
Evil Through The Multiverse

Synopsis: In his past life, he was an ordinary man, one who spent countless hours binge-watching his favorite shows, with Avatar: The Last Airbender standing out as a masterpiece. But one fateful night, everything changed. After an untimely death, he awakens to find himself reincarnated in the world of Avatar. Not just that, but he’s been gifted with a system—a mysterious interface that grants him quests, skills, and abilities—something straight out of a video game. This world isn’t just a story anymore. It's real. He is reborn in the Fire Nation, during the Hundred Year War, an era of great conflict and danger. Though he knows the future and the fate of key players like Aang, Zuko, and Katara, he must tread carefully. The world of bending is far more perilous than it appeared on-screen. However, there’s more to this reincarnation than meets the eye. With the system by his side, he’s given a chance to shape history—possibly even rewrite it. But will he intervene and risk altering the course of events, or will he remain a shadow, using the system to grow stronger while navigating the war-torn world of Avatar? World: Avatar: The Last Airbender New World: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)

Alpha_Ace · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 16

The days were growing shorter as the end of the month approached, and with each passing hour, Kuro's anxiety mounted. Despite the tranquility that had settled over the Kamado household, the absence of Muzan was a constant source of worry for him. Though he felt a glimmer of relief that the demon had not yet appeared, the silence was unsettling. He had been waiting for weeks, and the longer Muzan remained hidden, the more on edge he became. This apprehension was a stark contrast to the peaceful life he had built with the Kamado family.

Kuro's daily routine was a testament to his dedication. He rose with the sun and spent his mornings chopping trees in the dense forest, his powerful swings sending logs crashing to the ground. Each piece of wood was carefully collected and stacked, ensuring that the Kamado family would have enough firewood to last through the harsh winter. Afterward, he would venture deeper into the forest, hunting for game and gathering fruits. His keen senses and honed skills made him an adept hunter, and his efforts ensured that the family had plenty of fresh meat and nourishing fruits to eat.

Despite the physical demands of his tasks, Kuro took great pride in his work. The Kamado family had grown to rely on him, and their gratitude was evident in the way they looked at him. They saw him as a pillar of strength and stability, a source of comfort in their otherwise uncertain lives. Kuro, however, remained humble. He never spoke much about his contributions, feeling that his actions spoke louder than words. 

One crisp, clear afternoon, Kuro perched on a high tree branch near the Kamado house. He was engrossed in carving wooden dolls for Hanako and Rokuta, using a small knife he had bought from the town. The dolls were intricately detailed, each one a testament to his skill and affection for the children. As he worked, the faintest hint of a smile tugged at his lips. He took pleasure in these simple, personal moments, finding solace in the act of creating something special for those he cared about.

Tanjiro's voice broke the quiet as he called out, "Yo, Kuro, it's time to head out and sell some coal."

Kuro responded with a cheerful, "Okay," and without a second thought, he leaped from the tree branch onto the snowy ground below. The snow crunched beneath his boots as he landed effortlessly, and Tanjiro watched with wide-eyed astonishment.

"D-don't jump like that! You could get hurt!" Tanjiro exclaimed, his voice laced with concern.

Kuro flashed a reassuring smile, waving off Tanjiro's worry. "I'm stronger than you think. A jump like that won't hurt me, and besides, the snow cushions the landing."

Tanjiro sighed in relief, handing Kuro a sack of coal before donning one himself. Kuro barely felt the weight of the sack; to him, it was as light as a feather. Together, they set off towards the town, their conversation punctuated by laughter and friendly banter. It was a familiar routine, one that had become a cherished part of their daily lives. They were like brothers, bonded by their shared experiences and mutual respect.

As they reached the bustling town, the atmosphere was lively and vibrant. The streets were lined with vendors and shoppers, their voices creating a cacophony of sound. Kuro and Tanjiro split up to maximize their efficiency. Kuro made his way through the crowded marketplace, his presence drawing attention from several young women. 

The girls had formed a line, eagerly waiting for him. As Kuro approached, one girl, her cheeks flushed with shyness and her ears tinged with red, hurried to him, holding out a box of sweets. "This is for you, Kuro-kun," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Before Kuro could respond, more girls surrounded him, offering a variety of gifts—clothes, accessories, and even daring kisses on his cheek. Some of the bolder girls attempted to kiss him on the lips, their excitement bordering on wild. The attention was overwhelming, but Kuro handled it with grace and charm. He accepted their gifts with a smile, all while efficiently selling coal to each of them. 

Even as he was showered with affection and gifts, Kuro remained focused on his task. The girls' enthusiasm was matched by their willingness to purchase coal, and Kuro's presence in the town had clearly become a highlight of their day. His charm and strength were undeniable, and he had become a beloved figure in the community.

After finishing his sales, Kuro made his way to the spot where he and Tanjiro usually met. As he waited, he couldn't help but think of how different his life had become since arriving in this world. The laughter and camaraderie he shared with Tanjiro were a welcome respite from the constant threat of demons. It was a fleeting sense of normalcy that he cherished deeply.

A short time later, Tanjiro arrived, waving at Kuro with a friendly grin. Kuro waved back, his face still adorned with kiss marks from the town's young women. Tanjiro's eyes narrowed in mock suspicion. "Why are you always covered in kiss marks after selling coal with me?"

Kuro smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Guess I'm popular with the girls."

Tanjiro's grin widened. "Or with grannies."

Kuro playfully retorted, "Hey!"

Tanjiro laughed as he ran ahead, with Kuro chasing after him. The snow continued to fall, blanketing the world in a serene, glittering layer. The two friends enjoyed the peaceful walk home, their laughter echoing through the stillness of the evening.

As they neared the Kamado house, their path was interrupted by the old man Saburo, who lived down the mountain. "Tanjiro, Kuro, stay the night here," Saburo urged, his voice urgent. "It's getting dark, and the snow is heavy. Demons come in the dark."

Kuro's heart raced at the mention of demons. His eyes widened in alarm, and without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards the Kamado house, his senses on high alert. He threw aside his sack of coal and drew his Nichirin sword, the blade glowing a blood-red hue as he prepared for battle.

[Blood Lust detected]

The notification flashed before him, heightening his urgency. Kuro activated [Sprint], his speed amplified by the surge of adrenaline. The snow around him whipped into a frenzy as he raced towards the house. Through the swirling snow, he saw a figure in a white hat and a black-and-white suit standing with Kie Kamado. The figure's hand was raised menacingly.

"No!" Kuro screamed, his voice echoing through the night. [Bloodlust Activated]

[Domain Activated]

A dark, menacing aura enveloped Kuro as he activated his Bloodlust. The figure in the suit, Muzan Kibutsuji, turned his head towards Kuro, his eyes widening with a mixture of fear and interest. With a burst of power, Kuro swung his sword with deadly precision. The blade cleaved through the air, severing Muzan's head in a single, devastating blow. The force of the strike sent debris and snow flying in all directions.

Before Muzan could regenerate, Kuro moved swiftly, positioning himself protectively in front of Kie Kamado. Kie, stunned by the sudden appearance of the headless body and the ferocity of the battle, remained frozen in shock. "Miss Kamado, I don't have time to explain! Run, take everyone and get as far away as you can!" Kuro shouted urgently.

Kie's shock kept her immobilized. Seeing her hesitation, Kuro grabbed her and dragged her away from the doorstep. He turned back to face Muzan's dismembered body, determined to finish the fight. As he prepared to use his Thirteenth Form, Muzan's headless body was slashed in an X-pattern, but the attack wasn't enough. Muzan's body began to reassemble into a mass of blood.

Kuro's frustration mounted as he realized that Muzan was far from defeated. He gritted his teeth and used the Thirteenth Form with relentless focus, tearing the remaining pieces of Muzan's body into fragments. Despite his best efforts, Muzan's body continued to regenerate, and Kuro knew he had to act quickly.

[Instinct Levelled up]

A tendril of blood shot towards him from where Muzan's head had been. Kuro's instincts kicked in, and he realized that the battle was far from over. Without a moment's hesitation, he seized the regenerating head and the blood tendril, hurling them into the forest. With a burst of speed, he sprinted after them, determined to ensure that nothing of Muzan would return to threaten the Kamado family again.

As Kuro plunged into the forest, the snow-covered ground crunched beneath his feet. The night was filled with eerie shadows and the howling wind, creating an almost otherworldly atmosphere. Kuro's heart pounded as he chased after the fragments of Muzan's body, his senses alert to any sign of danger. He could feel the weight of his responsibility bearing down on him, and he was determined not to let Muzan's evil return.

In the depths of the forest, Kuro found the blood tendril and the regenerating head. He attacked with relentless fury, using every ounce of his strength and skill to ensure that Muzan's remains were completely destroyed






