

Coral turned over and offered me her pussy, obviously wanting to be fucked. I slid my cock down the length of her and when I breached her entrance, she almost sucked my cock in. When I sank balls deep, I drew breath and sighed because the feeling was incredible.

Lennon's face became buried in my ass as soon as I was situated in Coral, but this time he only spent seconds down there before he moved away, and his dick slid down my crease. I froze from what I was doing and turned to look over my shoulder.

"Don't say no until you've tried it. We do it once and if it's a no go, then I'll accept it, but not to have tried and say no, that's a lack of sexual experimentation and that's just not who you are. Maybe it was always no with Jody because there wasn't a lot of trust? Do you trust me?"

I did. Could I be fucked up the ass? I wasn't sure, but Len was right, I'd never know unless I tried.