
Evolution system: Wake To Strong

What if you had a system that allowed you to get stronger? I'm sure a lot of people would be glad. Xie Qing, the protagonist of this story, got the Evolution System. He became stronger with it, but is this the peak of the System's capabilities? [Ding! Received Mission: Enter the Supernatural World.] What awaits Xie Qing behind this high-profile title? Will his life be in danger? No one knows. Read Evolution System: Wake to Strong and support the author with your comments! /// Communication with the author - e6ekVKyzrS The picture on the cover was taken from the internet. If you have the rights to it, then email me. (Invitation above).

Reveraner · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs


Guys, quick announcement. When the book reaches 70 collections, I'm going to do a little marathon until chapter 30. The marathon will last until there are 30 chapters.

1 day is 3 chapters.

Enjoy reading!


This figure had long hair, a black beard, and a naked torso with a huge lion fur draped over it.

He had a huge club in his hands and a bow and a quiver of arrows behind his back, the tips of which were poisonous.

The figure himself was about two meters tall, though he looked as small as an ant in contrast to the titan.

Even so, the titan was wary. He gritted his teeth and shouted a single name angrily.


The titan's loud roar made the weak monsters explode! Instantly, the hall filled with the smell of blood.

Though not all, some of the intelligent monsters became alarmed when they heard the name "Hercules.

As for the culprit, he looked indifferently at the titan and grinned.

"I was surprised to learn of the existence of titans. Turns out I don't killed them all." Hercules shook his head and sighed sadly. But there was contempt and sarcasm in that sigh.

The Titan curled his lips and stood up, making the ground tremble. Instantly, the air was filled with murderous intent!

"Are you really Hercules?" Asked the titan in a deep voice in which you could hear a hint of fear.

"А? Are you blind? Naturally, I am Hercules." The man shrugged and smiled.

The Titan was silent. He had heard rumors that Hercules had been killed in the Ancient War, but now he was in front of him.

Hercules seemed to guess the titan's thoughts and grinned coldly.

"I did die in the Ancient War, as did other mighty figures." He looked tragic as he said this, but soon smiled broadly. "However, thanks to some little ones, I have been reborn."

"Impossible! Your soul should have dissipated long ago!" Titan shouted furiously in disbelief.

"I'm surprised, too, but somehow I don't care about their ways. What matters is that I am Hercules. And you..."



Hercules swung his huge club and created a sound wave that attacked the titan.

It didn't do much good, however, as the titan withstood it with his thick and armored skin.

The titan grinned coldly and struck Hercules with his fist. This blow was so fast that it was as if time had slowed down around the fist.

Hercules frowned and changed his weapon to a spear and then pierced the titan's skin with it.

"GHAHAAA!!!" The titan let out a pitiful cry and crouched in pain. He looked at Hercules' spear and turned pale.

The tip of the spear was impregnated with poison. And the poison was no ordinary poison, but the poison of Hydra!

As you know, Hydra's poison can kill even Gods! And if this poison works against the Gods, then the titans are weak against it, too.

Feeling his body weaken, the Titan screamed in anger. Cub's space began to tremble and volcanoes erupted with great force.


A voice filled with anger swept through all the worlds. Mighty and not so mighty practitioners raised their heads in shock when they heard this cry.

But it wasn't the scream itself that shocked them in the first place, it was the name that was shouted! The legendary nightmare of the titans, Hercules!

Many mighty practitioners darkened and felt the dark clouds thicken over the world.

If Hercules is indeed alive, so are the other heroes...


The Palace of Light.

In a rather peaceful atmosphere, Xie Qing and the angels discussed future plans. They talked about the security of the Mortal World, as well as creating new units for military operations.

Xie Qing was saying something to the First Seraphim and Alfred, but suddenly he froze and looked up into the sky. The other angels also repeated his action.


A loud and intimidating voice made the mere commoners of Heaven shudder and look around in fear.

The only place the voice didn't reach was the human world. It would be bad if people knew of such an intimidating existence.

Xie Qing darkened, as did the other high-ranking officials. Each of them understood the full extent of the picture.

"Hercules..." Xie Qing muttered and suddenly remembered a legend.

Hercules was a Greek hero, the son of Zeus. He was born very tiny and powerless, but at a young age he showed his strength and accomplished twelve achievements.

He was a powerful figure who really existed. However, there were rumors that he died during the Ancient War along with the Gods.


Now Xie Qing hesitated. What if Hercules is alive? Even if the only proof was that voice, everyone could understand the rage and fear in the cry.

Xie Qing drew little conclusions and came to the conclusion that Hercules' enemy was a titan. In addition, he tried to check the coordinates from which the sound was heard.

"Hell: subspace..." Suddenly Alfred said aloud, confirming Xie Qing's conclusions.

"From what I hear, this subspace is called the Chaotic Cube, and the local lord was a titan... Could it be...?" First Seraphim jumped to quick conclusions, turning instantly pale.

"Could it really be Hercules?"

Xie Qing and the others went pale, too. And they had a good reason for that.

Heroes and Gods are connected.

Every God has been the cause of a Hero's birth at some time in their lives. Often they gave them trials and orders, which the Heroes carried out.

They were somewhat like faithful dogs who do whatever their master commands.

It was very rare for a Hero to kill his God-Father. There were, however, such instances. But often it was the other way around.

Heroes were killed as soon as they became strong or bored with the Gods.

And if the God died, the Hero lost his power and became weak. That's why it was easy to kill them.

However, Hercules-type Heroes were directly related to the God who gave birth to them. Therefore, if Hercules is alive, then.

"Zeus is alive?!" Xie Qing suddenly shouted this and looked at the First Seraphim. The latter sighed.

"Actually, I don't know either. This situation is too confusing and I can't fully understand how Hercules was reborn." The First Seraphim sighed disappointedly. "All we can do is be wary and speed up the process of mobilizing the troops."

"First Seraphim, what about our allies?" Asked Alfred suddenly.

"As for them..." The First Seraphim waved his hand and a gold-framed mirror with jewels appeared in the sky.

However, Xie Qing and the others did not care about the mirror design. What attracted their attention most was the figure that appeared in the mirror.

"Greetings, dear allies of the elven race, the angels.".

She had long blond hair that fell over her shoulder and onto her lush chest. Her eyes glowed green, and there was an aura of peace and beauty around her.

Two sharp and long ears gave her away as an elf.

The elfess had a crown on her head, adorned with jewels of green, and the backdrop was decorated with forest flora and fauna.

She was dressed in a white and simple dress, but this only added to her beauty. Xie Qing noticed from the corner of his eye that some of the officials were holding their breath.

He, naturally, was not affected by such charms. He was married and fully satisfied with his wife.

So he briefly nodded in greeting, spreading his magical energy slightly, waking up the enchanted elves.

The first Seraphim did not react in any way to the elf's beauty and only nodded in greeting.

"Elf Queen, thank you for your presence."

"That's all right. I would like to talk about it too, as the Children of the Forest are concerned about the demons." The Queen nodded and smiled.

"I see. Did you hear the recent scream?" The First Seraphim nodded indifferently and asked.

"Yes, it would have been hard not to hear such a loud roar. I didn't expect Hercules to still be alive." The Elf Queen frowned her beautiful and thin eyebrows, but even so she looked beautiful.

Alas, no one here had time to enjoy the elfish beauty. The first Seraphim nodded once more.

"We suspect that the Gods may be alive." Suddenly Alfred said.

"What?!" The queen opened her eyes wide and her ears fluttered slightly, as if doubting the truth of these words.

"Calm down, Queen." Suddenly Xie Qing said, than drawing attention to herself. "Though we suspect that the Gods are alive, it may not be so."

The atmosphere instantly relaxed, but the tension still remained. The Elf Queen looked at Xie Qing with surprise.

"You must be the Child of the Abyss?" Suddenly the Queen asked.

"Indeed, it is I. My name is Xie Qing, Queen." Xie Qing stood up and bowed, then sat back down.

"What an honor. This is the first time I've ever seen a creature from the Abyss, much less someone of such high caliber."

The queen smiled and nature seemed to come alive all around her. Xie Qing even saw lush flowers grow beside the queen.

He looked silently at the queen, who did not seem to understand the reason for his gaze.

First Seraphim laughed slightly when he saw Xie Qing's shocked face. He explained.

"When a being reaches the Realm of Divinity, his every movement: as if a sigh, a breath, or the emotions can affect the environment."

Xie Qing had naturally heard of beings at the level of the Realm of Divinity. The first Seraphim and the other Seraphim were also in that realm.

However, knowing is one thing and seeing is another. He was still surprised by the manifestation of the Elf Queen's power.

The Elf Queen smiled as she realized the reason for Xie Qing's surprise and elegantly covered her mouth while chuckling.

"What a funny reaction. Don't you want to take a girl from my race as your wife?"

"No, thank you. I already have a wife." Xie Qing shook his head with a serious expression on his face.

"Is that so? What a pity..." The queen smiled, but did not insist.

Soon the meeting was over and Xie Qing left the hall.