

Three years later after the "massacre". The sole survivor of the "Phoenix" clan sets out on a journey to avenge his clan that was slaughtered by a unique group of people.

Nekorbtraeh · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


Sounds of wind fill the silence of a forest, inside the forest stands two people, A stray soul who only stands for revenge and a man filled with corruption, death and most importantly evil. The two stare at each other, the blood lust that flies off of the "stray soul" could be felt physically. The Man filled with corruption smiles at the boy, this only fills his rage more,

"After everything you've done you still can sit back and smile?!". The Boy yells.

Flames of rage forms in the "stray soul's" hand, he begins to runs towards the man and starts screaming at him,

"I will have your head!"

The boy quickly sits up in his bed, gasping for air... "Just a dream again huh?" he thinks to himself. Sunlight beams into the empty room, The boy sighs and grips his fist in anger,

"Dammit!" he says in frustration.

He quickly gets up from his bed to change into more casual clothes; the boy examines himself in the mirror, the same empty figure stares back at him. He adjusts his jacket before walking away from the mirror and into to the kitchen too check his supplies, he slowly opens the cabinets to figure out that they're all empty,

"You've got to be kidding me..." the boy sighs,

"I guess I'll just buy something to eat-" He's cut off after opening his completely empty wallet, defeated, he puts his wallet back into his pocket.

"Well what now?" He thinks to himself, "I guess I could just go into the town nearby and look for a quick job, but gods I hate it there..."The boy's stomach growled loudly, he sighs deeply and says,"I guess I have no choice...".

The boy grabs his dagger and sheathes it. He walks outside of the house to be met with nothing but trees and nature, completely cut off from any town, village or city. He takes in a deep breath and begins to make his way to the nearest town. The boy liked living in silence, well after he was made an orphan at least.

"Finally out of the trees." The boy says to himself; he stretches and continues on towards the town, occasionally stopping to look up at the sky. He suddenly stops in his tracks, sensing something.

"Three people ahead, all armed with swords but with no elemental power." The boy quietly says to himself.

He continues on the path, and not to his surprise he sees three men blocking his path.

"Hey! You stop right there." One of the men says.

The men get closer, but the boy keeps his distance.

"Come on, you know the drill, money and valuables right now!" The man commands, slowly unsheathing his sword.

The boy puts his hands in his pockets and walks through them; this infuriates the men.

"Hey! I know this brat, hes the lone survivor of the Phoenix clan!" One of the men yells.

"Oh your right! Come on boy we know you have some pity money." The man says with a smirk.

The boy stops dead in his tracks and turns to face them. He reaches into his pocket and throws his wallet at them in which they catch it.

"Nice doing business with you." The man says while opening his wallet.

"Wait, Its empt-" In a blink of an eye the man is cut off by a dagger going through his chest.There stands the boy staring coldly into the mans eyes before pulling out the dagger and stabbing his throat. The boy knocks the man to the ground, the other two men quickly unsheathe their sword and run towards him.

"You bastard! You shall pay!" says one of the men, the boy gets into his stance as one of the men swings his sword at him, he easily parries the attack which stuns the assailant, he dashes in front of the man and slams his dagger clean through his chest, he quickly pulls his dagger out of the man and kicks him into the oncoming attacker, he follows it up by punching the wounded man to the ground and stabbing him again, ending his life. The boy turns his head quickly and stares right through the final man. The bandit instantly falls to his knees.

"P-please spare me; you won't see me again I swear! P-please I have a family..."The man pleads.

The boy pulls out his dagger out of the fresh corpse and begins to slowly walk towards the man who's started crying and still pleading.

"P-please! I'll g-give you anything you-" he's cut off by the boys dagger slashing against his chest, instantly killing him. The boy wipes off the blood on his dagger and sheathes it, he walks back to the first man that he killed and collects his wallet. He looks around the area,

"I should probably leave now." He thinks to himself.

He begins to walk away but turns back around,

"The name's Ikari Phoenix, allow this to be a warning to anyone of your friends who dare to oppose me." He turns back around and begins to walks towards the city, ready for anymore "roadblocks."

Yo! I just wanted to thank the people who read this, I'm still new to writing so any criticism/advice will be appreciated. Again, thank you all!!

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