
Evolution of the Demon Prince

The path of Arcane Advancement is a never-ending journey, for the secrets of the arcane are boundless and ever waiting to be uncovered. But what happens when you are the runt of the litter? Years ago, the sky split apart like a shattered mirror and Demons and monsters came pouring into Earth. They brought mana and Arcana with them. Changing the life of humans forever. Thus began a war between humans and the Demons that lasted for years before an agreement was reached and each built their own Cities, but humans never forgot the terror the Demons represented. Belialthorn, the weakest of the Demon Princes had just been cast out from the Demon City because of a glitch in his system that made him weaker from other Demons. At first he wanted to enjoy his forced retirement but now he was dragged to an ancient castle then forced to compete in a series of trials that will change his life. And set him forever on the road of power. .............. Updating daily! Don't forget to add and vote because you'll enjoy this!

DukeWriter · Kỳ huyễn
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305 Chs

Intruders II

The skill didn't make Belialthorn heavy, it was the air that surrounded him that was heavy as if was wearing a chainmail and it stalled his movements, almost making him stumble.

But Belialthorn was of far higher ranks than them, something like that was too weak to matter to him. He twisted sharply, raising himself on his toes, and brought his hand down on the closest Inquisitor.

His opened palm struck him on the neck and the bone cracked like a twig, turning the head at an angle but he didn't watch the dark-clothed man fall because Belialthorn was already on the second one like a hungry wolf.

He caught the Inquisitor's hand and drew him closer then with his other hand on his shoulder, Belialthorn ripped it clean off. He...no, she screamed as blood splurged and he took her out of her misery by shoving her ripped-off arm into her skull.