
Chapter 16: North Korea

20 years ago, Korean Border

"God damn the baby is too active in there my tummy hurts" Reian complaint as the ship they were riding arrives at the South Korean Border.

"Well, you're carrying a full blooded Titan so you can't actually expect the baby to stay still" Marwin said as he smiles and cares Reian's stomach

"This baby will be the first born full Titan, can we really raise this kid in this era?" Reian said visibly worried.

"Well, I don't know but we'll try, I mean we didn't really expect anything that has happened so far so what more can we be surprised about?" Marwin said as he hold the face of his wife.

Her face is so soft, so...my God I've never thought I'd be as inlove as this, She kept on saying she was lucky to have loved me, when in fact I am the lucky one to have even met her and nonetheless love her-Marwin

There he goes again, looking at me with those cheeky eyes and those so fucking cute smiles, oh GOD! Baby! you're melting my heart why the fuck do you kept looking at me as if this is the first time you're seeing me, just how beautiful am I in your eyes, OH MY GOD MY HEART -Reian

"Ey boss we're crossing the borders, I am intercepting the North Korean Communication systems once I'm in-range, and after that I'll drop you and head back with the mistress" 1st Lt. Garret said who is piloting the Ship.

"Okay, just keep it high" Marwin said as he prepares his suit for battle.

"When will this ever end, I mean Dratos is already dead but the Empire hasn't given up yet" Reian complained

"Well we could try talking to the citizen of the empire after we eliminated the last general, the bastard son of the king" Marwin said

"That piece of shit" Reian said

A beep sound was heard.

"Boss I've intercepted the Comms system, The Camera will broadcast in every screens in the radius" LT. Garret said

Marwin puts on his titan mode transforming his eyes from black to Red on the right and blue on the left.

"To the Government of North Korea, I Lord Arthur on behalf of the United Nations and the entire world Governments, is giving you a chance to stand down and detach yourself from the involvement of the mistenial empire, if you do not comply, we the Titan Knights will take you down personally along with the mistenial empire, we will not take anything else, as we believed that you are being used by the Mistenial Empire for their own gain, as a fellow human being we are begging you to surrender immediately or face the Justice the Titan Knights will brought upon you all" The transmission ended.

"Wow, you really are scary, but baby I was never scared of you" Reian playfully said to Marwin as she looks at him.

"I know, you almost killed me with your sword many years ago, you are the strongest woman I've ever fought and I am proud to be marry to you, I just hope the baby wouldn't be like me, I want the child to be like you" Marwin said

after a few hours of waiting, the North Korea refused to surrender so Marwin directed Lt. Garret to land the ship near the capital.

Marwin smiled at Reian and said "I'll be back soon baby" he said and then gave Reian a passionate kiss.

The Cold Titan/Lord Arthur landed in the capital being welcomed by the entire Army of North Korea

"You are not welcome here you false king" The Dictator said in the balcony of the capital building

"I gave you a chance to surrender" Marwin said

"there's thousands of us and there's only 1 of you what can you do?" The dictator said, pointing at the soldiers equipped with Mistenial Armor, infused with synthetic Authority.

Marwin started fighting the soldiers one by one, easily defeating them with the speed the naked eyes can't follow

Marwin set his eyes on the dictator and flew towards him but a Mistenial Warrior punched him back and made him flew back.

"Are you sure you can do this alone?" Reian said watching the fight from a far the ship has not yet left the Capital

"Why are you still here?" Marwin said

"Just worried" Reian said.

Marwin then activated his Kings Mode and looked directly at the Dictator.

Marwin then subdued hundreds of soldiers in just a few minutes which scared The Dictator.

"Sir, we found a ship that is hacking into our system" one of the General whispered to the Dictator.

"Blew it up" The dictator said

Lt. Garret, detected a missile heading their way.

"OH shit we need to get out of here, well it's not really gonna do anything since this ship is covered in a synthetic shield base on Margarette's force field" Garret said

Garret started to get out of the place.

As Marwin is Fighting thousands of Soldiers he had a glimpse of the missile going towards the ship Reian and Garret was flying, at first he ignored it, but then he looked closer.

What he saw dropped his heart, it wasn't a normal Warhead, it's an avenium infused missile, it has black thrusters.


Garret initiated the Boost while Marwin flew and tried to catch the missile before it hit the ship but before he can reach it, only a few seconds before the ship boosts the missile hit the ship.

Marwin's perception slowed down as he sees half of the ship Disintegrates the part where Rian was. the cockpit fell into the ground injuring garret heavily, but Marwin can only look at the particales left after the ship disintegrates.

Marwin's tear started falling from his eyes as he realized his wife and unborn child is now dead.

You failed to protect them, you are weak, you need me use me and destroy those that took your love away from you, you need me.

The Cold Titan got surrounded by a black mist.

The rest of the titan felt the sensation of the creature emerging.

Marwin full of rage and eaten by the Aura of the Creature inside of him, massacred all the Soldiers, the dictator watches in horror as his men is being massacred, Marwin entered the capital ang killed every single person there, the Dictator and his trusted generals tried to ran for their lives but as they board their escape ship it was destroyed by Marwin, the Dictator looked at him and the Cold Titan looked at him and walked towards him slowly the Generals started shooting at him but nothing seems to damage him, as the ragefull titan slowly walks towards him. Marwin killed all the Generals in an instant breaking all their necks.

Marwin looked at the Dictator with his cold eyes and held him in his neck.

Without a word Marwin started choking the Dictator and after a few minutes he broke the Dictator's neck instatly killing him.

Margarette appeared into the site and saw the horrifying site, thousands of dead bodies and felt the tracks Marwin left into them, and she knew who killed all of them. she looked far and saw Garret struggling to get out of the destroyed part of the ship, heavily injured, Margarette casted a healing Authority and asked Garret "Where is he"

"they killed the mistress" Garret said.

Margarette took out a device and activated it.

Margarette teleported in every inch of the capital to look for Marwin she saw him absorbing more Dark aura around him preparing to destroy the entire country.

Margarette teared up after seeing Marwin's state, she activated the device and it let out a pulse that cancelled the dark aura for a moment and there Margarette teleported towards Marwin and punched him so hard he passed out.

Noah and Joshua arrived and was equally horrified to the sight they saw and looked at Margarette who's carrying the unconscious Marwin covered in blood and realized what had just happened.

"Oh my God" Joshua said, listening to the silence, every single one is dead, non was left alive.

Present day.

"What happened? I felt something strange?" Markus asked

"Well, the creature appeared" Margarette said

"The creature?" Markus asked confused

"It's a corrupted copy of Lancelot's soul, when a new Titan is blessed, a soul of one of the original Titans is copied and transferred to the new vessel, giving that person the ability of the original titan, also a consciousness of the original titan to help them in their journey to becoming a full pledged titan, well Lancelot has a bit of corruption before his soul was copied because Guinivere died in his arms, so everytime a vessel of Lancelot felt the same loss their soul gets corrupted, that's what happened that creature has since became it's own being inside of Marwin it first emerged when he was forced to end Leonel's life and it worsen when Reian died, this device has the ability to disable the creature for a few seconds, enough to knock out Marwin for him to regain his body after the creature took over it, if that creature took over for a long time, I don't know but he said he could be gone forever" Margarette said.

They arrived in a small island near the umahon city.

"What's this?" Riafe asked

"it's the passage to an underground city, or rather the ruins of Camelot" Amy answered

The ship landed into the island and they started venturing the cave that goes through the Ruins.

"So when did this was discovered? you mean the kingdom of Avalon actually exists?" Markus asked

"Well I'm surprised you don't know, you've seen King Arthur himself in Avalon, of course it exists, there was a story that after King Arthur's physical body died most of the citizen of the city moved out and our of range the newly reborn Dratos used a magic spell to decimate the entire kingdom, but instead of vaporazing it the camelot was just transported into another dimension and it appeared here in Quezon 90 years ago, thus this island was called Umahon island, because the people thought the Island just rose from the ground when in fact it was transported here, the entire Island of Umahon is a part of Camelot. and this ruin was discovered by Leonel it is where he pulled the Caliburn and that's why we're here, for you to do the same to pull the Caliburn" Riafe said

"Wow, you really know your stuff kid" Margarette saidA

"Well, to you it's a myth but for us Mistenial the stories are told, pass down from generation to another, I don't know if you heard this yet but Mists are actually the orignal protector of mankind but humans has did something to the mist that made my entire race hate human for centuries, I don't know exactly what but it happened" Riafe said

"I heard that too from Leonel that this all started by humans and was made worst by the birth of Dratos" Margarette said

"But does every mist really hate humans?" Amy asked

"Well, no, we don't majority of us just wanted to live a normal life, but just like people who are scared of demons, most mist see humans as a malice that would hunt us down to extinction" Riafe said

"Well not the Titans, we want peace that includes the Mists, the Teleporter you used to het to the ship is made for one purpose to infiltrate the Mistenial Government and try to make peace silently without the Royals knowing, we made that portal for refugees like you who wants to detest the Empire, Marwin believed that one day humans, mists and titans can co exists, in his own words, there are more threats than just mists, like the Premordial Demons like Dratos, I mean we haven't seen any premordials aside from Dratos but someday they might come and we would need the entire world's strength to fight them and protect this planet we are all living in" Margarette said

after venturing for a while they felt the ground shaking Markus used his suit to fly around and saw the masked man fighting a shadow like Creature.

The masked man saw Markus and Threw an ice ball towards him to keep him away from the fight

"Someone is here! damn that hurts" Markus complains

"The Masked man, that shadow, it's Marwin" Margarette said

"Why does he look like a demon?" Markus asked looking at Marwin possessed by the creature.

"He's already been taken over, but we can still save him, I can still feel him" Margarette said

"GET AWAY FROM HERE!" The masked man shouted, Margarette's attention was taken by the masked man, she knew him, she knew that voice, she can never forget that voice.

Everyone looked at the masked man fighting Marwin when suddenly

With the power bested upon me, I call upon the Will of Avalon, Give me the power to defeat this corruption

The Masked man emitted an Aura only Titans can have and not just any Titan

"King's Authority, Kings Mode" The masked man said

Margarette was inshock seeing someone aside from Leonel and Markus use the Kings Authority and not only that he activated something only Titans can use but an absolute Authority only Chosen Titans uses.

The Masked Man Continued Fighting the Creature.

"That man, he was the one who Sent me into the Teleporter" Riafe said

"What? you mean the guy who helped you escape the Imperial Capital? that guy?" Margarette asked confused

"Wait? he's just trying to kill the creature not Marwin" Margarette said

"What do you mean?" Markus asked

"He's using Aura Based attacks, which would damage the Creature but not Marwin since Marwin's Aura shield is up" Margarette said

"You're right, and that sword? isn't that The Cold Titan's blade?" Riafe said

"It may be the other half, the Twin sword katana is a twin blade there's two of them in existence as it is supposed to be dual wielded" Amy said

"No, that's not it's half, the other half was Red and the other was blue, if my eyes weren't deceiving me, that sword is identical to Marwin's" Margarette said

"Amy, Riafe remember what we practiced, I'll join the fight cover us with forcefield to isolate the creature from absorbing Aura, Markus you get to the Caliburn, pull it and take it, Got it?" Margarette said

"Yes, we got this" The three Titans said.

Riafe and Amy looked at each other and started chanting to create a forcefield, Margarette charged the creature and started to initiate the Device to weakened the creature. While Markus flew towards the Caliburn, the Masked man glanced at him but he didn't do anything.

"What are you doing?!" The masked man asked Margarette

Margarette put up the device in the ground and it started emitting some kind of wave that started to weakened the Creature.

"Is that the Dark Disabler?! how did you get that" the Masked Man said

"I got it from him, just incase Dratos or the Creature emerged, and you? what's your goal? why are you doing all this?" Margarette said

"To repent from my sins" The masked man said as Margarette and Him started attacking the Creature that possessed Marwin's Body.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Marwin said possessed by the creature.

The masked man is Absorbing the creature using the King's Authority's special ability Steal aura

The creature glanced at Margarette who was about to attacked and teleported in front of her, He held her in her neck and carry her in her neck.

"Make a move or she'll die, Titan" The creature said to the Masked Man

Amy and Riafe was shocked, they saw the remaining Titans, and they knew the Masked man wasn't one of them.

The masked man was frozen in his foot, trying not to get Margarette Killed.

As the creature slowly tighten his grip on Margarette's neck and Margarette starting to lose conscioussness.

An attack coming from somewhere, that is so fast not even the creature was able to dodge staggered it and freed Margarette.

Markus on his partial King's Mode appeared and said

"Get it on demon" Markus said dual wielding the Protoburn and the caliburn.