
exiled god system with naruto

the story of a man killed by the greek gods getting stronger for vengeance

Last_Dragon_Black · Tranh châm biếm
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revenge of kratos

Anko hugged Krato immediately when she saw him, "I thought I was dead, but how can you be here," anko said

Kratos responded to Anko's hug by saying, "you're still dead, anko, we've temporarily resurrected you now, please tell me who killed you."

When Anko realized her situation, she became a little sadder, then she looked at Kratos, "it was orochimaru who killed me," anko said

Kratos hugged anko and whispered in her ear, "anko, I want you to wait for me a little, I'm going to resurrect you as a human again, I just want you to wait a little," kratos said

Kratos kissed anko's moment and said "goodbye anko for now" kratos, anko nodded and disappeared in a cloud of dust

When Hiruzen saw this situation, kratos tried to move forward, but kratos stopped on his voice and said, "get lost, monkey." kratos

The anger of Kratos was so much that it could have been equal to the anger of the original kratos

A cold drop of sweat fell from Hiruze's moment 'I feel like if I talk now I will definitely die,' he said to himself

After Kratos left Hiruze's room, he started walking towards where Orochimaru was

~2 hours later~

No matter where Kratos looked, he couldn't find Orochimaru, and then he thought of one of his secret hideouts

"This fucking lab is 1 day on the road, I'm going to skin that fucking snake," kratos said

Kratos immediately set off, still revealing his deadly intent in the places he stepped

As Kratos was moving forward, he saw his childhood friend "itachi what are you doing here," Kratos said

Itachi looked at his childhood friend, "I heard that anko-san died, and I came to look at you, but would you hold back your deadly intentions a little, it's very difficult to breathe," itachi said

Kratos retracted his deadly intent itachi continued talking "kratos, we've seen death before, don't let it ruin your life," itachi said

Kratos looked at his only decent friend and said, "you're right, but I need to be Revenge, itachi, if you were me, would you forgive that damn snake?"

After Itachi thought for a few seconds, he said, "no, you're right, I wouldn't, but if you direct all your anger at him right now, others will get hurt too." itachi

Kratos thought about these possibilities, but he still wanted to destroy the damn snake, "itachi, thank you for thinking about me, now I'm just going to settle accounts with him," kratos said

Itachi nodded approvingly at this, "be careful, kratos, you know I consider you a brother," he said and gave a gentle fist on the shoulder

Kratos responded in kind , throwing himself forward after collecting chakra at his feet kratos

Kratos had one word running through his mind right now, 'REVENGE! ' as Kratos jumped from one tree to another, black flames appeared in the places he stepped on

The only person who could stop Kratos right now was dead, he's a monster right now, and monsters only feed on blood


Kratos had come to Orochimaru's laboratory, and Orochimaru was standing in front of him

Kratos was surrounded by blue ember flames burning in his hands or even in his eyes, "how can you do this to her snake," Kratos said to orochimaru

Orochimaru looked amused, "she was just a test subject, now you will turn into a test subject, kratos-kun," orochimaru said

Orochimaru tried to bite kratos by extending his head, but kratos quickly threw a punch, breaking orochimaru's teeth

Orochimaru forgave , immediately retreated , kratos pulled out Blades of athena, looking at Orochimaru with pure anger

"Orochimaru, today I will bring hell to its feet," Kratos said, a blue ember flame appearing in his eyes

Kratos rushed forward towards orochimaru, began to attack Blades of athena with the highest firepower

Orochimaru made a sudden attack and pulled the sword out of his mouth

When Kratos saw the sword, he ran to the side, then immediately summoned the flames of Tartarus, evaporated the sword as if it were water

Orochimaru was starting to get scared now, he said to himself, 'this monster will definitely kill me, I have to run away right now.'

Kratos slowed down time, throwing a punch at Orochimaru, which was the manifestation of all his anger

Just as Kratos was throwing the punch, orochimaru tried to escape by leaving his own skin behind

After Kratos saw this move, he started running behind him to catch him

Kratos revealed such deadly intent that even the birds in the sky fell to the ground and died

"Snake, if you don't stop now, I'll try all the torture methods in the universe on you," Kratos shouted from behind

Orochimaru continued to run without stopping, and Kratos continued to chase orochimaru. until he heard a voice behind him saying, "Kratos, that's enough."