
Blind Predator (2)

Tap... Tap...

My heart raced as I dashed through the empty village, my mind racing to come up with a plan. 


The blind Shadow Anaconda was still behind me, destroying buildings and wreaking havoc, its thunderous crashes filling the air. 

The creature has been chasing me for more than an hour now, its enormous size and relentless pursuit making it seem like a nightmare out of a horror film.

I needed to outsmart this creature, to use its lack of sight to my advantage.

As I ran, I spotted a narrow alleyway up ahead, partially obscured by debris. Without a second thought, I veered into the alley, my footsteps echoing off the walls. The alley was tight, forcing me to slow down and navigate carefully. 

My eyes darted around, searching for any potential escape routes or hiding spots.

Boom... Crash...

The sound of destruction grew quieter, indicating that the blind Shadow Anaconda was still tearing through the village. 

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