

Young Master Hua's words were shocking.

He and Xue Shao's were close buddies. One hailed from a family of commerce while the other from politics. The pair was the most famous little buddhas in Haihong Province. He seemed like an incompetent second generation of a wealthy family, but only when people came to know him did they realize he had the soul of a militant.

The guests present were all elites raised by influential families. How could they not understand the meaning behind his words? Everyone promptly abandoned Li Xuehan and chose to shower Linlang with praises instead.

The slaps on their faces were quite painful, but they wanted to keep their lives.

At first, they thought Xue Shao would marry Li Xuehan and therefore regarded her as their "sister-in-law". Who would have imagined Young Master Hua would actually use this title on the commoner she had just slighted? The uneasy crowd did not know how to make up for their previous actions.

The panic in their hearts surged the moment Xue Shao came downstairs.

"What are you doing sitting next to him? Come here!"

Even if he was a good buddy, it was annoying to see his sweetheart by his side.

Xue Shao's face was full of unhappiness.

It was obvious that he had just taken a shower and changed into a less formal white suit. One could faintly catch a glimpse of a fresh hickey from the shirt's open collar.

Li Xuehan was so angry that her lungs felt like they were about to explode.

Making a wedding dress for others felt extremely unpleasant.

A certain woman lowered her head and smiled.

"What are you calling me there for? Your area's crowded and I'm very comfortable here. Also, I'm not done playing this round yet."

Linlang raised the poker cards in her hand in the typical fashion of someone relying on favoritism.

For this kind of person, being clingy will not bring out success. Acting neither hot nor cold, maintaining a lukewarm relationship is the way to attack his heart.

The air pressure around the young master dropped even lower. His glare directed at the pair made the chic playboy uncomfortable. As soon as the round ended, Hua Shao took off as if escaping a plague.

Xue Shao immediately hugged Linlang and refused to let her play with anyone else. He was extremely possessive over her.

Seeing Linlang's helpless expression, the young master was satisfied. He was back in control.

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She curled her lips while she played Anipop on her phone.

As Xue Shao conversed with people, he would also Xue nip at her ear.

Under Linlang's recent imperceptible influence, this lawless young master gradually learned how to be considerate of his female partner.

When the waiter brought drinks over, Xue Shao was careful to request a glass of warm water for her. The intimacy looked very natural.

Linlang sometimes felt he was too sticky, like dogskin plaster. But whenever she pushed him away in distaste, he used a more suffocating posture to cling to her. It was as if they were a pair of Siamese twins.

For a person like Linlang, who liked personal freedom, having a clingy boyfriend who kept tabs on her around the clock was undoubtedly worse than death.

Linlang: "..."

What should she do if she's regretting it?

Can she return this guy to the female lead?

The beauty was in his arms and Xue Shao was pleased as punch. He couldn't wait to show off this earth-shaking love to every man, woman, transvestite, animal, plant, and microorganism in the world!

Linlang was extremely vexed by this. It wasn't once or twice that she regretted ever provoking such a guy. Who can stand getting twenty calls a day?

Brother, you have to give people time to use the bathroom, okay?

After Linlang threatened him several times, he calmed down a bit.

Since he couldn't call her anytime, Xue Shao went to town on introducing her to all his relatives; maternal and paternal aunts, uncles, grandparents, and everyone in between made Linlang wish she had a few more brains to spare.

According to Xue Shao's characteristics, she thought he would be a majestic Tibetan mastiff, not a silly but cute husky!

Her judgment was incredibly off!

Xue Shao's unprecedented attention to Linlang caused panic among some people, including his parents.

They mistakenly thought she was like his other girlfriends who were simply there to be shown off to friends. Why is he so serious about introducing her to everyone in the Xue family?

The Xue family was a large tree with roots that ran deep. How could some plebeian be allowed to enter?

Mother Xue interrupted the conversation on the spot. "Shao'er, Xuehan came over today. You haven't seen each other for a while, have you? A few days ago, your third uncle brought back a few pots of black roses. They're blooming beautifully now. Why don't you take Xuehan to have a look."

The young master frowned impatiently. "Can't she go by herself? It's not like she doesn't have legs. Why do I have to serve her!"

When everyone heard his words, they thought that the Li family might lose their influence.

Judging from his attitude in the past, this heir apparent had a good impression of her and so everyone thought they were a promising pair.

Li Xuehan bit her lip and forced out a generous expression.

Mother Xue couldn't raise her face anymore.

Recently, Xue Shao has curbed his temper under Linlang's subtle influence. He no longer stayed out all night, and his beloved racing car has been collecting dust. What was even more shocking was that this crown prince who always skipped classes to go pick up girls has taken up the textbooks and become a model student.

Mother Xue seriously thought Xue Shao had "turned over a new leaf" and subconsciously brought out the attitude she used to deal with her subordinates, thinking that he would do as he was told!

For a while, the atmosphere was a bit stiff.

The madam looked at the girl currently next to her son. Her long hair was fastened up with a slanted dragonfly hairpin embedded with gemstones, and the dress hugging her waist was a lavender color hemmed with large violet mallows that looked magnificent whenever she walked.

Xue Shao was enamored with this outfit. He held her firmly in his embrace and refused to let other people see it.

Mother Xue's eyes carried a hint of warning.

Linlang was unfazed. Raising her head, she looked at her new boyfriend and said, "I've never seen black roses before."

The young master who had just been dragging his legs wordlessly escorted her to the back garden.

"Young people lack in manners." Linlang nodded to Mother Xue.

Women's wars were often filled with inadvertent words. Victory or defeat can be judged in an instant.

The overtures were indiscernible.

Mother Xue's expression fell. In all her years as a rich madam, no one had ever dared to make her lose face in public!

Shao Xue didn't know that his little girlfriend made a score against his arrogant mother. He happily hugged her as they enjoyed the flowers. Any time they ran into someone he knew, he would show off with great enthusiasm. The funny anecdotes he incorporated to humor her had the girl in fits of laughter.

At that moment, the person was more tender than the flower, and the young master's heart more restless than a capering monkey. Where could his high-born appearance be seen?

"Your sneak attacks are a bad habit."

Linlang was in glowing spirits and her eyes had a watery brilliance to them.

"Keep laughing at me and you'll see how this young master sorts you out!" To stop her from retreating, Xue Shao immediately grabbed the back of her head. It looked like he was about to kiss her when he suddenly cried out and covered her with his body.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!"

A girl in a white lace maid costume ran over with a water hose in hand. Her small face was pale, and her large grape-like eyes were full of horror.

"If apologies are useful, then what do we have the police for?" Xue Shao was immediately furious. "Are you freaking blind? Didn't you see two living people standing here? Why are you crying? You're the one who screwed up and now you're feeling wronged? Who gave you the guts? You think it's fine if you just cry?" The young master lambasted her.

He normally wouldn't have been this angry, but the white suit Xue Shao's wore today was a birthday gift from Linlang. It was tailored by a famous national designer. Master Su Lao had an eccentric personality and it was already a grand feat for her to persuade the man to make this. What made Xu Shao feel particularly touched was that it fitted him quite well. It seems that she remembered his measurements very clearly. Linlang always snubbed him, but he felt that she was just bashful. Deep down, she must really like him!

This little reptile dared to stain his precious clothes. He will not spare her!

Xue Shao's poisonous tongue could do some real damage. Just look at the crying heroine. She looked like a rabbit with her reddening eyes.

Some nearby male servants felt bad for her, but none of them dared to associate with her.

Linlang quietly watched the show.

She disliked wading in muddy water.

Oh, but watching the male lead scold the female lead was quite fun to see!

Zhang Mengmeng felt extremely wronged. She was only absentminded for a moment. What's so great about those clothes for him to treat her like this? It's not a big deal. She can just compensate him!

"Compensate me? How are you going to compensate me? Your monthly salary of two to three thousand won't be able to cover it even if you spent a lifetime working for the Xue family!" Xue Shao's chest was heaving. His eyes flickered dangerously as if he was itching to kill her then and there.

Zhang Mengmeng looked at Linlang with glistening eyes.

Yo, what are you looking at me for?

I am a vicious female partner, neither kind nor generous. I am solely responsible for making unreasonable trouble. Did those pleading eyes mistake me for someone else?

Still, it was better to pretend while the male lead was around.

"Go change your clothes first. It's easy to catch a cold."

Linlang brushed away the wet hairs stuck to his neck and spoke softly. "I won't kiss you if you're infectious."

This woman was making his heart skip a beat again.

"This is your honor. How dare you shun me!" Xue Shao was angry and amused at the same time. He bit her earlobe as punishment then strode away.

Zhang Mengmeng hesitated for a moment before running after him.

Linlang didn't stop her. She turned around and continued to admire the magnificent garden. A few crimson roses stood proudly in the wind, revealing a captivating fragrance.

"Turkish Halfeti black roses. It's not yet time for them to bloom. Only in summer will their black color be in a class of its own."

A faint voice spoke.

"I didn't expect you to be my brother's girlfriend."

The man was looked like a mature elite in his suit as well as leather shoes and a pair of glasses that nestled on the bridge of his nose.

"I also didn't expect you to be Xue Shao's brother."

Linlang laughed to herself. The person who should appear has finally arrived.