

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

AHBAB_SABAB · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Solviered Kingdom: MARKS


Solviered Kingdom: Part 7


The Stronk jumped on top of a tree with the same height as a two story building, in one jump. Violet was shocked to see that. On the other hand, Hakuji and Prince were still standing at their same position. Violet knew that they weren't going to do anything unless she was an inch far from death.

The Stronk disappeared in the blink of an eye. Turning her head everywhere, Violet tried to find it. All she could see was his legs. It was running really fast, on the trees. She was seeing just a pair of legs in extreme motion. It was too fast for her to keep up and catch it. She wasn't trained much in stealth because of her belonging to the Sorcerer division.

Suddenly a wood branch came from one of the gaps between the trees and hit her head. It didn't damage much but made her scared. Suddenly, three branches came flying from different directions. She barely managed to dodge them using air pressure. She didn't know what to do as her eyes couldn't keep up with its speed.

Watching her confused, the Prince sighed and said after, "Focus! Put some magical power on your eyes. Focus on what you can see, the feets."

Doing as she was told, she started gathering magical power on eyes, torso and wrists. The magical power gathered on her eyes made it really bright and it started to glow. She realised that she can see the Stronk's whole body after following the Stronk's feets with the developed eyes. Not only did she see the Stronk but she also realised that the thing she was thinking to be its legs wasn't its legs but just two big branches of a tree. The Stronk was still running on four feets and was gathering wood branches on a certain tree. She didn't know what that was trying to do but she was still concerned about the plan it had built. That concern made her move from the place where she was standing before. Putting some magic powers on her feets, she jumped really high in the same level as the Stronk. Using air pressure, she started to stand on nothing. She was floating in the air when she started to enchant….


She was casting the spell when she realised that the stronk had jumped on her from behind. The stronk wasn't in the place where she was aiming. The thing she thought to be the Stronk was just a shadow of the trees.


Unable to think of anything, she casted a wind pressure ball that knocked the Stronk back. The knockback also worked on Violet. They both fell to the ground. Falling from such a height didn't do anything to the Stronk but Violet had hurt her head, it started bleeding right away. She still didn't give up as the Prince was standing there. She was trying to stand but she was having a hard time because of feeling dizzy. The stronk had gone berserk, it came running towards her back on four feets. She hardly stood up, leaning on her stick. By the time she stood up, the Stronk had reached her. She dodged it doing a backflip as the Stronk failed butting his horn into her stomach. While she was still in the air, she enchanted…


The wand casted a green, white and transparent laser which went through the Stronk's head. She put some magic powers on hand and swinged her wand to behead the Stronk.

The stronk was beheaded. As soon as it was beheaded, Violet also fell to the ground and blacked out.

"Prince, maybe we pushed her too much," Hakuji said.

"Yeah, shit! We should get back to Mort's place,"Prince ordered.

They came to the dungeon in a horse carriage. So it was easy to take Violet back to the healer's place. Violet was lying down while Prince and Hakuji were sitting beside her.

"She seems to be not hurt anywhere else except the head,"Hakuji said.

"Yeah, must be the lungs that made her black out. She used too much magic outside her capacity,"Prince said.


They were going then in the middle way, Hakuji saw something.

"Wait, stop the cart,"Hakuji said to the coachman. They were beside a pond then.

"Why?"Prince asked.

"Prince, look at the pond. The footsteps under it. It is the Deadly's footsteps,"Hakuji said. There were no footsteps anywhere except the pond because the pond floor was mud.

"Dang it! It moved. This way isn't the town but it will make its way to the town if it goes like this. To the town, fast,"the Prince ordered the coachman.

The prince always looked calm, no matter what. Even this didn't break his calmness.

They had left the place. They only saw the footsteps under the pond but they missed a thing. Far right of the pond is forest. There are some freshly burnt wood pieces in front of some trees. Looks more like a bonfire which was ruined.


In the hospital of Mort,

Violet was lying on one of the beds being treated. Mort, Hakuji and Prince were sitting beside her.

"Mort, remember the deadly? It might make its way to the town soon. You have to do a job for us. Will you be able to help us?"Hakuji said.

"Of course, my pleasure. Please give me the orders,"Mort replied.

"Good, we will be leaving with Violet early in the morning to find the Deadly. Please treat her as soon as you can and also we will be going alone to defeat the Deadly. So if we fail, it won't be long before it finds the way to town,"Hakuji was saying when he got stopped by Mort.

"What are you saying? Don't say something like that. You'll never fail. You and Prince are too powerful for just one Deadly,"Mort said.

"Yeah, I alone could have defeated a Deadly but it is from the highest ranked species of the Deadly division. Not sure what happens,"Hakuji said.

"Anyways, We want you to gather all the adventurers, tell them to take position in the gate line to protect the Kingdom from the Deadly and as for the next successor of the kingdom, I want you to give it to Thomas,"Prince said.

"I will fulfil the duty but I believe in you that you won't fail,"Mort said.

"Thanks for the wishes,"Prince said with the kind smile he always has on his face.

The species is one of the strongest or is the strongest of the Deadly division. It is named "THURN". It is a creature almost like a T-REX. It is not as tall as a T-REX but still it is really tall, as tall as a 5 story building. It has a V shaped head with a crazy amount of thorns on its head and neck. It has a huge hand if we compare it to a T-REX. The hands are like human hands of a professional bodybuilder. It can either have wings or not. It holds the magic power of Flame. Only Deadly's and Devils hold special division powers where the other Division just use nulled magic. Nulled magic is the magic division where there are no elemental specialties. Devils use the same magic division as humans. Deadlys have a different division system.

AQUA: It is the same as Water waves.

FIRE: it is the same as Flame Breath.

WIND: It is the same as Windy Strike.

RAY: It works exactly the same as the others just it casts purple laser.

As the sun was rising, Prince and Hakuji left the hospital with Violet on a horse carriage. Violet has been healed completely in only a day this time. Violet has been told about the plan. Violet was concerned the whole way about everything that was happening.

"My name is Violet. Or is it? It is the name the Prince told me. Who am I? How did I grow up? Who are my parents? Where did I live before? A prince, kind to me? Taking care of me? Why? Who am I? My past….. This thing keeps eating my mind. What is happening? Why am I scared? I am going to a Deadly dungeon. It holds a creature that is the one of the strongest of the Deadly division. Still they are taking me to the dungeon? Who am I? What am I to them? Prince takes care of me. The way he trained and teached me, the foods he brought, the way he is so funny and the way he is so kind to me. He holds some kind of hope in me, doesn't he? He believes in me. But why? I am just a normal human. I don't know who I am. Maybe I am a special human, born special in this world. My parents believed in me. Something happened that killed them. Now the prince is using my potential to develop this Kingdom. Or maybe my true potential is hidden? Prince is trying to awaken it. A Deadly, where the prince is forbidding professional and trained adventurers to go there, why me? Believe? My true potential? Is there actually something like that? Or am I just drawing on the air? Do they actually believe in me? My parents, Prince, Lord Hakuji and Mrs. Mort,"the thoughts kept wandering around her mind.


"As I was thinking all that. We had reached the place. The LEUKUS POND"....


[To be continued….]