

A girl named Violet and A guy named Arthur got reincarnated into a new world. Suddenly, they see a monster and it attacked them. Will they survive? What is this world? Why are they here?

AHBAB_SABAB · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs




A New World

"Huh? What is this place?"

When I slept last night, I was in the my bed but this place feels not normal. This place was too weird to be in the country I live. I realised I was on a beach. When I looked at the sea, whoa, my jaw dropped. The sea was so blue. It was like a painting. I remember, I lived near the sea too. But that sea water could be compared to charcoal. It was like charcoal mixed in the water . When I looked at the sky it was clearer. The air felt so refreshing. It was easier to breathe. The place was beautiful but it seemed weird. No way a place like this exists in my country.

I had realised it, this is a dream.

"Let's live in this beautiful dream world as much as I can," I said with excitement.

When I looked to my left, there was someone sitting there.

"Umm, excuse me? Do you know what this place is?"

He didn't say anything.

"Hey, I am talking to you."

He still kept his silence.

"Hey, what's your name?"

This time he answered


"Oh, nice name. I am violet."

I realised he speaks my language. That means it is the same country. But as much as I remember, there is no place like this near in my country.

"Hey you, do you feel something weird?"He asked me.

"No. I don-" as I was saying that I realised that he is right. Something is not right here. I feel a weird presence.

Suddenly, he looked towards something in the woods. When I saw his face I realised that he was so handsome.

"Hey, what's that thing?" he said pointing to something.

When I looked where he was pointing to, I was shocked.

I saw a weird creature in front of me. It had a frickingly long neck. There were some veins on top of its head. It was green and it was glowing like emeralds. It looked like a tree in human shape.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Arthur said.

"Why?" I replied

"Look at it,his smile is weird. It looks evil," Arthur replied as he was standing up.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? ru-" as Arthur was saying that the monster jumped in front of us. That was not a small jump. It was almost 20 metres away from us. He reached here with only one jump.

The environment became dull and sandy really quickly. I felt a branch in my shoulder. I had realised it was the monster.

Then I saw Arthur jumping on the monster. He tackled it and told me to run away.

"But what about you?" I replied.

"I used to be a good athlete. I can catch up to you. Don't worry about me," he replied as he was pushing the monster and trying to get out of its veins. Hearing that, I ran like crazy. I used to be a runner in high school. Suddenly, I hit something.

It was the monster. When I looked back, Arthur was still fighting that monster. It means this is a different one. Arthur looked at me. He saw another monster in front of me. He got out of its veins and kicked it. It went really far. He was indeed strong.

"Run to you right. In the woods," he said as he was running towards the woods too.

I ran with him. He was indeed really fast. He was even faster than me. I remember when I ran, I could go up to 30 miles per hour. Somehow he was even faster than me.

"We can't run any longer," he said as we were running.

"Why" I asked

"Look behind,"

I looked behind and saw that both of them were coming after us.

"If we keep running like this, we'll eventually run out of energy and we are not sure how long it will take us to find humans if we run straight," he said.

"What should we do then?" I asked.

"I have a plan. I am pretty sure they can't understand us. There is a circular stone in front of us outlined with trees. First, we'll go the opposite ways. Pick up anything you find. A stone or a branch anything. If they go after only one person the other one will attack from behind. If they also split up and go after each of us, we fight them hand on hand."

"So are you saying we should kill it?" I asked.

"There's nothing else we can do at this moment. Just do as I say. If you can't kill it just hold it until I come."

As we planned, we went different ways. The monsters stood before that circular stone for a little bit and then they split up too. They are smart. Now we both have a monster behind us. Suddenly i hear a Arthur screaming and saying,

"run around the circular stone. It'll help both of us to attack these monsters."

I did as he said. Now I could see that Arthur has a very sharp branch in hand. He was lucky. I saw a branch near me too. I picked it up as I was running.

Arthur is running and he turned back suddenly and pierced that monster with the branch. Some black stuff came out of it. Arthur then picked up a giant rock and then smashed its head. I saw the thing. I felt bad for it but I could not do anything.

I accidentally tripped on a branch. I fell to the ground. The monster had caught me.

It was covering me and getting me stuck in its branches. It felt like time had stopped and also time was going really fast at that time. I tried to get out of it but I could not. I was hitting it with the branch in my hand but it broke too. My mind was not working. Is it the end?

Then I heard something.

Arthur had smashed its head with the stone. It fell to the ground. Arthur gets me out slowly by breaking every branch.


"Are you okay?" Arthur asked

I replied positively.

We both sat next to a tree, exhausted and catching our breath.

I had realised we are in a different place and this ain't a dream. This is too realistic to be a dream. I had cut my leg when I was running. It can feel it. In a dream, I should not be feeling anything. I also saw that Arthur has a big scar on his left hand and it's bleeding.

"Hey, you are bleeding"

"You cut your leg too. Why are you worried about me?"

"Wait, I'll do something." as i said that and stood up…i started to feel uneasy again. I felt the presence again.

"Arthur, do you feel it again?"

"I do," he said calmly

I was really shocked that he is so calm in a position like this. Then I saw the thing i never wanted to see.

I could see both of the monsters regenerating their heads. Some black and emerald coloured smoke was coming out of its head and that was regenerating it. I looked at Arthur. He was watching it calmly.

"What should we do now?" I asked

He said nothing.

"Hey," I screamed

He still stayed silent.

"Hey, we are in danger. Are you just gonna stay like this and not say anything?"

This time he replied very calmly

"What can we do? This is not like the world I was in. It has monsters that can regenerate even after we crush its head. It can run a lot and not be tired. It can jump much farther. It has abnormal ability. There is nothing I can do. If you have something in mind, tell me."

I was shocked. He had given up.

"But let's try and run" I said

"Didn't you see? They are fast. They weren't even using all the power to run. They can run even faster. We can't outrun it," Arthur replied

I was scared and shocked. My legs and hands went numb. I could not do anything. I could not even think of anything. All I was thinking if it was the end. As both of it was coming towards us slowly, I was beginning to panic more. Everything around me was becoming black. All I could see was a void in front of me.



"What? What is that? A light? No, it isn't a light. That's…that's a sword."

A sword pierced through both of the monsters.

"What!" I was shocked. So there are humans here. When Arthur pierced it it regenerated but now it's vanishing in the air.

"Are you two alright?"

He speaks my language!

"Yes, We are fine. You saved us right in time. They were going to do something bad with us," I replied

"Don't worry. Sorry, I was late."

Late? What did he mean by that? Did he know we were gonna get teleported to this new world?

"Umm…who are you?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Johan cambodice. 2nd prince of the Solviered Kingdom,"

Prince? What? Which era is this?

Though he actually looks like a prince. He is cold. The clothes look royal and oh my…he's handsome. He had two men behind him. I guess they are his bodyguards.

"Nice to meet you, prince," I said while bowing.

"Please no, why are you bowing? I guess you don't know about this world. Let's get back to the kingdom. I was sent here to save you both."

"Nice!" I was so happy at the moment

that we wouldn't die.

My eyes fell on Arthur. I didn't notice before but he had blacked out. The

Prince saw that too.

"Hey, check him. What happened?" he ordered his bodyguards.

The bodyguards were checking him. When they moved his hands from his chest we saw that he had a hole in his chest. I was really shocked. He got that by fighting that monster before. He was trying to save me. I guess that's why he gave up that time. I was regretting this. I was so useless. He got that because he was trying to save me.

"Did he die?" I said while I was scared and shivering.

"Don't worry, He'll be absolutely fine," Prince Johan said.

"Let's get back to the kingdom as fast as possible. He can be saved, "he added.

I believed Johan and prayed while going to the kingdom the entire time.




But I guess that was a mistake....


[To be continued....]