


I wished it would end. The pain.

I was sitting under the shelf covered with a huge cloth . Beside me was a young girl, my age with ,pretty dark hair but sea blue eyes that seemed like the ocean. She was listening to the conversation intently, which was going on between a man and a child.

"I won't even care if he dies." She whispered.

" me too." I heard myself agree.

We were talking about the young boy standing next to the computer.

"Bring me the specimen Caden." The man spoke. He sat on a stool and his eyes were on the microscope in front of him. He had a short stubbleand wore a white lab coat. Though his eyes were cold and merciless. The young boy went over to him and did whatever he said. He was just like him, EVIL.

"So listen" Thalia spoke beside me, " they can't know we are alive and they must not see us when we do our work." I nodded, " according to what you told me the plan is this way...."


I felt light fill my eyes and focus on something above me. Ocean, they were beautiful. Those eyes.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

The now older Thalia was hovering over me and looked worried.

I glanced around and gathered that i was in a bedroom and my left side was really painful. But felt better than before.

"I'm ok," i said, my voice hoarse. " where are we?"

"This is my flat and my best friend was a surgeon, she helped me bandage you." She explained, " you passed out on the pavement soon and we brought you here. You got stitches and well..... i did try again to heal you like i should but .... it didn't work. Why wouldn't it work? Anyways, this means you must heal yourself now." She pursed her lips and sat beside me.

"I still find it hard to beleive you know, that it's you. You're Thalia and we meet after ten years." I spoke and she smiled sadly, " didn't your friend ask questions?" I asked.

" oh, Quinn knows everything. Don't worry about that." She said .


"So..... Theon." She sat down beside me on the bed, " can i ask how that dagger turned to dust?"

I was waiting for that question and the answer was not so complicated.

"Thalia you and i were affected far more than any of the escapers of that incident. We..... and i know you definitely are cursed with abilities not supported by human body. The thing is your ability is now part of you and mine i can never adjust to that." I spoke answering her question. Her eyes focused on me and she wore a frown on her face.

" what is it , that you are cursed with?" She asked in a whisper.

I sighed and prepared myself for her reaction.

" Destruction. Pure destruction, cataclysmic kind." I spoke and her lips parted. And she stared into  my eyes. I waited for her to flinch from me but she spoke.

" destruction, i see."



I sighed and sat on the sofa in the living room. The television switched on and muted while i stared at it blankly.

The  front door clicked on open lightly and i saw Quinn enter the room.

" can we talk?" She asked. I nodded and let her sit beside me. She was always gorgeous. Not because she was really beautiful which she was but bcs she carried herself with confidence.

" so are you sure he is Theon. The Theon?" She asked.

" yes."

" no i mean you were attacked.... and he showed up. You didn't ask him how or why he was here. Anything can happen . What if he is with the bad guys and pretending?" She was really worried, i loved her.

" Quinn, look, if he was with the bad guys he wouldn't want to kill his fellows and secondly he got stabbed for me. Also i know you're concerned but this is the guy who lost his entire family because of those people. He would rather die than be with them. And you know , i dont want to push him with questions so quick. I want to get comfortable with him first.......It's been ten years." I amswered with a deep sigh.

Theon and i used to be good friends. We spent a year of childhood togethor and got seperated because of a tragedy. Even though i was really young. I still see flashes of it in dreams.

Crash! The ceiling fell to the ground on the other side of the huge lab.

" mom! Dad!" I called to the people in the confined glass rooms. The man in the white lab coat ran to save himself.

" Thalia!" I heard the young boy beside me. " that gas pipe os leaking . What if it is explosive?" He was panicking.

" vheck for any windows and open them!" I shouted back and ran to the glass cages.

i reached them and saw my mom on the ground . Her body was weak and my dad was beside her, pulling her up. The card identification key was in my small fingers as i slid it over the lock.

" come out!" I made them follow. " mom! Are you okay?" I asked while Theon shouted something.

" i can't find  an exit !" He cried. Impossible there must be . I ran to help him as he stood by the south wall. We checked the right side of the huge room and my eyes landed on the suspended container filled with something semi solid hovering inside.

They were two , encircling in orbit with eachother. I couldn't focus away from them. When i heard my dad.

" Kids! Over here!" They were with Theon's parents and they had found the door .

They went towards it and i heard it...... gunshots. Four gunshots. And  then the red flames engulfed the whole space as the gas in the room caught fire.

.... it was very bright.

" Hey Thalia! You spaced out." Quinn interupted my thoughts. " should i order some chowmein? You love it right?"

I smiled and nodded. I had to be easy.


A/n: feedback plz! Love you!♥️