
It Was Worth It Pt. 1

For citizens, today was alike yesterday. Birds sung harmonious tunes as the day began. The sun rose, blessing the environmenf with its beautiful rays of light. The Kingdom of Yumeria filled with tranquility held a low rate of violent activity. While the kingdom itself was prosperous, the land they preoccupied was at risk. Demons arise from the shadows in momentuous quantity.

Through the might of the Yumeria Kingdom, they have successfully held these invaders at bay. However, death follows the aroma of despair. With casualties piling up as the years pass, the King and Queen of Yumeria made a daring decision. The request of otherworldly beings.


"15!!" Shouts the captain of assault squadron 4.

Sharpened metallic arms raise to the air. These weapons fall vertically. The wind splits, emitting a sound close the movement of a stick swiping against the wind. "SHAI!!" Collectively, all soldiers in the vicinity of the captain present increase the volume of their bocals to the highest of elevation. Accessing more energy with a swipe of their arms.

This captain had golden hair that fell to the center of his back. His eyes made the scenery the ocean displays seem like a mere scribble of art. Cladded in silver medieval style armor, Cheverae was the dream man to any woman of the modern world. "16!!" For each swing followed a higher number of the captain. Out of the 6 foreigners amongst the squadron, Cheverae only had his eyes on one member.



The sword of squadron 4. A man of mediocre height but amazing stature. During this training period, Jaden held a regular broadsword. It had a basket like mechanic around the hilt typically used as protection for the user's hand against bladed attacks. The handle was obviously long enough for single hand usage. The blade was like a sharp triangular prism with a silver tint dominating its exterior appearance. The smithing of this world was quite advanced, using carbon and mixing it with iron to make steel. Then mixing the steel with copper to make a strong alloy that is conductive to electricity and resistant to rust. The sword was well made. Sharp, with a tensile strength that outmatched a lot of the swords around the medieval era.

This speaks volumes for how advanced the weaponsmithing of the Yumeria Kingdom. Blades weilding enough edge to cut paper by grazing it slightly.

From his center of gravity, shifts in his grip, weight positioning once he moves, his technique was beautiful. "Every time I see it I still can't wrap my head around it. This level of skill at his age is a rarity. How could a god overlook his being?"

Jaden was one of the many heroes summoned to help fight against the demons. Every summon ever recorded held a blessings ceremony. A ceremony where the body of heroes are enveloped by the energy of this world, Mana. Following this development was a meeting with the gods who govern this world. A volley of gods choose whom they'd like to grant their blessings to. Out of all the heroes who were summoned, Jaden was the only one who was denied by all of the gods present. Such events led to his body being rejected by the world itself so his body could not contain mana.

Mana helps further the physical progress of humans. Allowing them to access strength beyond the normal confinements of humanity.

The god reason for abandoning him? He was an atheist. The belief that gods exist was not his problem. Jaden had 0 belief in the gods' will. An existence that rejects the gods is an existence that does not deserve the gods blessings.

There held discussions amongst the King, Queen, and The Circle to decide his fate. Amongst discovering Jaden's sword skills, they decided to place him in with the lower rank Heroes. Its been a month since they've came here. While the rest of his squad has grown at an astronomically higher rate than his own growth, he has accomplished more.

At first, the Kingdom did not necessarily mind if he dies however, he works as a teacher amongst all 4 Hero groups. Teaching them his fighting methods even though he doesn't care for fighting the country himself. The kingdom pays a handsome amount for the lessons. He is even the teacher of the Kingdom's prince and princess. And so, he was blessed with a bodyguard.

"CAPTAIN CHEVERAE!!" Metal clanking grows ever close.

"Halt!" The arms of the squadron come to a standstill. Cheverae turns to the direction of the voice. His eyes met a beauty of familiarity. "Ah, Captain Barnet. Have you come to request another duel with Jaden?"

"Yes, this time. I am confident I will defeat him."