

Lily slipped her arm into mine as we left the hotel afterward, "Earth to Rick," she said in her sweet little English accent.

"Yeah?" I replied as she dragged me away from my thoughts, but my eyes continued to follow Lennie who was deep in conversation with Gibson and Alfie.

"Are you okay? You're really distracted this morning. How much weed have you smoked?"

I chuckled and looked down into her huge bright eyes, "What the fuck, Lily? How to give a guy a compliment, huh? And for your info I haven't smoked that shit in months... been on a health kick."

Lily burst out laughing, "Rick, a health kick to you is only having twelve shots a night and two women as opposed to twenty shots and your own harem. I could have sworn you'd been smoking before you got here this morning because you're acting that dreamy weird way, like you're preoccupied. You always do that on weed." she replied.

"No weed... in fact, no alcohol at all yesterday," I added as an afterthought.