
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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21 Chs

Fire Emblem Part 17x Nils & Ninian Dragon Supper Part 4x Friend through and through

"The fusion of the various Subsidarty Dimensions is quite dangerous." Hector had his hands propped up on the War Table looking over it, scrutinizing every possible choice to make. "I will lose some people here and there..." His eyes flared at the costly mistake against the outskirts of Bern. The mercenaries that went there were told to be discreet. But mistakes were made all the same. "They needed more time to have near 100.00% chance of victory, the gap for espionage training my way is too difficult for them to understand still."

"Boss, there is a stranger here to see you. He gave this to show you would want to see him." The Scout handed a piece of paper with intricate designs on it. The most noticeable thing was the ring of words in various languages. A specific pattern that only a few understood. "He refused to remove his cloak, so a few of the guards have him under stricter watch than normal.."

"Let him in, it's an old friend." Hector's fingers thrummed the table a little. He swallowed hard hoping it was really one of them arriving. 'Maybe I can have some good help that understands what I am saying now?'

The Scout left and couldn't help but smile to himself. Hector was still at the War Table thinking of plans and checking them over. His dedication to keeping them all alive while still marching and fighting worked the best for the people under him.

The moment the visitor came in, two things happened, the flap closed and a person appeared to the left wearing Black & Red clothing out of a Dark wormhole of sorts. The hoody came down for them both showing his friends Rexford and Richard. The latter is slightly more built than he used to be.

"You were hard to get to. Came close to wanting to break Deity Law to get here. You have no idea how bad it is outside this Greater Dimension." Rexford said in a very tired voice.

"Before we get into work at least tell him how different you are from what he knows. You prehistoric dinosaur!" Richard shouted lowly as he moved to a chair looking over the war table. "I am happy I was not sent to a Dimension back technology-wise, this would have brought out the worst in me."

"I am making do, no different when we're stuck in the South Sudan."

"That was awful, I remember someone made toilet wine since we were going to die if backup didn't arrive in a week." Rexford sat across slowly, the moment his butt hit the chair a wave of exhaustion adorned his face that started to crack. "I have traveled several Dimensions and have done a lot of things to try to fix some while punishing the Deities there. Several children and .. Mates fallen along the way."

Rexford's eyes glowed with a powerful Black & Gold shine to them. His hand raised as it showed to wither and fill back in to the naked eye. But like his face, the hand started to show visible cracks around it.

"You had kids.. that is good. Don't get me wrong about the adopted ones back home but the blood ones are said to give a special feeling. In a few years, I look forward to trying that out myself, Tiamat is having me wait until the appropriate development for myself and those around me." Hector leaned back as the Tiamat fragment within him voiced her thoughts once more on the subject. "I believe you are you, so go ahead and get to the nitty-gritty."

"Good, you haven't changed in this regard, always good at delegating and switching gears.. The kind of Champion you are heading to be, a Conquering one...."

*Crackle!* The air churned with some magic briefly. Coming from all three of them, the levels of their magic varied but harmonized. As well as a type of forceful suppression to keep it leaking outside the tent.

"Hector... I don't care if you are going to Conqueror Dimensions under Tiamat. As well as eventually yourself, I am just wanting to tell you not to waiver." Rexford said quickly as he could tell his friend is going to explode with magic. "Someone will come to you in different ways to try to lead you off your path, it will go badly for you if you do."

"What is the cracking in your body?" Hector asked worried for the other.

"I have exhausted my Aspects by pushing my power to the limit to change our future. You were the last one to change before I did something back to help Richard here. Well, the Prime one, not a Multiform."

"I could only tell he was different and not a.. Multiform. But he acts just like Richard."

"You two know me and Richard are connected in real-time right now right? He can hear everything you two or saying."

"That's.. just not fair." Hector looked at them both abashed. "But whatever, I will have that level of power eventually. If not I will be fine all the same."

"Heh, that is good. Cause it is not easy to maintain but somehow, I only have interference in the worse cases of Dimensional Instability. Even then, the reconnect is in fractions of microseconds. But it was only capable because of the place I started in and it's level of Technology with my Aspect of History. Not to mention the countless fusion of my soul across a multiverse."

"Hmm, History..." Hector paused for a bit as he thought a few things out with Tiamat. 'He could help you recover more... Not just here but in other Dimensions.'

As one with the History Aspect and all its power, Richard could keep an accurate account of everything that happened to an individual. For several reasons, this could help recover Pantheons and Deities in the worse event of their Demise in certain Internal or External Wars.

"...what happens to you now?" Hector blink rapidly for a moment after syaing that. Tiamat threw him for a loop with not wanting to receive help just yet.

"Richard well.. this one will keep a full account of everything I am. Then I will offer myself to you to be preserved in the Primordial Sea. My physical body.. you can have as payment. But my Soul... I need you to make it into a Morph."

"I can't do that yet." Hector frowned while shaking his head no. "I haven't even gotten my hands on a Morph yet or even contend against Nergal himself really. In fact, I recently suffered a setback."

"This was option 2 but it has to be done this way. Option number 1 was for Richard or any of his Multiforms to do a.. thing for my Soul to have another chance but.. the specialty of what I am..."

"You mean as the Deity that leads the Unending Army? The Deity that came for some of us back on Earth?" Hector couldn't stand seeing his friend struggling with it and told him straight out he knew what he was. "Look man, I get it, shit is crazy with how many Deities are out there but you still manage to come through for us, can't beat that."

"Heh, that is good. You are still you even now and the way you were in the future before it went bad. I guess some people are better at it." Rexford face cracked to the point the flesh was almost completely gone. The only thing left was that of Space with several Stars & Planets within. "I am out of time, here, for you. Consider it additional payment in case anyone comes looking for trouble."

*Brpp!* Rexford turned into Black & Gold light before shooting into Hector's Internal Space. Leaving behind a wristband. The wristband was solid black but had a line all the way down it the color of blue.

"Hmm?" Hector picked it up with a little magic, observing it closely. The temperature was not important and the material itself just felt smooth. "How am I supposed to wear this thing? It looks kind of small?"

*Schp!* The moment he said that it clasped on his arm. Making a perfect fit and sent a wave of energy that refreshed him immediately. It was spiritual energy that did more than any medical concoction he took in recently.

"Long as it does not get in the way of me fighting, I will find out later what this is." Hector rubbed his arm a little and watched as the wristband vanished from visible sight. It was still there but sunk into its own Internal Space that was created on his person. "How big is the gap of power between us?"

Richard finished making some changes to the War Table and looked at his friend.

"Between him and us extremely high. But the him that belongs in the present of ours.. he is on the level of us. Well... a little bit ahead considering the power of his Black & Gold Vortex." Richard checked with the others briefly to make sure of a few things. "But in terms of Magical Schools, you definitely are on another level. I can sense the dangerous power building up."

"Well let's talk magical shop then." Hector was relieved in various ways.

"I rather talk about other stuff than that. Besides.. I only have Demon Magic. Well... maybe I can give you something physical to help but I doubt it." Richard reached over touching Hector on the forehead. But a wave of Chaotic energy rebuffed him. "Yeah, can't give you any of that. But maybe..."

Trying again he passed over every detail of various Magic he knew. Even with the way techniques worked but he couldn't transfer any of his Ki or Dark Factor to him. The Chaotic energy would sweep it away in an instant.

"Well damn... that is the best I can do." Pulling away, Hector grabbed ahold of his arm. Causing the Aspect of History to trigger increasing the Multiform's power. "Thanks for the pick me up. I take it you want something?"

Transferring via Telepathy was a nice method to communicate information. Hector could remember a lot thanks to his magical development but the small stuff was not important, until now. The biggest stuff that he encountered were regarded on magical separation and how to reinforce the cellular structure with it.

Thanks to the information given already, Hector found his Dark Magic improving by thinking about it causally. At least he fixed the small parts of Telepathy he had developed with Tiamat and a few others.

"Yeah, I need medical supplies and any material you can spare that won't cause any trouble." Hector understood it was most likely Tiamat preventing any rules from being broken. Thus the bestowing of Ki and Magic that didn't belong in this Dimension was stopped completely. It was not owned by the Champion yet and didn't fit with the Dimension. Not until the revolution he plans anyway. "You can make shit, so load me up."

Richard grinned as this was allowed and would be really good for Hector. As the latter put on a robe, the two went outside on a small recon. That is what Hector told his people. Finding a clearing with no one around, Richard expended the vast majority of his Ki & Magic internally.

Materializing wood, various metals, fruits, vegetables, medical tools of the era, and Construction equipment of the era. Some bricks, bags of proto cement, bolts, screws, sap glue, a literal mountain of glass, and sand.

Removing from his Internal Space, the Richard Multiform had it float in a Dark Magic bubble. Hector then took it into his Internal Space just in case anyone shot over.

More was made and Hector would place it into his Internal Space to use later. Luckily his Internal Space had grown greatly to house it all. Richard's Materialization was a wondrous thing and envious.

"When it is time to build and expand the Capital this will go a long way. I can give my people time to rest and save on funds a good margin." Hector sighed while clutching his fists tightly. So far from what he could determine his friends were able to do much more with everything they were given while he let a Prime Adversary getaway! "Tch!"

"Hey, thinking way too negatively man." Richard said simply. With a wave of the hand, the negative energy was swept away from his friend. "I could only do this after killing and absorbing so much stuff into me. If not for outside help, I would not be able to get to this level. I had to fight so many Soul Battles over and over to just keep alive sometimes. Just talk to me, I can help."

"Haaa, still the counselor of us after all these years." Hector sat on the ground leaning back at the sky. A small smile on his face, for Richard could just go through the History he obtained but he still asked to help. "Tell me.. since you are in good condition unlike him. What happens to all of us?"

The two talked for a few hours to catch up. The fact Hector had been living a few years more compared to Rexford was small, the fact Leroy had lived full lifetimes was scary already.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Shaman

Reap: 103

Enthralled: 34

Level 13 →

HP 54 → (2)

Str 24→

Skl 21→

Spd 28→ (5)

Lck 20→

Def 31→

Res 21→ (2)

Con 29→

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B→ A Sword- B→ Bow- A→ Lance- C→ Stave- D→

Anima- C → Dark- A→ Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief, Knight

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

Magmatidecreators' thoughts