
Explaining The characters

Elly_West · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Etta's character details

Name- Etta

Strength physical/magical- She's pretty balanced between the two

Role in the battle- Assassin, crowd control

Weapons of choice- Shadow blade

Ranking- she is 3rd in command behind Israel Alex and Elly

Power- She can turn into shadows so her opponent doesn't see her well and this will make her fast too. She can control the shadows to her will. The only shadow she cant control is another person. She can also bring an ally or enemy into her shadows to either move them somewhere or kill them easier. She can summon her shadow blade at will.

Weapon explanation- Shadow blade

If this blade hits a person's shadow it will also go to the actual body. If the blade his the person and goes inside even a little she can send a shadow through them and kill them from the inside out.