
Almost there..

As the trio continued on their journey to the village Intalru began experimenting with his new subclass. In the description of other subclasses he noticed that a few of them stated they would affect his shape shifting abilities, but as far as he knew he didn't learn any yet.

"Is there a way to see what skills you have? like if you forgot what you could do?" Intalru asked Amanda since she was technically the 'oldest' member of their group and most likely knew more about the laws of this world. "You could always pull them up in your skills list.." The Myconid replied while giving Intalru a strange look. "So I just have to say skills list?


(Active life skills)

Appraisal (Eidetic soul) lvl 6: Appraise the world around you to learn more about it. (Eidetic soul: You gain insight from the knowledge collected in your past lives.)

Search lvl 3: Enhance your senses to look for prey, foes, materials, etc..

Skinning lvl 3: Skin your prey to harvest leather, feather, or hide. Also used to prepare freshly slaughtered prey into a more.. palatable form.

Herbal foraging lvl 4: Helps you finds specific herbs when used in tandem with 'search'.

Carving lvl 2: Shape wood, stone, or bone into useful tools and weapons.

Weaving lvl 1: Weave vines, silk, and pliable materials to craft rope, netting, or simple snares.

Spear fishing lvl 1: Throw a stick get a fish..

Tailoring lvl 1: Create clothing or accessories using the appropriate materials.

Forced growth (?????) lvl max: Use Mana to force plant life to grow to your will.(???? skill was leveled during a state of unconsciousness limiting your control until you master it conciously)

Shape shift (????) lvl 8: Use Mana to change the general shape of your body. I.E. grow wings enlarge claws harden scales etc.. (??? Skill was leveled during a state of unconsciousness limiting your control until you master it conciously)

Mana sense lvl 3: Spread your mana into the surroundings to search for life forces and natural Mana fonts.


(Passive life skills)

Draconian language (swamp dialect) lvl 1: As this skill levels you will be able to understand other dialects aside from your birth race language. (He who speaks with lizards..)

Swimming lvl 1: As this skill levels your swimming speed increases and stamina consumption decreases. (Currently you can only Lizard paddle..)

Danger sense lvl 4: As this skill levels you will be able to sense impending danger sooner (Lizard senses tingling)

Poison immunity lvl Max: Poisons do not affect you. (But surprisingly you can still get high and drunk.. WARNING! Don't test your overdose limit.. you'll run out before it happens)

Mentally sound lvl 5: As this skill levels it Increases your mental durability (Doesn't actually mean your sane)

Mind barrier lvl 1: Stops telepathic intrusions (Only you can hear the voices in your head..)


(Active combat skills)

Venomous bite lvl 1: Take a Bite out of your foe. (And possibly crime.)

Block lvl 3: Defend yourself! (Or not..)

Fear lvl 4: Release a SKREEE!!! that will cause paralysis.

Scratch lvl 3: Rake your claws against your foe. (Meow)

Spear toss lvl 1: Toss a spear.. (YEET!!)

Tail whip lvl 4: Lash out with your tail to damage your foe. (Does not lower the opponents defense by making you look cute..)

Maul lvl 3: Exert great force in a rapid fury against your foe. (Release your inner bear)

Grapple lvl 2: Grab your foe. (WWE?)

Breath lvl 3: Depending on the color of scale you have active you will use the breath of that colors corresponding dragon. (Regular state only gives spore breath.)


(Passive Combat skills)

Un/Holy Rage/Wrath lvl 3: When you witness something traumatizing there is a slim chance that you will enter an enraged state. (go batsh!t crazy)

Combat sense lvl 2: You exploit the weakness of your enemies naturally. (You fight dirty)

Drachameleon lvl 3: Shifting your scales color is less painful each time this grows in level. (Currently it feels like waxing your entire body at once.. wanna try?)


".... What the f*ck did I just read?" Intalru wanted to concentrate on the skills he had but the descriptions felt like the were written by someone who enjoys watching him suffer. "Well at least I know why I wasn't gaining any skills when I studied under Dennis.. apparently I already had them." Scrolling back over his skills again Intalru noticed that 'chomp' was replaced with 'venomous bite', most likely due to Joe.. He also noticed a strange passive skill in his combat tab..

I never had a wax before.. I know people said they hurt but some people go and have it done all the time in some very sensitive areas.. Intalru was trying to decide if it was going to be as painful as it sounded, and the best way to find out was to experience it first hand.. "Shape shift! OH F*CK THAT HURTS!!!" Intalru became a golden draconian and he felt like his scales had all been ripped off at once! "Your so shiny now.." Velma said while taking in Intalru's golden glow. Amanda just stared at him with her mouth hanging open. "I'm scared to turn back.." Intalru said causing the girls to start laughing uncontrollably.. "It isn't funny! that hurt like Hell!" Intalru was sulking as he continued to steer the Auroch. "You need a shield.." Amanda said seriously after she regained her composure. "I am not dragon shiryu.." "Can you grow wings?" Amanda ignored Intalru and he could see the Chuuni power radiating off of her.. "Shape shift.." Slsh! the wings folded out from his back and opened majestically almost knocking the girls off of the wagon.. surprisingly that didn't hurt at all, it was more like stretching his arms.

"Hngh!" Intalru jumped and flapped his wings a few times a little surprised at how easy it was to fly he kept climbing higher before gliding in a wide circle and landing before the wagon. "Happy now?" Intalru said as he closed his wings and climbed aboard the wagon. "Still think you need a shield.." Amanda said insistently "Fine! 'Shape shift!'" Intalru willed the scales on his left forearm to grow wider and thicker until he had a decent 'Shield' "Awesome!!! now do the stance!" "Hell no! 'Shape shift'.." the wings and shield slowly faded away as his scales reverted back to their original color.. "Shhhh!!!!ttt!! that hurts!" "Aww.." Amanda looked a little sad but she didn't press Intalru any further seeing as he was in pain.

"Well now I know how I'm going to be able to learn all of my races inheritances at least.." "How much longer till we reach the village?" Velma asked. "No clue.. do you think you can contact Sha Na and ask her to 'Project' here and see how far away we are?" Intalru replied while rubbing his face. "I'll try.. but don't get your hopes up."


Sha Na was in the middle of a nap when she suddenly heard Velma's voice pop into her head "Hey sister in law your brother wanted to know if you could project on our location and tell us how far away we are from the village." "Huh? umm sure one second." Sha Na opened her eyes and stifled a yawn so Zul Sha wouldn't know she was sleeping. "Sorry teacher but the spirit I asked to look for Intalru wants me to see how far they are from the village." Zul Sha sighed "Fine it's not like you were listening to me anyways.." "That's not true teacher! I earned a skill that allows me to sleep and learn at the same time! Uh oh.." "So you admit to sleeping!!" Zap! "ouch! I'm sorry teacher but I was learning as well!" Zap! Zap! "Just go already!" Zul Sha was fuming! never has he ever had such an inattentive student before...


Sha Na's spectre appeared in the back of the wagon just behind Velma. She was rubbing the top of her head and grumbling about a mean old lizard as she appeared. "Hey Sha Na how have you been?" Intalru said as he turned back to greet his sister. "Hurry up already the village is so boring.. and Zul Sha is mean to me just because he bores me to sleep!" "Who's Zul Sha?" Velma asked as she scooted over to allow Sha Na's spectre into the driver's bench. "He's my teacher in the shamanic arts, and... what are we inside of?" Sha Na thought they were inside of a tent until she realized it was being pulled by some tasty looking animals.

The Auroch felt a predators eyes on them so they increased their pace. "It's a 'Wagon' your brother made it." Amanda piped up from the back before her motion sickness kicked in again "Blergh" she barely made it to the back of the wagon in time.. "Need another leaf?" Intalru said as he fished one out from a pouch he had made specifically for Amanda. "No thanks I was super... Blergh... tired the last time it wore off I'll just try and get.. used to it." Amanda had been holding it back for a while but the increased pace made her motion sickness worse.

After studying the surroundings for a moment Sha Na realised if the kept up this pace they would be at the village by the day after tomorrow! "Can you make more of these? our village could use something like this to haul back prey and it would cut the hunting trips time down to nothing!" She was extremely excited to know that her brother would be joining her soon but the prospect of quicker hunts excited her more. "Yeah I can make a few more but we would have to get more creatures to pull them like the Auroch.. and keep them fed, and care for them.. do you think our people could handle that?" Intalru replied as he began wondering how backwoods his race is if they never saw a wagon before.

"They will once they see how useful this 'Wagon' is.. anyways I need to get back to the village to help.. I mean so I can continue my lesson.." Sha Na said as her spectre faded away. ""Bye sister!!"" the two girls shouted before Intalru could even say goodbye...


"We need to start preparing for Intalru's arrival now! he's only two days away!." Sha Na shouted almost scaring Zul Sha into an early grave. "How did he cover so much distance so fast?" Zul Sha asked Sha Na with a strange look. "Intalru always does weird stuff but this time he made something that helps you cover large distances with out even moving! And we could use it to haul food!!" Sha Na was excited and started babbling about how much it could help the village. "Wait a second child!" Zul Sha lifted one claw to silence the young shaman. "First I need to gather the adults and we will start getting everything prepared.. You need to go back to meditating and see if you can contact the water spirits again, I want you to be able to summon a rain storm by the time I'm back, otherwise.."

"Yes teacher!" Sha Na instantly fell into a meditative stance and closed her eyes. "Heh it's a shame I have to threaten you to learn.. you have so much potential, I don't know if you'll be able to leave with Intalru when he goes on his journey if you don't get serious..." Zul Sha said as he hobbled out of the hut and made his way to the old drum again..

After the all of the elders were accounted for (Excluding the chief) Zul Sha informed them of Intalru's arrival. "That's too soon! if I had known we would have went out hunting yesterday!" A rather slender draconian shouted as he ran off to grab his bow and called for the other 'Hunters'. Shortly after twenty odd Draconians ran out of the village in search of prey. "Poor Thail Throm.. I don't envy him." Zul Gilga said as he chuckled to himself. "I don't envy you either.. call the warriors we need all hands on deck apparently Intalru is bringing guests..." Zul Sha said causing the old red scale to start coughing in a fit before he ran off shouting for his best soldiers to follow the hunters.. "I guess me and you are going to be rather busy as well huh Zul?" Yail Sul said as she nudged Zul Sha.. "I will handle the fish if you can grow us some vegetables.. That reminds me, is the chief still by the river?" Zul Sha said slightly exasperated. "She should be washing the mud off now if she's not on her way back yet why?" Yail Sul asked while tilting her head slightly. "Because she hasn't even heard he's on his way much less almost here don't you think she should prepare a speech?" """Hahaha""" the other elders began laughing once they realized Zul Sha wasn't going to let her get away with doing nothing. "You know she's going to hate you for pushing that on her right?" Yail Sul said with a grin. "Let her, she hated me since I put her name in for being the chief." Zul Sha replied as he began walking toward the river.


"We're only two days away.. I wonder if I will get to meet my parents. What will they be like?" Intalru mused to himself only half caring but the girls in the back of the wagon were having a serious discussion. (Cut the link?) Velma asked Amanda mentally. (Yes.. we need to lay down ground rules..) Amanda replied. (Agreed, how about we tell them that he proposed to both of us and we are trying to decide who the main wife will be?) Velma seemed to have thought about this already.. (A little heavy handed but we can keep that as plan B if we can't come to an agreement on anything else.. I was going to suggest that we just tell them the 'Truth'.. you were slowly dying until saved your life then coincidentally his sister asked you to search for him and there was a spark. When he came to my village I gave him part of the inheritance and my grandfather asked him to bring me out into the world as an 'Ambassador' and wanted him to take care of me. I mean they can't turn us away with stories like that right?) Amanda had put a little more thought into it than Velma... (But what if they don't want him to have affairs outside of his species? they could turn the village against us, I mean he is a champion to both of the dragon's main gods after all?) Velma raised a valid point. (... Then we just tell them we don't mind him picking a third wife if he can find one that's up to his standards..) Amanda answered somewhat cooly (WHAAAT!! you wanna bring in a third woman to compete with!) Velma began shouting mentally. (Did you forget that I can create hallucinations.. I'll make any woman that gets close to him Looney as a two headed ogre.. and if that doesn't work then we just switch to hardcore seduction.) (.. Ok so we go with your plan but if you fail to drive them away I'll handle it my way..) Velma consented as a murderous smile flashed across her beautiful face then disappeared just as quickly. (We went from rivals to accomplices rather quickly.. if this was an anime it would take at least two volumes for that kind of character development.) Amanda began radiating her 'Chuuni aura' (Amanda! focus! your going 'Chuuni' again.. alright so the plans set, link Intalru back in and act like everything is normal.) Velma brought Amanda back to reality. (You really should watch one or two before you judge me.. we can see if Intalru has one you'd like?) Amanda felt a little crestfallen that her 'Ally' judged her so harshly (Fine if he can find one I like I will never call you a Chuuni again..) Velma promised before bounding back to the front seat.

"What were you two talking about?" Intalru asked intently since he noticed he was removed from the mind link then brought back in suddenly.. "Amanda wants me to watch an 'Anime' so I would quit judging her.. so when we camp tonight could you think one up I would like?" Velma said without the slightest trace of guilt in her voice.. "Oh.. sure, yeah I think I know one or two.. I mean they were manga's but if we're using my imagination I'm sure I could convert them to anime.." Intalru said feeling guilty for thinking they were plotting... "What's a manga?" Amanda asked with great interest. "Manga are basically the book forms, you know the ninja one you like so much? it was a manga way before it was anime.."

thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the book so far

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts