

Alexandra Williams was just dumped by her high school sweetheart on her graduation day, in an unsuccessful attempt at running away from her problems she finds herself next door to the person she was running away from.

Sapphire_Raven33 · Thành thị
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3 Chs

Graduation Night

I can`t believe this.


How could he do this to me?


We have been together since Freshman year.


And on graduation night!


What the hell!


Everyone else in our grade is out celebrating and here I am in my Family's gym putting holes in the punching bags.

"Alex baby that Lil white boy wasn`t shit." My cousin Alicia says from her perch on the floor beside my water bottle and towel. Alicia and I are best friends basically twins. She`s my rick and I love her but Imma need her to shut up. A diss at my ex is a diss at me and my taste.

"Alicia he was...he is everything to me." I pause officially recognizing how desperate those words sound coming out of my mouth.

"You were right the first time he 'was' everything to you but if he was willing to give you up just that easily after 3 and a half years he was never really in love with you. So this is your wake-up call to snatch your life back. Stop trying to act tuff it's ok to cry let it all out you just got dumped on your graduation day for fucks sake. Get your closure, you deserve to move on and I`m not just saying that because it`s been 3 hours but it`s literally 1 o`clock in the am." She yells flailing her arms around trying to get her point across.

"I-i know but I can`t cry. I refuse to cry because I`m not his victim. He broke up with me so I'm supposed to be like...ok next." I say flipping my thirty-six-inch box braids.

"Girl!" The gym fills with her horrid ghetto laughter as I grab my stuff, lock up and leave.

"Wow I'm amazed at how well you're coping with this," She says in mock amazement.

"He`s not the first person to leave me compared to her this is no big deal." I could tell by the look on her face she was not having that.

"Alex...you can't really compare the two... never mind. I`ll tell you what, we were invited to the graduation afterparty. Just imagine all hotties from other counties. After tonight you will really be over he who shall not be named." She says climbing into the passenger seat of my black charger.

"Sure but it's like 1 am?" I said motioning towards the dashboard.

"The party started at 12:30."

"Let's go then," I said flooring the gas pedal and making a quick U-turn.

"Alexandra if you don`t slow down I`m hopping out of this car and walking."

"I needed to make a quick U-turn."

"Sure you did."

I swiftly pulled into the parking lot at Brice Mitchell's house. Well, more like mansion dude is loaded. I could tell that the party was well underway. Brice already had people passed out on his lawn.

"Why are you complaining we got here safe."


"Bitch get the fuck out of my car."

We walk up to the front of the house, open the door, and are immediately intoxicated. Every drug imaginable, alcohol paradise.

"Alright, Alicia rock, paper, scissors for the designated driver."

"Ok Rock, paper-bye," she took off running in the other direction.

"You lost by the way," I say grabbing my first drink.

I honestly don't know what was in that first drink but I felt buzzed already. But that didn`t stop me from grabbing two more cups. Six cups later and I was dancing with some football player from across town, Eight cups later I was dancing on top of the pool table, I mean the crowd was vibing with me and everything. Then I was on the ground, I don't remember falling and no one really reacted. But best believe I still grabbed another cup, I don't know wh- actually, I know exactly why I wanted to be numb to forget.

"Hey babe," Oh it`s football guy.

"Heyy," I said it coming out a little slurred. But I guess that he didn`t care because within seconds he had his arms wrapped around me and were making out.

And it all came back to me the day we meet it was the summer before our freshmen year, Me and Alicia went to the movie theater and I tripped and spilled my popcorn on him and then made him share his lap popcorn with me as we watched the movie because I`m cheap.

I remember when school started and he would throw paper balls at the back of my head in first period and I would smash like twenty of them together and launch them at his big dumb head.

I remember when we got into that one physical fight and we got suspended and spent two weeks fighting in the ring at the gym.

I remember when he would defend me from the other boys when I took my smack talking too far, he`d walk with me to class, and open doors for me.

I remember when he finally got the balls to ask me out and we went to the arcade for our first date and we tied 30 to 30 on all the games. Actually, I remember all our dates, all our moments, all OUR kisses.

I feel like I betrayed him. I wanted to throw up. I felt gross kissing this random guy. God, I wanted to throw up. I promise I hated every second. I pushed off football guy and then pushed past him to the restroom.

As soon as I saw the toilet I threw up everything, from the drinks to the buffalo wings I eat last Monday. I threw so much up my throat stung but that was nothing compared to the pain of the memories. The memories, Jesus the memories felt like they were squeezing my heart I wanted to scream but nothing came out. Nothing but tears. The tears continuously streamed down my face. No matter what I did they wouldn`t stop so I gave up and I welcomed them. Shit, I didn't even cry like this when my mom left us but this was when I realized that was because of him because he was there for me. Before I knew it I was wailing because the only person who could console me wasn`t by my side. After a while, the tears slowed down and my wailing ceased. My body felt heavy on the floor.

"I thought we were soulmates."

"....Keagen." My last thought before everything went black.