
Playing with fire

The wails from the other side of the gate will haunt me for the rest of my life.. Lilan Ka thought as he covered his ear holes trying to deafen the screams. Suddenly he noticed Intalru's companions and Sha Na rushing past him.. "Wait we're supposed to go to the.. they're gone.. maybe I could.. no I should just go back."

As Lilan Ka turned to evacuate like he's supposed to he felt a force begin to drag at his hand. "C'mon! we can't let Sha Na go and get hurt on her own!" Nil Kul was using stealth to drag her unwilling brother along. "I don't think getting hurt With her will help.." Lilan Ka sighed as he followed his invisible sister.


The sight outside of the gate was similar to an image of Hell while the vines intalru released did not do a large amount of damage they did manage to immobilize the paladins in quite a painful way. The malicious vines coiled around each of the would be trespassers tightly. Heart rending scraping noises could be heard as the thorns raked across the plate mail looking to find hold in soft tender flesh.

Screams broke out among the ranks of the young paladins many were distressed, and bewildered by the sudden changes beneath their feet. Some of the more unfortunate souls had the vines find minor chinks in their armor the thorns attached to them delivered a mild neurotoxic cocktail rather mercilessly. After a few seconds of searing pain these would be knights of a holy order felt their limbs grow numb before falling in to the lovely cushion of vines below them causing the wild growth to try and further ensnare them.

Luckily (for the young paladins) one of the their more resilient members had the frame of mind to use cleansing light. Shortly after a beam cast down from the heavens to purify a small area around her. The twisted vegetation within the light suddenly shriveled and sunk back into the ground. Following her lead several others began to use cleansing skills, or minor healing spells to try and remedy the current danger they were in.


"Crap.. I was hoping to incapacitate more than that." Intalru could sense the plants he willed to move begin to disperse and die off. While Intalru struggled with what to do next, the paladins began casting buffs on themselves and any of their comrades still combat capable. "We are the next generation of holy defenders of the light we shall not fall to your foul magics lizards!" The young lass that led the others on a healing frenzy began to bolster the ranks around her with a pious battlecry.

"I should kill her to quickly break their morale." Intalru could make out most of what was said from his side of the gate and began formulating a plan when suddenly Velma, Daphne, and his siblings showed up. "Anything we can do to help?" Nil Kul's disembodied voice sounded from next to Lilan Ka.

"Not unless you.. wait Lilan can you use fire magic?" Intalru asked. "Umm yes but no?"Lilan responded half-heartedly. "What does that mean?.. Look whatever it doesn't matter, when I give the signal throw a fireball where I point." Intalru shrugged off Lilan Ka's self doubt and closed his eyes before he began formulating how he wanted his next attack to go. After ten seconds of silence (on his part) Intalru opened his eyes as he reached into his seed pouch again. After sprinkling a pinch of black dust right in front of the gate he began focusing intently on the dirt as he willed this new abomination into life..


Jennala (The young paladin that cast the first cleanse) had rallied her brothers and sisters to arms and was continuing to bolster her allies when she heard it, her god's voice had whispered into her ear telling her to march forth and slay the heretics before her.

If one paid close attention to her they would notice that there was a nearly imperceptible golden aura gently radiating off of her body. But being surrounded by almost two dozen paladins casting holy skills it went completely unnoticed. But the ones fighting beside her felt their own power grow and instinctively knew she was the cause. The Seven largest of her brothers in arms stepped forward and lifted their massive kite shields high above their heads in an intricate pattern. The rest of the paladins followed suit filling in every gap left by the larger shields forming an impenetrable wall over head. Shortly after the arrows began to rain down from above.

They continued to trudge through the rain of arrows even as it was joined by the magicall rain that the druids summoned.

"We must advance and purge these beasts from this plane! Fight with me!" The more she roared out the more powerful her comrades became. Jennala raised her partisan high as she cast holy fervor causing those around her to feel further invigorated.


"She screams more than a politician, hopefully she's as useless as one too." Intalru thought to himself as the "seeds" he planted sprouted and began to violently grow into massive puffballs.. the fungus continued to grow at an alarming rate and began to swell to the point that it's skin seemed ready to split.

"Brother? those seem.. rather dangerous should we be so near to them?" Lilan Ka asked while slowly backing away. "Lilan don't be such a newt of course intalru wouldn't risk hurting us." Sha Na admonished her 'cowardly' brother while staring inquisitively at the quivering mass of fungus.

"... umm everyone but Amanda and Velma should probably run to a safe distance" Intalru says sheepishly causing Sha Na to feel a sense chagrin as she turned to run she couldn't help but notice the other two had already sprinted quite a distance away.

*Crack* the sound of pottery shattering could be heard from the other side of the massive gate as if someone was throwing vases at it. Moments later the stench of oil and alcohol wafted through the air.

(looks like they still plan on burning the gate down in the middle of a downpour..) Amanda whispered into Intalru's mind. "looks like we won't need Lilan to throw a fireball after all.. does the expression 'playing with fire' exist in this world?" intalru asked as he ushered the girls to a slightly safer distance.

hello sorry for the huge delay on the book had a kid and moved for work and settling into my new home so I haven't had any time to write until recently I'm only going to be updating once a week now on Mondays. If you're a loyal reader from the beginning I thank you for keeping this book in your library if you're new here then I appreciate you picking up my book I would greatly appreciate comments and reviews

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