
Expectations Surpass Reality

whats a sypnosis i dont feel like looking it up;-;

KJAWESOME99 · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Amazing Discovery

"You think can dodge my attack's" The guy say's Before shooting a flame beam that Xilo barely Dodge's *his aura is nothing special so he has to be at least D rank* He thought to himself before another beam hit him square in the chest leaving him with no breath.

He tried gasping for air didn't realize that he was charging up another beam. Something snapped inside Xilo before he glint his eyes and they lit up.

He raised his hand and shot a fireball at the guy which hit him in the shoulder. Xilo astonished at the sight doesn't realized the guy threw another fireball which knocked him out. He woke up 10 minutes later in the school infirmary.

"What just happened" He said "Oh your awake" A unfamiliar voice said coming from his left. Only to realize its the girl with the black hair from earlier. "I-uh thank you for saving me" Xilo mustered. "Dont mention it just be careful next time because i may not be there to bring you here" She said before stammering off.

After school is over Xilo rushes over to the dungeon to try out ability. "Man i cant believe i have an ability" He said before bumping into someone. "Ouch im sorry i wa-" an explosive in the shape of an arrow flies pass his face and leaves a massive damage surface in the wall behind him.

He turns back to see two girls one with blond hair (A rank with a level of an 6.3 and a explosive ability) the other with blue hair( B rank with a level of 5.0 ice manipulation ability). "Hey i just said im sor-" Xilo cut out by an abrupt ice blast that freezes his leg and chest.

"Do you know who you bumped into!?" The blue haired girl says with a menacing tone before she lifts her leg that forms ice and swings at Xilo who attempts to block it by putting his arms in X formation but was over powered easily "WHAM!!" as the sound echoes. "You just bumped into the queen of Plasma High you idiot!"

The yellow haired said before a barrage of explosives shoot at Xilo. "Ack!" He says as he's left profusely bleeding as the girls walk away "Tch!" He saids before reaching in his pocket.

He takes out an skinny potion emitting a bright green color before drinking it. In a flash all his injuries are reduced to nothing. *Damn there strong* He thought to his self before walking into the dungeon.

"Level one huh here we are again" He glints as he activates ability without realization until he feels a sudden surge of power. "Damn" he says as at least 10 creatures emerge from the darkness. He suddenly raises his hand as he thought back to the yellow haired girl and shot a single explosive from his hand.

*So as i thought i can copy abilities* He said to himself.He puts his hand next to his other hand as he shoots a beam with a mixture of ice and fire but only being an E rank he is limited to what he can do.

:Level 1 ability haste has activated movement speed is now increased by 5 percent: "I unlocked a new ability?" Xilo exclaimed before turning his focus to the dungeon boss a big goblin with a bat like weapon. "I can do this" Xilo said before charging up a fire and ice beam that the boss blocks with his weapon.

"Need some help?" An voice exclaimed "yeah i dont know if i can defea-" He was cut off by an abrupt green barrier that surrounded the boss and he see's a figure with dark red hair fly past him with lightning speed uses his sword to stab the boss.

Xilo runs over to charge a ice beam that engulfs the entire barrier in ice freezing the boss as he takes out his dagger to stab it right in the eye. "Poof!" the monster went as a blue shard hit the ground.

"Here the guy says as he gives the shard to Xilo" *this guy is an B rank and a 5.5 what's he doing in a level 1 dungeon for some reason i couldn't use the explosive ability either or the fire am i only restricted to one for a long period because im an E rank?* He thought to himself.

"Hey" the guy said cutting through the silence "take the shard its almost worthless to me" He exclaimed. "Oh thanks" Xilo said politely as he took the shard and the two parted ways. "Hey" The red head said again as Xilo turned. "What's your name?" "Xilo" Xilo mustered "Quin" The guy said before running off onto level two.

"I know im gonna run into him again" he said "hmm maybe i can get some better armour" Xilo mentioned before marching off to the shop right next to the dungeon"