
Love And Vinegar

"What do you mean by this? There is nothing wrong with me. I am just concerned about you." Ouyang Ming haughtily replied.

He could not believe her. He was trying to fight for her but she herself was not interested in his help. When she will be treated like dirt again then she will realize his importance. For now, he has to hear her tantrums.

"Concerned about her? Why? She doesn't need your concern. I am there for her." Lu Jian's icy eyes threw daggers at him.

This man was blatantly disregarding him as Zhen Xiu's husband.

What did he mean by his words?

Does he think that she will be mistreated here like she was before?

Does he think that he is not suitable for her?

Why was he asking these ridiculous questions and creating a difference between him and his wife?

Lu Jian could not understand his approach. "Say clearly, I want to know why do you hate me so much?"