
Chapter 291 Eternity

The next day, excitement filled the air as everyone prepared for the trip.

"Is everyone ready?" Ross asked, his voice carrying over the chatter and bustling activity. The group was heading to Los Angeles, and the bags and suitcases were already packed and waiting by the door.

"Yes, we are!" the girls cheered in unison, their enthusiasm infectious.

As they gathered their belongings, Imari turned to Ross with a curious expression.

"Ross, if we're going to L.A. to ask Althea's parents for her hand, does that mean you'll also go to Japan to do the same for mine?" she asked, her tone laced with both excitement and hope.

Everyone in the group knew that Imari was destined to be one of Ross's many wives, and her question only underscored the depth of her feelings for him.

Ross paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"That… hmm… I honestly hadn't thought about it," he admitted with a sheepish smile.