
Entering World of Treacherous Shadows [2]

No one could tell what was wrong with Neo's Shadow element. 

The only explanation they had was Neo's Shadow element was, somehow, stuck in a half-awakened state. 

Something that was impossible. 

"I'll find out the answer soon." 

He returned to the mansion when it got chilly. 

After taking a shower, he turned to the bed for sleep. 

Next morning, he had a short breakfast. 

"Where are you going?" Morrigan questioned him just as he was hurrying to leave before Henry caught him. 

Because Henry wouldn't let him go if he told him where he was going. 

"I'm going for training," he answered ambiguously. 

"Stay safe," Morrigan said as she leaned against the wall. "The Supreme Deity of Shadows isn't hostile to outsiders. 

"But it won't help you as easily as you think." 

"….how did you know where I was going?" 

"Felix told me a week ago that you will try to enter the World of Shadows soon.