
voice of GOD(s)

As everyone was trying to swallow the fact that I was level 12 Yail Voct walked over and crossed her arms in a demanding stance. "I believe you owe me an explanation whelp." "I believe I owe you nothing B*..." And a quick dodge roll away..

"Hold still whelp!" yeah.. not gonna happen. "Maybe if you stopped acting like I owe you anything and try to hold a proper conversation I wouldn't be so rude to you oh 'Kind one'." As I dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge ole Yail's Fists of fury I continue goading her with every breath that passes my scaled lips.

"How can I reach level 12 in a day and it takes you over 60 years to reach level 21?, I'm surprised they picked such a brute of a woman to raise the hatchlings, our parents must have hated us.., Maybe you're so mean because you have to raise others kids but no one will make one with you?..." I had more but suddenly my lizard senses were tingling "Haste!" "Whoa!" Bamf!!!

She casted haste on me and honestly I wasn't expecting it so I ended up running face first into a stone wall... "ugh my head" "Now listen here you little Cretin if you don't start showing me an ounce of respect I'll toss you into the river for the fish to eat" Yail Voct was standing over me with claws on hips and foot tapping in impatience..

"Brood keeper Yail.." Yail Voct turned towards Mr friendly who seems to be speaking up for me, NICE! "He already killed the river monster so you may need to find a different threat.." Nevermind this b*st*rd just wanted to correct her mistake.. YOU'RE TOO FRIENDLY FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!! as I was screaming in my mind Yail turned back to me with a quizzical look.

"What are you some kind of prodigy sent by the devils to torture me?" Hehehe I would like to equip my prodigy title now please?... silence once again.. do I have to say it out loud? "Ahem hey teacher that never taught me.. how do I equip a title?" "Watch your mouth runt.. and how do you have one already?" "I'll be more respectful if you tell me.." Oooh I'm gonna make her Sh*t a brick.

"I don't believe you but fine all you have to do is say 'Equip title' and it will appear next to your name in your stats, some titles even give you a bonus.. but that's if you actually have one." "Equip title!" Ding! Multiple titles detected please be specific.. I miss the nice lady so much please get off your period already. Ding! new title 'IDIOT' has been acquired would you like to equip.."No! Equip title 'Bahamut's Messenger'."

"You lying little runt! I oughta slap you so hard..." "Brood keeper look at his stats!!" Sha Na yells at the B*tch throwing her off of her rant. "Fine!" After she turned to look at me for a second it was like watching someone practice for an audition. First was anger, next came confusion, then slowly to disbelief, followed by fear, instant regret, aaand she passed out...Thump!

"Hahahaha that makes me feel so much better.. why are you guys bowing? oh F*ck me I'm some kind of Oracle now aren't I?" Sha Na is the only one of my siblings not kissing the floor right now.. because she's too busy staring daggers at me! "You should have told me!"

"I didn't know until after I woke up.. besides it's your fault for getting killed in front of me do you have any idea how much mental scaring that caused me? I'm barely two days old and I watched the only person I knew die!! so of course I didn't say anything.. and you didn't know anything about Titles remember? so how would I?"

"You asked me about titles when we killed the river monster!! you knew since yesterday!" Sha Na seems to have really good memory but that was a different title!!! "Sister please I got a different title from the fish really you gotta believe me, see! Equip Title 'Prodigy'!" Ding! Are you positive you would like to switch to a weaker title? "Yes!"

"Hmm appraise!" Sha Na is being skeptical of me.. it hurts ToT.... After she stares at me for a moment the anger fades from her eyes and she begins smiling. "Okay Intalru I believe you for now.. but you better call me by my name from now on, even if you are one of our Gods Messengers.."

As Sha Na forgave me our siblings started looking up again and Yail Voct woke up. Bwahahaha feel my wrath b*tch! "What do you mean ONE of our gods? Equip title 'Tiamat's envoy'!" """whaaa!!!""" Thump! Thump! Thump!... everyone except for me and Sha Na are face down again even the 'Kind one'.

The first one to raise their head was Mr. friendly.. guess I should learn his name otherwise that may slip out on accident. "Appraise"


Name: Lilan Ka (joyful fire)

Race: Draconian (Swamp variant)

Sex: Male

Level: 6

Age: 5 days

Class: Mage

Sub-class: N/A


Joyful fire? like friendly fire? something tells me I should be careful around him in a fight... "Lilan Ka.." "Yes 'holy one'?" Wow yep I'm an oracle or something.. "Call me Intalru or brother none of that 'Holy one' Crap anyways you were the first one to talk to me amongst our siblings after Sha Na so I'm making you my left claw.. what can you tell me about the world since our 'Brood Keeper' thought I wasn't worth her time.."

I could hear ole Yail grinding her teeth as Lilan Ka gave me a crash course on 'Life 101'. "Well Brother we are in the Tak (Hateful) swamps which is placed in the center of the Southlands, this is where our ancestors were first born of a single drop of Tiamat's blood and it is here that we were released of our slavery to the 'Smooth skins' By Bahamut..."

This goes on for HOURS so long story short this swamp is my ancestors most holiest mud hole.. but after all the boring Polytheism lecturing he finally got to the good stuff.

"As we kill we absorb the life experiences of those we slay allowing us to grow stronger, as we use skills our bodies slowly adapt and change so as to use them more effectively thus allowing the skill to 'Level'. Certain focuses of power.. Like Mana stones can be absorbed to enhance your spirits comprehension of the element that powers said focus, after reaching a certain level of comprehension we can use our power such as Mana and Ki to alter the laws of the world around us which is how 'Magic' is formed each type of magic has it own..."

Ok so sue me I thought it was going to get exciting but honestly this is more boring than the mythology section he covered earlier. Lilan Ka seems to love talking though, I don't think he stopped to breath yet.. Must be a skill like 'Long winded' or 'Babble mouth'. oops looks like he's wrapping up better nod my head and thank him.

"Thanks brother does anyone else have anything to add to that?" as I thanked Lilan Ka and looked to my 'Clutch mates' I noticed that half of them fell asleep and the others disappeared... "Intalru I'm hungry.." Sha Na rubs her eyes and pulls on my tail like a cute little sister. I'M NOT A SISCON SHE'S JUST CUTE!!! (For a flesh eating lizard creature..)

"Ok Sha Na let's go hunt.. wanna join us Lilan Ka?" He nods his head so fast I'm surprised his horns don't fly out.. After leaving the cave entrance we head in the opposite direction of the river this time under Lilan Ka's guidance since he seems to know where the 'Good prey' lives.

As we traveled through the vegetation a peculiar scent made it's way to my nose.. it's kind of skunky aaand.. lemony? Wait a second... Thank you Raptor Jesus!! I'm in a pot field!!! I began searching around with a renewed fervor before "Jack pot!"

"Is that a creature I missed?" Lilan Ka asked but before I could answer.. "No Ka our brother just says strange things at times.. I'm still trying to get used to it myself.." "Maybe they are messages from the pantheon?" ".... That would make sense, I thought he was just 'touched' in the head."

My heart is bleeding right now.. why is her tongue so d*mned sharp!! But I don't care cause I'm gonna get so stoned that I forget I'm a lizard!... after I let this dry in the cave for a few days.. and figure out a way to smoke it.. and find a source of fire.. man this sucks.

I'm thinking about moving to a swamp in Georgia.. way out in the boonies so when I practice my banjo the door to door salesmen and the Jehovah's witnesses will all think they stepped into a scene from 'The Deliverance' Bwahahaha... No seriously I wanna live as a swamp hermit but I need WiFi.. oh the struggles

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