

We left the club shortly after and I'd promised to meet Darcy for lunch the next day. He was hot and there was some real chemistry between us, but I'd already decided he was my first male one-and-done. The last thing I needed was to get mixed up with a guy who already had someone and who owned a sex club.

As Jed and I headed home, I turned on my cell in the car and saw I had eleven missed calls from Jody and seven voicemails. Given what had happened in the club and with another guy, I felt guilty, then reminded myself I was a single guy... a free guy, and I could do what I wanted.

I was Rick Fars and Jody never respected me for who I was or what I'd achieved. It was like what I did for a living wasn't worth anything to a man like him. I'd spent long enough wandering soulless because of Jody's demands and I had no regrets about leaving him. I'd already moved on.