
Chapter 332 Precious

Jessica Smith could hardly believe how drastically her life had changed in just a few short weeks. 

One moment, she had been fearing for her life—and her father's—and now, here she was, freely enjoying a cruise with happy honeymooners. 

The future no longer worried her; after paying off all her father's debts, she found herself with millions to spare. 

Life should have been good, but instead, she found herself tangled in the web of a mysterious man.

Ross Oakley had saved her, yes, but he had also claimed her as his own. 

Everything still felt like a dream. 

To clear her mind, she tried to investigate the whereabouts of Mr. Adams, just to ensure it wasn't all some wild fantasy. 

Yet, no one seemed to know anything. There were reports about Adams and his entire crew going missing, but that was it—no follow-ups, no further details.