
Evil Shadows

Mehrin_Mohona_5360 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

An investigation

" Judging by her body you can't call that criminal a human " Seung said that while Drawing something in his art book..

(Their teacher came inside the classroom)

" Everyone Take your seats " After saying that she started writing something on the board..

"Okay! So we are going to read this two chapter for the day since your exams are coming soon.." said the teacher as if nothing happened.

"They don't even care about her...(sigh)

I wonder is he okay after seeing her body. I should have checked on him earlier.. At least he has Duri by his side" Yu Nari is thinking all of this inside her head..

(the same day In the lunch time)

( Yu Nari, Bora, Jun, Sol and Duri are sitting in the cafeteria)

" Everyone is looking so fine. Even though she wasn't that close to us , She was our classmate.." Said Jun while looking at others.

" That makes me more angry. cause it looks like they doesn't have a heart of human. " Anger is showing all over Yu Nari's face. A few minutes later Yu Nari asked Sol " By the way are you okay sol? I was about to check on you but I didn't get the time to meet you since today I came to the school late." Yu Nari said it to Sol.

" Of course! I--I'm fine.. why did you asked me that? Noona!! Do you think I'm a kid?" Sol said that so that his friends can't make fun of him.. But who knows there's someone who is always ready to make fun of him!

" Oh Yeah. Noona he is actually fine aside from the fact that he puked 3 times in a row after seeing the dead body. " Duri said that while laughing.

after hearing it all of them started laughing a little expect Sol.

" Hey!! Duri!! I thought you are my friend. Why are you exposing me like that? You know I'm older than you right? " Sol angrily said that..

" Well whatever. You are only 1 year older than me. "

Duri still making fun of Sol.

" I really don't know how came both of you are friends when you guys keep fighting like that every now and then.." said Jun ( Laughing)

" I guess miracle exists. ( laughing) By the way Nari can you go with me to the supermarket after school? " Bora said that.. But Nari didn't said anything because she is absent minded.