

"Master, this will hurt. Please bear it for a while."

His confidant took a sharp knife and cut through his flesh. He then quickly sprinkled the place with a hemostatic powder. Cold sweat was oozing from his forehead.

Wei Yu was expressionless. It was as if he couldn't feel any of the pain. He asked indifferently, "Do you know where those killers came from?"

"This subordinate is ashamed. So far there has been no clue..."

The man suddenly raised his hand to silence his words.

Within the faint rustle of the wind, something was moving quickly through the grass. Furthermore, it was coming their way without the slightest hesitation.

"They're here."Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Wei Yu's face was apathetic, but there was a murderous glint in his eyes.

"Master! I have never revealed your whereabouts—"

His aide rushed to defend himself.

"I know."

"What? Master you..."

Wei Yu's expression was cold as he revealed a split seed in his palm.

There was a small gold and silvery organism wiggling inside the shell.

"Gu worm!" His aide spoke in horror.

"To be more precise, this is the son worm."

"The mother worm...should be in the hands of the person who controls it."

The color of his lips was very pale, like a withered red poppy with no chance of revival.

"I know... who it is."

The one person he suspected the least.

The one person who wished him a safe journey.

His beloved.


The woman fiddled with the white pieces on the chessboard. She picked one and flung it at the eunuch who sat in a daze opposite her.

"Aiyo that hurts!"

The teenager clutching his head and grumbled, "How could Your Highness hit my head? Yuanbao was not very clever to begin with. I might become a fool from this."

The little eunuch had a dejected expression. It wasn't at all like his usual appearance.

"That's all right. It's better to bully a fool." Linlang smirked.

Yuan Bao: "..."

Your Highness, can you be more decent?

"Fine, wasn't it just a failure? Take this as a warning to be more cautious about future deployments." Linlang didn't plan on teasing him anymore. The little guy really seemed to be brooding over this matter.

Personally, she had expected this outcome.

Yuan Bao placed his head on her lap and spoke in a muffled voice, "But Your Highness has been exposed. Yuanbao is worried..."

"There is nothing to worry about. Constant vigilance will stave off evil." Linlang lowered her head and her plum-red lips quirked up in a smile. "What, don't you believe in me?"

The youth murmured, "Yuan Bao naturally believes in Your Highness."

But his heart is still brimming with unease.

Prince Wei had the appearance of an upright nobleman, but under his exterior was a powerful prince who possessed the capital that could rival Emperor Wei.

For him to accumulate such power made him more terrifying than man-eating beasts.

Yuan Bao's worries were soon realized.

On a particular night, Linlang retired for bed early.

It was around midnight when she suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

So, she woke up.

The man's face looked very strange in the dark. The scene of the candlelight flickering in his eyes brought forth an inexplicable chill. He was like a ghost that crawled out of hell for revenge as he ruthlessly strangled her neck.

He could not wait to kill her.

Linlang didn't panic. If this enraged man really wanted to choke her to death, he wouldn't have waited for her to wake up.

Still, Linlang was aware of her limitations. She had no physical strength that could overwhelm a man in a fight.

The dim moonlight scattered over the window sill and the folds of the curtain veil were like flowing water as the light projected the figure of that man on its thin surface.

"Why not proceed?...Does your heart ache?" She spat those words out with great difficulty, but her smile growing brighter by the moment. Her red lips were slightly raised and the shade was the most alluring red plum as seen in the coldest weather.

"But, mine doesn't!" She chuckled in a low voice. Suddenly, that innocent expression distorted. "What a shame, the chess game was one move short. I failed to bury Your Highness in Jiangnan!"

When those vicious eyes met his, Prince Wei's entire body froze.

"Hah, the prince has a big life!"

She, she hates him!Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

There was no doubt!

No, he doesn't believe it!

Was the former intimacy all an illusion?

Was it his own wishful thinking?

"Wh... why? Why do you want to kill me? That flower seed..." The man's voice suddenly became pressing. There was even an expectant quality to his voice when he asked, "Did Emperor Wei instruct you?! Tell me, was the one that forced you to attack me?"

He was no longer choking Linlang's neck. Instead, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her with vigor. His voice was low for fear he would disturb the people outside, but the gloomy intonation was frightening enough.

The man's reddened eyes stared at her with a sense of pleading.

So long as she said yes, he will choose to believe her.

He will believe her...even if it's a lie.

Linlang could easily push the blame on Emperor Wei, but the play would be too boring.

The woman's black hair was scattered all over the pillow. Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the breathlessness, which served to emphasize her unblemished skin.

"I did it. I planned this assassination from start to finish."

Her soft laughter had the sweet sound of silver bells, but it pierced a sharp knife through his heart.

"Did you think I would really fall in love with a beast that personally gave me away to be insulted by others?"

His pupils suddenly magnified.

An indescribable pain assaulted all his limbs.

It hurts.

It truly hurts.

"So... you lied to me all along?"

He murmured, "That time you made a wish at the Lantern Festival...you cried back then. Was that all an act?"

Like a fool, he was moved and opened his heart, allowing her to disrupt all his plans.

But in the end, it was all a scam!

What a joke. He was such a joke!

We Yu, you were clever for a lifetime, exhausted all your schemes, but got fooled by your former pawn!

"You really wish for me to die that much?" He asked solemnly.

The tall figure enveloped her completely. He was like a beast backed into a corner. Gloom, anger, sorrow-all the swirling emotions robbed him of his usual calm and wisdom.

He simply wanted to rip her hypocritical mask, to boorishly crush her.

"That's right. Why didn't you die back there? Why did you come back?"

The dimples from her smile were sweet, but her voice was equally malicious, "Don't you see? I took our former affection into account and wracked my brains to plot a unique death for you. Poisoning your body, letting birds, beasts, vermin, and ants gnaw on your flesh, then have you die at the most painful moment. Does Your Highness not find it exciting?"

She was giggling. "I also prepared various kinds of ways to send Your Highness off, like dismembering your corpse or ripping your heart to see just what color it is. Is it red? Black? Or...do you have none at all?"

Linlang's smile was eccentric, her bleak eyes had a hollow quality like a puppet with no flesh or blood.

Wei Yu was shaken.

"I'm such a fool. I clearly know you're a scoundrel deserving of death by a thousand cuts. You ruined my life. I know this, but I still could not control myself. I wanted to contact you, to get close to you. If you died, it had to be when you loved me the most, without knowing anything."

"So, why didn't you die?"

"Why won't you let me go?"

"Your very existence is a constant reminder that the one I loved most betrayed me. He thoroughly betrayed me." She raised her chin up at him. She laughed to the point of tears, but she didn't care. "Your Highness, I beg you. Will you just die and never appear before me again?"

He was silent for a long time.

"...Don't cry."

His heart was breaking.

"Haha, me? Cry? How is that possible? How can I weaken before my enemy? Even in death, I would never..." Her smile was ever more ferocious as the tears streamed down to her delicate ears and moistened the hair next to them.


The man sealed her lips. Before she could react, the general rode into the city and captured the enemy's fort.

Linlang viciously bit him.

Blood soaked with tears trickled down the corners of their mouths.

He took it all, swallowing the blood with great fervor. The strange fragrance in the air lured him into losing his rationale. Wei Yu couldn't stop himself from moving closer to her until his body stuck closer to her. Even though they were separated by a layer of clothes, the temperature of their close contact was scorching.

The blood, passion, and tears all enraptured him.

He indulged in the thrill of plunder.

Suddenly, an unforeseeable event took place. At that moment, a silver light flitted across at great speed.


There came the sound of clothes being pierced through.

The jeweled knife she used for self-defense came in handy for the first time.

Blood was dripping down.

Drops landed on Linlang's eyebrows from which they slowly slid down her cheeks and seemingly blossomed into a rose on her brocade clothes.

A bloody stream spilled from the man's lips. He was doing all he could to stop it from flooding out of his throat.

Linlang ruthlessly twisted the handle.

Sorry, I fooled you again.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

A woman's words should not be believed, especially when they come from a beautiful liar.

You had better remember this in the future, my dear prince.