
EvoMorph System

Talas Talim was just an ordinary college student on modern earth, and didn’t’ think much of his life until one day he accidentally died because he was doing his college thesis. By a twist of fate, he found himself reincarnated into a different and full of fantasy magical world! A world full of unknown and danger. A world where different and unknown species lived. How will Talas Talim survive in this unknown new world? Even more when he was reincarnated as a MOSQUITO!! “Ding!” “Beast Quests!” ”Mosquito: Suck blood from any living being (0/1)(Rank E)” Join Talas Talim in his journey in the new world as a beast!!

Novel_X_Hunter · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Defeated And The Trouble

As the dust settled at the place where the boar crashed, the boar body was lying and a large straight wound was on its throat while so much blood was gushing out. The boar made its final breath and the red tribal tattoos on its face started turning to its former color.

Talas Talim who was relieved a moment ago started to feel threatened immediately after he saw what happened to the boar. He even questioned himself on how the f*ck did he survived until now with a guy with these skills hunting him. But no matter what he thought, the only answer he has right now was its all involving the system.

While he was dumbstruck and lost in thought at the moment, Robin taken this opportunity to rush towards him with a quick dash. Talas Talim immediately snaps back to reality when he saw Robin coming right at him at quickened pace. Talas Talim started flying away planning to escape, but the slight hesitation that was caused by his carelessness made Robin shorten the gap and now they were apart by merely several meters, and that was enough distance for Robin to take a sure kill shot.

Asul Robin takes out his black and blue bow from his back with his left arm, while the right arm was taking out the remaining arrows on his quiver. There were 3 arrows remaining and all of them were headless arrows as if was prepared before long. He loaded the 3 arrows into his bow and pulled the string and aimed it towards Talas Talim. But before Robin released the string of the bow, he turned his hand that was holding the string making the arrows that was loaded turns.

"You sh*tty bird! Take this 'Tri-Spiral Arrows' skill from my clan!"

"Bang!" A small explosion was heard when the arrows were released.

Each arrow was spinning counter-clockwise while revolving through the air. The spinning force of each arrows and the revolving movement made the air around it causes a spiral. This skill that Robin used was one of the three top arrow skills of Asul's Clan the 'Tri-Spiral Arrows' which consists of 3 arrows and utilized its spinning force to cause an spiral in the air, but this skill range was limited. Its effective range is within 15 meters, and that range is enough to be called close-combat for an archer. But still the skill effectiveness and its unique ability made the skill worth it.

Talas Talim who was flying heard the small explosion behind his back and knew that an arrow was flying through his way. In the instance that he heard it he instantly switched direction and was planning to dodge to the right.

Asul Robin saw what the bird did, and his mouth immediately grinned.

Talas Talim who thought that he already dodged the arrow frowned to what happened next. He who was flying to the right started to feel some kind of force that preventing his movement. With no time to think about his current situation he still struggles flying to the right, and then he finally realized what's happening. He started to feel some kind of suction, like a vacuum that was sucking him from behind his back, but before he got to think of something he was already sucked in and got hit!

Two arrows hit him, one was on his left wing that immediately cracked his wing-bone and the other arrow hits his back the made him cough a lot of blood and immediately made him immobilized. At that moment, at the midst of the fall, Talas Talim only thought was…

[Oh sh*t! I f*cked up!]

Asul Robin eyes immediately brighten when saw that his arrows hit its target and all of his embarrassment from this morning was cleared up, and his confidence returned to its former glory once again.

He quickly runs towards Talas Talim as if he was rushing and avoiding something. He took out a piece of clothing from his right chest and quickly picked up his prized prey and started wrapping it with the piece of cloth and tying it with a rope.

Talas Talim who was injured and slightly in daze, immediately struggled after feeling that someone was picking and wrapping him up. But because of being injured, his movement was restricted and severe pains came after every move that he made, that forcefully stops him from struggling.

"Hey f*cker! Release me!"

Talas Talim tried to speak and when he did, it clearly showed hatred and grieved in every word that he spoke.

"Hehehe…Naughty bird after all the hard work that you made me do, it's enough to kill you! But luckily, you still have uses Hahaha" Asul Robin mockingly replied towards the hateful words of Talas Talim.

"I will remember this you ugly sh*t!" Talas Talim declared with full of hatred, but Asul Robin just smiled and didn't even bother replying, as if he was looking at a child throwing tantrums.

While the two were arguing, the young wild boar that died earlier started leaking out a white smoke. On the closer look at the white smokes, it was coming out from its tribal tattoos. While the tattoos were fading more smokes were coming out.

Asul Robin finished wrapping his prized prey and it looked like a sack with only the head of the bird sticking out. He hanged it around his waist and was about to leave when suddenly…


A loud roar was heard a hundred meters or something deep within the woods and flock of birds started flying away seems to be afraid of something.


The ground was shaking and trees were falling one after another, as if a massive entity was breaking through without caring whatever on its path.

"Sh*t!! Here comes the trouble!"

Asul Robin was expecting the trouble to come, but he didn't expect it to be this early and with this short distance. His planned was to quickly kill the young berserker boar and quickly used his clan skill to capture Talas Talim and immediately escaped and run away from the scene of murder. But as always, things never goes according to plan, and what's worse was the trouble was clearly near them, he thought that he was going to have a kilometer distance, because he knew that berserkers boars were egoists, they tend to hunt for food themselves and practice independency.

Asul Robin quickly picked up one headless arrow that he used that was on the ground and put it on his quiver, and immediately started running as fast as he could towards the direction of their base camp. He knew that he can't handle the trouble that was coming alone, but it was easy if there are others more on an army. He ran and passed through trees after trees, bushes after bushes that made his run slower compares to the 'big one' that was chasing him smashing through the trees unobstructed.

And again, the pursuit began…

Half of an hour already passed and the chased was still on, Asul Robin clothes were already soaking with sweats. He was already reaching his limits, his quickened pace and concentration to the surrounding was rapidly sapping the stamina of his body. But nonetheless, all of these things were already calculated by him, he knew the exact amount of effort was needed to sacrifice to make this run successful.

While Asul Robin was rapidly exhausting his body from all the running, Talas Talim was recovering quietly with leisure like a patient inside a moving ambulance.

Talas Talim now can move some parts of his body without experiencing severe pain unlike earlier, but because of the tight rope that tied him and the piece of cloth that wrapped him, the only thing that he can move freely was his head. With his head having some kind freedom, he can see and look at the things that are happening at the moment, and that concludes Asul Robin tired body, and the trouble that was already catching up. He can already see the trees that were falling and a massive shadow with red glowing eyes within the smoke causes by the sands and rubles from fallen trees.

Talas Talim was specifically focus on the condition of Asul Robin body, he was waiting for a chance to use <Sounds of Mockery> to affect Robin state of mind and causes hesitation. But he was still worried that if he made it happen somehow and he affect Robin emotion but be crushed along with him by the massive trouble behind them. Because of pro and cons of what his skill does he didn't have confidence of what will happen, of course he already thought about transforming to mosquito to escape but Asul Robin was fully focus and alerted and still not showing signs of weakness even though Robin was exhausted. He knew he can't afford to take the risk to transform.

A few breaths worth of time later, Asul Robin took the only one headless arrow that he picked earlier. He also took out something from the pouch behind his waist. It was a pointy metal thing like a head of an arrow but different, it has hole in the tip and the body has also 3 bigger holes forming in a straight line, like a flute. He then fuses the two to make a complete weird arrow.

He took out his bow from his back and loaded the weird arrow, and aim towards the sky.


A squealing sound with a few screech was heard when the arrow was released. It was a signal arrow!

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