

Once I'd made myself halfway human, I strode out from my bathroom and back into my bedroom. I flopped back on my bed naked with arms and legs outstretched and lay staring at the ceiling as my mind began to get busy with more thoughts of Jody. Then I sat up, shuffled to the edge of the mattress, and stood up. Taking responsibility for myself, I knew I had to do something to get out of the black mood before it engulfed me again.

"Jed," I hollered.

"Yes, Boss?" he replied poking his head in the door.

"We're going to a club. Call the guys and see how they're fixed. If they're tied up we're going anyway," I decided.

Jed softly closed the door and went downstairs to do as I asked. I stood in my closet scratching my balls as I wondered what to wear. Row after row was full of the same shit I'd been wearing for years because I had refused to allow anyone to throw anything away and I hated wearing new threads.