give me what I want.

"Fry starlight, I have one final question for you. Are you absolutely certain about your decision? You are defying the will of your father, Abraham, who wanted you to become the lord of this family."

"I am confident in my decision."

I didn't care about Abraham's desires. He may have been Fry's father, but not mine.

"Since this is your final decision, I am pleased to inform you that we have granted your request. However, tell me, what do you plan to do after relinquishing your title? Will you spend the rest of your life living with your sister?"

I was ready for this.

"That doesn't sound so bad... Living in the shadow of my beloved sister."

"Unfortunately, I already have other plans."

"Oh...let me hear it," Leonidas responded.

"I intend to to focus on my private sword art. I have come to realize my own weakness, and thus, I wish to embark on a training journey. I thought of seeking Your Excellency's assistance in this matter."

"A training journey?" Leonidas raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I wish to venture into the eastern nightmare lands."

I saw the surprise on Leonidas' calm face,and even Ada, standing beside me, furrowed her brow upon hearing my words. It was natural; I had never disclosed my intended destination to her.

"Fry Starlight, did I hear you correctly? You want to go to the eastern nightmare lands?"

"That is correct," I affirmed with a nod.

Laughter rippled through the audience. Perhaps they were starting to perceive me as mad.

"Do you even comprehend what awaits you there?" Leonidas questioned.

"I am fully aware of the perils within the Nightmare Lands, but even so, my determination remains unwavering."

Leonidas fell into silence, attempting to grasp the situation. He exchanged meaningful glances with some of the elders seated beside him.

The old man's mind was whirling, realizing that this might be the perfect opportunity to rid himself of the troublesome Fry, who had caused him so much trouble over the years.

Ironically, it appeared that Fry intended to confront his fate without any external interference.

If it were up to him, he would have sent him immediately to the Nightmare Lands, but first, he needed to gather everyone's opinions and ensure Fry's intentions.

"Fry starlight, why would you choose to venture into the perilous Nightmare Lands, especially when our family offers a perfect environment for practice? Why risk yourself in such a dangerous place?"

Tsk... You old hypocrite.

Is he trying to appear considerate? I know you wish me dead.

"The place I am aiming for is what was formerly known as China. I've heard that it houses profound fighting styles and techniques. Moreover, the Nightmare Lands provide a suitable training environment."

I started despising myself for the excessive nonsense I was spouting. I must look like a clown now.

The spectators couldn't contain their laughter; chuckles echoed from every corner.

It makes sense. I, a F-class, suddenly emerge out of nowhere and proclaim my desire to train in a place where monsters can surpass S-class... It's utterly hilarious.

"Fry, what the hell are you—"

"Please be silent; your turn is already over."

With a piercing gaze, I met Ada's eyes, causing her to involuntarily flinch.

The laughter surrounding me didn't bother me; I only required the consent of those seated atop the hierarchy.

"Allow me to clarify... You wish to journey to the eastern Nightmare Lands, specifically to what you refer to as China, and you seek our assistance in accomplishing that?"

"That's correct. I cannot venture all the way alone, hence I require the council's support to reach my destination, after which I will proceed independently."

I was certain that within the family, there would be at least one individual capable of facilitating my journey without complications. After all, this was the Starlight family.

"Is this your final request?"

"Well, actually... no..."

"Before embarking on my expedition to the Nightmare Lands, I wish to lay claim to two of the skills our family has amassed." Leonides raised an eyebrow, causing the laughter to dissipate from the surroundings.

"On what basis do you demand these skills?"

"That's a simple matter..."

I raised a finger.

"Firstly, I insist on receiving the skill granted to me during my puberty, as any other member of the main family."

I raised a second finger.

"Secondly, as per the agreement between Ada and myself, my sister will relinquish her right that accompanies the position of lord by selecting a skill."

And that accounts for the two skills.

I placed both hands behind my back and smiled towards the council in front of me, but at that moment...


Another individual rose from his seat and descended from the stage.

He accelerated as he descended, coming to collide with the floor of the hall.

Upon closer observation, I caught sight of a man in his fifties, to be precise, an elder version of Emond...

It came as no surprise that this was his father, possessing the same distinctive traits of white hair and black eyes.

"Uncle Jiyeon," Ada, who stood beside me,

confirmed my suspicions...

But what did he desire?

"Jiyeon," Leonides called out, but Jiyeon paid no heed and took a few steps toward me.

"Forgive me, Leonidas, but I will no longer participate in this child's play."

"Child's play?"

My thoughts raced, as I hadn't anticipated this turn of events and remained unsure of the man's intentions as he approached.

"My nephew."

"You know...i've always felt troubled by your existence..."

"And it seems like you do too, so you're spouting shit here, about wanting to go to the Nightmare Lands."

"Even though I, being at rank S, can't freely explore that place, you, weak at rank F, want to go there... yeah, I understand, you want to end your life..."

Jiyeon pulled a long scabbard around his waist.


"Don't try to stop me, Leonidas..."

"I understand that you want to take your own life, but taking two valuable skills of the family with you..."

"Why don't we save time and effort, instead of you dying at the hands of random monsters... Shall I just kill you right here, right now?"


Ada attempted to stop him but was quickly subdued.

"Don't interfere."

I also took a few steps back ,where did this troublesome situation come from now?

His steps remained steady, and I observed a concentrated aura shimmering around his sword.

A white fire made of concentrated, salt-like energy... It is a Stardust technique... I wouldn't be surprised if I were completely wiped out by the size of the aura he has amassed...

"Are you kidding me?"

I glanced at the elders upstairs... Leonidas was still standing there with his hands behind his back.

I turned to the audience... everyone averted their gazes.

No one will intervene.

He will truly kill me.

Wait... perhaps this scenario was planned from the beginning.

Maybe Fry would have died here anyway?

I felt a cold sweat trickling down my back.

I was mistaken... I was arrogant... I believed I knew everything as the author...

Jiyeon stood before me, raising his sword.

"Farewell, Fry starlight."

I'm destined to die... I couldn't survive more than a month in my own novel... How pathetic.

Jiyeon's strike was too swift to track with my eyes, so I could only anticipate the moment my body would be torn apart...

But nothing happened... in fact, the unexpected occurred...

I am unsure when, but at some point, a woman appeared in front of me...

Everything transpired in an instant.

Jiyeon's strike, unseen by my eyes until it was intercepted by Carmen, who effortlessly grasped the stardust-infused blade with her bare hand.

Instantly, Carmen gracefully pivoted and delivered a powerful missile kick, launching Jiyeon into the wall at the far end of the hall.

Everything unfolded so rapidly that I could only observe in silence...

Jiyeon's sword now in Carmen's hand... I observed the veins on her slender hand convulsing vigorously before she clenched her fist, causing the destruction of the sword...


"Look at yourself, Leonidas... resorting to tricks against a mere child..."

Carmen took two deliberate steps forward, assuming a poised stance.

"I have no interest in the politics of this family. I don't care who rises or falls, as long as I find a worthy opponent."

"Isn't it absurd? A fish the size of a whale wanting to swim with a tiny worm... Don't you agree, Jiyeon?"

The latter emerged from the hole in the wall, visible veins forming on his forehead.


"Listen attentively... If this child desires to meet his demise, then he shall do so by his own hand. Each individual here holds the power to determine their own fate

Nothing less... Only a short while ago, he would have been the head of this family, and now you wish to kill him? Don't make me laugh."

Carmen exuded an S+-class oppressive aura that instilled terror, causing everyone to freeze in horror.

I witnessed silver gloves materialize out of thin air, encasing Carmen's arms... She appeared ready to wage war.

On the other hand, Jiyeon advanced once more, manifesting a sword from the aura in his hand. He emanated a formidable pressure, but he paled in comparison to Carmen.

However, the tides soon shifted as the immortal lion, Leonides, descended upon the hall as well...

Jiyeon smiled with relief, while fear flickered across Carmen's face.

"Come to me."

"That's right, you ungrateful old bitch."

Suddenly, Jiyeon spewed forth a torrent of blood due to the treacherous attack he received from Leonidas.


Carmen was caught off guard by the turn of events.

Jiyeon collapsed to the ground, his head brutally crushed by Leonidas, whose expression remained impassive until the end.

Finally, the Immortal Lion lifted Jiyeon's lifeless body and addressed the entire crowd.

"Please excuse us, it appears that Jiyeon still struggles to control himself, exhibiting behavior unbefitting of the council... Please forgive him."

Leonidas discarded the body of the person who was supposed to be an elder similar to himself, then approached me.

But Carmen quickly stopped him.

"It's fine, he will obtain what he desires... He can journey to the realm of nightmares or any other domain and meet his end as he pleases."

"I will never comprehend your true intentions, Leonidas."

Carmen sighed before turning to me but quickly winced when she looked me in the eye.

I stood there, unmoving, my gaze fixed on Leonadis and everyone surrounding him.

'Sons of a bitch...'

My fingernails dug deep into the skin of my palm

'You'd better pray... pray that I pass and go back to my world.'

'Cause if I don't... I'll be the one to bury your fucking ass'

Carmen laughed..

"Are these really the eyes of someone who wants to commit suicide?"