
Extra's Descent

‘Is this… an interface?’ Despite having no knowledge of where he was, he was familiar with the system interface. After all, it was oddly similar to the novel he closely followed. But… ‘This doesn’t make any sense, I should have died already.’ —--------------------------- After a tragic accident, he found himself transmigrated inside one of his favorite novels. He realized he was now Brandon Locke, an unfamiliar character, an extra. Armed with knowledge about the future, Brandon now has to traverse this new world all on his own. ---------------------------------- Join the Discord Server for the character illustrations and such! Discord Server: https://discord.gg/zukKB2ppDp Hoping for support on my first novel. Comments are well appreciated!

athex · Kỳ huyễn
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224 Chs

Enigma [1]


Just what did the original Brandon do for Belle to feel like he resented her?

Another opportunity presented itself.


"...What do you mean?"

"So you don't remember?"

"It's been six years."

"It's been plaguing my mind these past few months. But turns out, you actually forgot."

Cold sweat started beading from Brandon's forehead.

Looking at Belle, she seemed anxious.

'So their relationship ended off on the wrong foot then?'

Belle then shook her head.

"Since you've forgotten about it, that means you actually don't resent me then."

She smiled.

"That's good enough for me."


Where the hell is this conversation going?

"It's funny."

She snapped him out of his thoughts as she spoke while looking at the distance.