
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Episode 18

(Several days later)

(Magic Carriage Shop)


[News regarding the Heroes mishap in the Alarnton Kingdom has reached this city as I heard the peoples murmurs. Though I expected as much from those justice fanatic idiots that they will be this famous for doing such things such as what was written in the book.] (Arnel)

"As you can see, my dear customers, this is the newest magic carriage model that our company has developed. Don't let its looks and small size fool ya, it has been enhanced with an advance spatial magic circuit that it can carry ten people inside with ease. Not to mentioned that it can run a whole day before needing to be recharged!" (Seller)

[Since the starts of the calamity that happened two years ago, the people of this world gradually stops using horse drawn carriage since animals were easily affected by the corruption. But in exchange to that, magic carriage was introduce since it uses mana stone as its core and fuel. Because of this, mana stone prices skyrocketed not only for the use for armament, but also for this purpose as well. That's why the receptionist changed his attitude after knowing that I sold him the mana stones we got from the monster in a lower than the market price a few days ago.] (Arnel)

"So, how much does it costs?" (Arnel)

(eye sparkling gold!)

"Dear customers come at the right time! Its usually cost about two hundred gold coins, but since there's a promotion, I will give you a hundred gold coins!" (Seller)


"What!? A hundred gold coins for this little thing!? Even that big one only cost about fifty tops! This is a scam!" (Svana)



"P-please calm yourself, dear customers… d-didn't I say that this magic carriage model is the newest one in the marke-… eeekkk!!" (Seller)


(others started whispering)

"That still doesn't explain that it will cost this muc-…." (Svana)

(mouth forcibly closed by Naiah's palms)

"Please calm down, Svana… don't make a scene, alright dear…?" (Naiah)

(smile, smile)

"Hump…?!!" (Svana)

[i-I get that, P-please don't smile like that, it's scares the shit out of me! I'm sorry~…! !] (Svana)

(eyes teary)

"I will take it. And I will add up another fifty if you can add more protection on the coach seat." (Arnel)

(eyes sparkling gold!)

"Yes, of course dear customer!! I will make sure that everything is finished in about a week time!" (Seller)

(hands over a bag of coins)

"Please do." (Arnel)

"Thank you for your patronage, dear customers~…!" (Seller)

(grinning like mad)


(later on)

(step, step)

"I still don't get why you buy that small carriage while there are ones that looks even way nice and comfortable in the shop earlier…" (Svana)


"I guess you missed the part when the seller said that it had been enhanced with advance spatial magic." (Naiah)

"I know that! But… the price for it is too much! Shouldn't we save our money a little for the future…?" (Svana)

[I get why she's making a big deal out of this, but I didn't just go and spend those money for waste. I know because that carriage is gonna be valuable for us to use since we will used it as our mobile home base later on. Not to mention that there will be no other carriage that had spatial enhancement aside from that one in the near future since the mage that was responsible in making those circuit will be found dead in his workshop about a year from now because of overworked. Though I still need a person that can tweak a magic circuit without ruining it and that person should be in this area if I'm not mistaken…] (Arnel)

"We're here." (Arnel)

(Elven Craftswomen Workshop)

[What a simple name… but I guess that's what you expected for "her"..] (Arnel)

(open door)


"Ah! welcome, dear customer. What can I be of your service?" (Pregnant elven woman)

[This pregnant elven woman is an ex party member of idiots heroes party. And I think her name is Valna…? If I'm not mistaken. She was a great mage and almost able to go toe to toe with the justice fanatical Hero in terms of magic. Though its a shame that she got pregnant with the Hero's child and was left behind in this city with hopes that he will return back for her after they finished with their quest. But I know what her ending in the book was and its not a pleasant one.] (Arnel)

"Hello. Me and my wives need to see some housewares that we can buy. I hear that elven craftsmanship is the best there is when it comes to mobility." (Arnel)

"A-ah that…" (Valna)


"I do have some… but the price might be a bit expensive than the usual ones I had in this store, or anywhere in this city and-…" (Valna)

(put down a bag of coins on the desk)

"Inside the bag is about two hundred gold coins, will that be suffice?" (Arnel)


"A-ah, surely this is a big sum of money, but-…" (Valna)

(place a note)

"Inside my account there's about three hundred or so gold coins. Will this enough?" (Arnel)


"P-please listen to me first, d-dear customer~…!" (Valna)


(a while later)

"….its not that I need more money but…" (Valna)

[It seems that she had troubles in making the orders that I had asked for her. Although money is not the problem, but it seems that she can use her magic like she does before became pregnant with the Hero's child. This might be a problem since the things that she create with her magic is suitable for our mobile home base because of their perks that can be unpack almost instantaneously. Not to mention that I had planned to bring her along with us in our journey to teach us her magic knowledges.] (Arnel)

"I see… but what if I can help you with your problems that you are having right now?" (Arnel)

(smile, smile)

"Uh, what?" (Valna)

[I began to tell her that I had something that can bring her magic powers back to the way they were before she even got pregnant. Or maybe even better. She ask for us to give a moment to think. Then…] (Arnel)

"If you really can help me with the problems that I had right now, not only I will provide the things that you needed, I will also only take the necessary amount for the appliances that without the labor cost." (Valna)

[Got her~… I'm happy that she's really ignorant just like she does in the book. This will be easy…] (Arnel)

(takes out a vial)

(place it on the table)

"This is an enhance mana potion that I found in my journey with my wives back in the tainted lands. As for its effectiveness…" (Arnel)

(show hand)

(conjured a small light orb)


"T-that's…?! "True" magic…? How did-…" (Valna)

"Indeed. And I'm not the only one who is capable of doing this. Show it to her, you two." (Arnel)


(shows hands)

(sparks of lightning on Naiah's palm while Svana a small fireball)


"A-amazing… even my wind magic is not that visible inmy prime! W-who are you people!?" (Valna)

"Now, now… please don't be alarmed. We only managed to do this thanks to this enhanced mana potion." (Arnel)

"I-I see…" (Valna)

[Its a lie, though not all of it of course. The content in the Vial is just my "seeds" and these two become managed to show those because they had been "receiving" my seeds almost everyday since we arrived in this city. Though thanks to my strong vitality that I got from Nia, those two didn't suck me dry for their insatiable lust.] (Arnel)

(stand up)

"We will return tomorrow for your reply. But if you need to see us earlier than that, come to the Cat's Tail Hotel and ask for suite no. 7." (Arnel)

"Y-yes… I will consider your offer…" (Valna)

(walks away)

(leave workshop)

[though, I had a feeling that she will come to meet us sooner than tomorrow, that's why I told her the place and room that we were currently staying. Though, lets just hoped that she will chose her decision wisely…] (Arnel)


Much later….

(back inside the Elven Craftswomen Workshop)

(staring at the vial intently)

[Those people… are they telling the truth? I never heard anything about enhanced mana potion in all my lifetimes for a hundred years… even that hero able to conjured a small "true" magic but not as intense as those three… should I drank this and feel its effect myself…?] (Valna)

(shake head fervently!)


"Ah, why should I hold back! If this will ables me to use magic again, I should do it!" (Valna)


(quickly gulps!)

(place down)

"Haa… huh?!" (Valna)


"W-wha…?" (Valna)

[T-this feelings…?! I can feel my magic is coming back! Wait, this is even better!] (Valna)

(lift hand)

(wind conjured on palm!)

"Aha… ahahahah…. Hahahaahhahah!!! I'm back! No, I'm more than back! I feel-…!?" (Valna)

(sharp pain on stomach!)

"Ack! W-what is-… aaaahhhggg!!! It hurts!!!" (Valna)

[W-what is happening to my stomach!? Why did it suddenly feels like its about to burst! D-don't tell me…!?] (Valna)

"I need to see them… ack!!! They did something to me…!!" (Valna)

(walks wobbly towards the door)