
Chapter 8: The Bastard Son of the King

Marwin clenched his fist as he looked at the man that Killed Curl.

"Motherfucker" He said.

Marwin broke out of Amy's Force field and proceeds to attack Mordred.

"Error, can't compute" A faint robotic voice said.

"Shit" Amy said.

"what? what was that?" Markus asked

"Tito Marwin's Computation module is low on power" Amy answered

"Computation module? what's that?" Markus asked

"Tito Marwin has sustained a brain injury during the battle of Umahon, Authority control require subconscious calculation, his brain's cerebellum and some part of his brain is damaged to the point that he can't even speak without his computation module, though it will work using his bioelectricity, it's not enough to use his Authority Control, so he's he's fighting with just his physical might" Amy said

"What? is that okay? isn't Marwin strong? physically like your mother?" Markus said

"No, Tito Marwin's ability is not enhancements, it's perfect control to his Authority, without his authority, tito Marwin is just a normal person fighting" Amy said

"Fighting Mistenial soldiers wouldn't be a problem to him, he's an outstanding soldier after all, but this is Mordred, King Arthur's bastard son" Konoa said

"Wait? what? can he fight?" Markus asked

"I don't know, General can your soldiers fight? I didn't expect for them to attack now" Amy said

"Yes, but not as effective as the UNAF" Konoa said

"Well, we're in a UNAF base, please tell everyone to suit up and fight, all artillery please focus on shooting Mordred to assist Marwin, he can't fight Mordred alone in his state" - Amy said

"God damn, you're very well versed when it comes to this thing, can I have your name" Konoa said

"Amy De Luna Sir" Amy said

"Well that's explains it, you have her wits" Konoa said

"Well, thanks!, anyway, we need to help Tito Marwin, Markus fetch a spare battery on the Ship, there should be one in the console, it's inch small box" Amy said

"Wait what? where do Marwin put that?" Markus asked

"In his neck! half of his neck is Bionic!" Amy shouts

"Whaaat?" Markus asked in confusion

"Just get it!" Amy said

Marwin and Mordred Continued to fight but Mordred is beating Marwin like an ant fighting an eagle.

A minute later the Military started shooting at Mordred which stopped him momentarily

Mordred Looked at the soldiers shooting him in Marwin's Rescue, but Mordred is too invincible.

"For a thousand years and a half, I lived and saw people destroy themselves, but this era, made them work together, and I thought they would be threat, but I was wrong, the threat was never Humanity it was you and the Titans, My father created the Titans for the sole purpose of protecting what he loved, and to kill me, which only means he never loved me, He loved you more than his own son" Mordred said.

"Well you are wrong, he loved you, He loved you more than anyone else, but he couldn't save you from the darkness you have fell into" Marwin said but his voice changed.

"Lancelot, it's been a while since I've talked to you, what changed? you betrayed my father as how I did" Mordred said

"Because I realized I was wrong, your father let go of her Queen for me, he let Guinevere be with me, He saved me even though I betrayed him, I loved your father, and he loved you, I saw him cry as he put his blade into your chest hoping you'd find the light in Avalon, but you never did" Lancelot said in Marwin's body.

"No! you don't know that! my father hated me" Mordred Said

"He did not hate you, nor he hate Dratos, because Dratos is Arthur's other half, But both of you drowned in the pits of darkness which you can never emerge, this Man whom was chosen to be a vessel of my Power has once fell into the pits of darkness, but unlike you, he emerged from it and saved the world, you will never be as strong as the Titans, because the Titans is the part of Humanity of which Light can emerge from the darkness, Humans aren't perfect, they detroy themselves but they also build, 40 years ago, the people of earth has gone through wars against each other, but when you showed up, they ate all their pride and worked together, they loved, they saved, they build and protect, so you will never accomplish your goals for as long as humanity exists, Titans and humanity will always be there to fight against you" Lancelot said in Marwin's body

Marwin returned to his senses knowing what Lancelot said.

"Don't fail me King" Lancelot said as he returned to Marwin's subconscious.


Terrestrial Intervention Tactical Agency Network, Camelot the Flying Base

Agent Q was running hurriedly in the halls into control centre of the Camelot.

She stopped infront of Noah and gave a Salute.

"Report" Noah said

"UNAF J is under attack, about a thousand Mistenial Hybrid Soldiers and Mordred!" Agent Q said

"when? and who gave this Information?" Noah asked

"General Konoa of JSDF sir! and Konoa said, Amy De Luna asked him to contact us" Agent Q said

Amerie who just walked in looked furious.

"What? Amy is there? I thought...God dammit, Kuya Marwin I knew this would Happen" Amerie said as she walk away

Noah stopped Amerie

"Amerie, stop I know your against this, but we're running out of time, Markus need his knights, and we both know that Amy is born for this" Noah said

"No! she isn't!" Amerie shouted as she push Noah away letting out a surge of force that knocked back all of the agents close to her.

"That's what you said, but Amy, wanted this, and she is capable after all you were the one who thought her how to fight and use her Authority" Noah said

"Fuck you, that's my daughter your talking about!" Amerie shouted once again.

"She's our kid too!, but you can't stop her from doing this, no one can! she wants this, I know she does because that's what she keeps on telling everyone even before she knew you were the Rose Guardian, have some faith, Marwin did abandon us, but he's back here now, and she will protect her" Noah said

Amerie stood there in silent looking at Noah with a daggering stare.

"Sir, what's your order?" Agent Q asked

"How long before we get there?" Noah asked

"About 4 hours sir!" Agent Q said

"Damn, they can't wait that long, do you have any Ideas Amerie?" Noah asked

"Shut up, I'm still not done with this, but yes I do, she can get there in a few minutes" Amerie said

"She?" Noah asked confused

"The Princess" Amerie said.

"God damn, you two are bestfriends aren't you?" Noah said

"Well, girls should stick together shouldn't we?, but isn't Marwin there? can't he handle it? I mean he beat the crap out of Mordred when we got to Curl" Amerie

Noah sat down and sighs.

"Well, Might as well tell you, as per the report, Marwin's calculation module is low on power, and it's using a quantum computer, it needs a lot of power, without that module behind his right eyes, he can't use his Authority control, so he's fighting with a stick right now" Noah said.

"Well, doesn't he have back up? can't he re route the power from his other bionic limbs?" Amerie said

"Well, as what I've said it's a Quantum computer that needs a lot of power, his bionic limbs uses normal Avenium Reactors, while his calculation module uses a specialized battery that can power an entire city for a year, it was developed by Doctor Cornel, but he is dead now, and there is only 2 of that super battery in existence, and one charger, Marwin has since tried to recreate it, but it fails everytime, Marwin is a Genius inventor, but he is at his limit" Noah said

"Fuck, I'll call her now" Amerie said


Marwin was nearly at the end of his strength.

Markus was inside the Ship trying to find the battery.

"Where it is, God dammit" Markus said.

Marwin was in a disadvantage.

although the Military is giving Marwin a hand they can't shoot down Mordred Properly.

"such a pity, are you really the one that Killed Lord Dratos? such a weakling, you humans are weak, such a pity" Modred said as he looked at Marwin visibly tired and weak.

"You....ca.can't..Win" Marwin forcefully said.

his vision is flickering, but he kept on fighting.

Meanwhile, a helicopter was capturing the entire fight and streaming it live on national tv.

"as you can see the situation in tokyo in tokyo is getting worst, The UNAF or the United Nations Armed Forces is under attacked by powerful mist, oh what's this? someone is fighting the mistenial monster, wait, that sword, that suit IT'S THE COLD TITAN THE CURRENT LEADER OF THE KNIGHTS!, but it seems like he is having some trouble, is he panting?" The news said but it was cut as soon as it focuses on Marwin.

"stop the feed" the the other reporter on the area said.

"Why?" the News Caster asked confused.

"Can't you see? the only image that kept the world at bay is that person's image if we ever let the public see that he is losing, people would panic the peace that we obtain can be tarnished, if you have no Idea, the only reason the entire world is working together is because the government is scared of him, if this goes public, that peace will slowly go back to has it was before, chaos and war, humans against other humans" The other reporter said.

"Geez, but this is a scoop" The News caster said.

"yeah I think we should stop for now, let's just report that the reception is bad, this might not end well" the camera man said.

People around the world that was watching the feed was terrified, but after confirming that Marwin is defending the world just as he always does people also felt a bit relieved.

Amy used her forcefield to protect Marwin and got close to him, Marwin tried to push her away but Amy insisted on staying.

Mordred became furious to Amy's desire to protect Marwin.

Mordred lock his sight to Amy.

"Such a nuisance, not because you can use little authority does not make you a hero you little shit"

Mordred charged into Amy's direction. Amy couldn't block Mordred because he was too fast for her, she closed her eyes and expected her death but Instead of death Amy smelled something.

It's a perfume that is very familiar to her. a flash of memory came into her.

"Little Amy? are you okay? let me teach you how to dance with the blade" A flash of memory said.

"Hey? it seems like you have forgotten how to dance with the blade sweetheart" A familiar voice said, Amy looked at Mordred whose attack is being blocked by a sword.

"Wha...who..wait that smell! Marga?" Amy said

"huh, it seems like our little girl has grown into a fine woman" Margarette said as she held Amy and teleported her away.

Margarette Lalog, one of the 7 Legendary Titan Knights, AKA Merlin The Emerald Princess

Within an instance Margarette Teleported Amy and Marwin out of the Battlefield.

"You have a heads up display telling you exactly how much juice you have, you know without that you can't use your perfect Authority Control" Margarette told Marwin.

Markus ran towards Marwin bringing the Battery.

Marwin opened up a compartment in his neck which surprised Markus.

"Woah! you have a cybernetic neck? how much of your body is cybernetic? Markus asked.

"About 30 percent, sorry about that, and Margarette, thank you for coming" Marwin said

"Tsk, you're reckless as ever, anyway The Titan is due to arrive for about an hour, we need to hold them off by them, can you still fight?" Margarette said

"Yeah" Marwin said

As the four of them as talking Mordred scoffs.

"Tsk, Merlin is here now, fucking bitch, alright play time is over" Mordred said as he gestures to his allies.

2 other Mist came to aid Mordred.

"Now, it's time to kill AHAHAHAHHA" Mordred said as he laugh.

"Okay, that's a bit Much, Okay Amy can you fight? how about you Arthur, can you fight?" Margarette said

"Yeah, I can" Markus said

"Yeh yeh, let's do this" Amy said

Marwin then scoffs.

"Fuck, Okay here's what you two are going to do, Amy you take Kremos, he's a caster just like you, and you can block his attack with your forcefield, Markus take Hurded he's a swordsman just like you, remember to keep your ground, this is your first real fight so be cautious" Marwin said

"We'll take Mordred Together" Amy said

"Yeah, again" Marwin said.

Marwin snaps his finger, Margarette and Marwin teleported and charged into Mordred while Markus and Amy charged the Mistenial Knights.

Marwin transformed into his Titan mode.