
Evil Cultivator Reincarnated

How do you define evil? In a Civilized world, even theft is considered evil. But what about the world of Cultivation? Where's it is the world of the strong? Theft, Plunder , Rape and even mass murder is an everyday thing. What is 'Evil' for them ? You'll be stocked by the answer!! For Cultivators and more so for those adhered on their Dao and nothing else, for whom the peak is everything they can see. 'Evil' for them is Mortal !! Not really mortals but the sins they are born with and the reason they are looked down on by mighty Cultivators. What Sin you ask? The Sin of Everything! The Sin which every Cultivator must cut off before ascending. The Sin which gives birth to their Heart devils which must be suppressed or extinguished!! The simple yet frightening Sin of Emotion!! Sin of Pride - a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance , merit or superiority. Sin of Lust - a passionate and intense desire or craving. Sin of Greed - a selfish desire of more than is needed. Sin of Envy - desire to have a quality, possession or an attribution belonging to someone else. Sin of Sloth - spiritual inactivity or apathy. Sin of Wrath - strong vengeful anger or indignation. Sin of Gluttony - excessive eating or drinking, overindulgence. _____ The so ' Evil Cultivators ' are nobodies but fools who thought highly of themselves and thought cultivating their Heart devil might give them power beyond limits. And the result? All succumbed to their Heart devils instead and lost themselves and ending up being chased by others and killed. But what if ?...........

pacman_3301 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


" You can't serve me well if you're so weak, I'll be back in 10 years. By then if you are not at the peak of this world then don't call me Master anymore." were the last words Nefeli heard from her Master before he tossed her out in some random Tier-2 World and disappeared.

She could only watch bitterly as the Space fixed itself and she was left behind alone in this unknown world. But she wasn't a weak woman and soon collected herself. " Reaching the peak of Mahayana Realm in 10 years from beginning? Even though I don't know much about Cultivation but even best of Cultivation geniuses would take decades for that. Master is really mean." as she looked at her now fully healed hand she covered her mouth afraid that she had said something she shouldn't have.

Only when after a few moments nothing happened did she calm down, " Phew..good he's not here. Just because he was kind to me I shouldn't forget my Master is a ruthless devil. If I don't finish his test ,then-" ..she didn't dare to continue thinking about the consequences and ran to gather information about this new world.


Unknown to Nefeli, Ryu was aware of everything she was doing and her dialogues and struggles which made him smile a little, "Good that she realizes she's lucky to be even alive. If she can't be a good servant for me then what's the meaning of her life. "

A different Space Aperture appeared before him which was more unstable than the previous one and he smoothly entered inside.


Lower Hells- Verenti

Even though the Heavenly Plane is divided into two- Divine Plane and Infernal Plane, they remain mostly connected through various Space Gates owned by the big Sects and ancient channels in some ruins. Lower Sanctum is like a Big disc surrounding the Upper Sanctum in centre.

Half of the Ring is Divine and other Half is Infernal. It's same as a big Yin-Yang formation if looked from a higher plane. The closer a world to the center, the higher it's Ranking was.

Only the Great Divine/Infernal Worlds(Upper Sanctum) had a proper channel to each other. Those in top 100 among the Lower Sanctum had only small gaps which were used for communication and rarely if someone falls in the channel and lucky enough to survive would reach the other side.

The Divine and Infernal were like two sides of the same coin, Cultivators from Mortal Plane called them Gods and Demons ( Devil and Demons are both different. Demons and Divine are both just lost lineages from Celestial World. ) and revered them but only those who lived here knew the truth.

Verenti was one of the big world under the direct control of a Great Infernal World of Upper Sanctum.

Even though the Divine and Infernal were at a constant never ending war, no one was forced to joined the war just because you were a Cultivator on either side. It was a matter of choice.

But most would join in to get contributions and get rewards which were hard to get. There was strict Military System on both sides. Your Strength decides your rank in the army. Verenti being a Major Camp of Infernal Plane, even the foot Soldiers were Infernal Lords here.

( Demon Soldier < Demon Lord < Demon King < Demon Venerable < Demon Emperor < Demon Monarch )

When you reached Infernal Demon Monarch Realm you could either choose to ascend above or be the Ruling authority of your world. Most Cultivators chose to ascend as not many were interested in authority, they were Cultivators first and to Lord over a World might sound grand but for Cultivators fame was second, strength and new heights were all that mattered.

Coming out of the Space Rupture, Ryu could feel the rich Infernal qi which was dense enough for him to breath. ' Even though it's lacking, it should do for now.'

Ryu didn't plan to go higher for now, not because he was cautious but he felt an encounter awaited him here which he shouldn't miss.

' Even though I'm strong enough to kill any Sovereign, my base Cultivation has dropped to Qi-Condensation Realm. I don't want to draw any unnecessary attention by using the big guns so I have to increase my Cultivation quickly. '

The Cultivation Method he used was an unorthodox one, a Blood Inheritance of sorts. He had only one part of it in his previous life, but now after killing the Sinner of Lust he got the second part of the whole.

He closed his eyes and a Red sigil appeared over his forehead seemingly alive, this was the Mark of Death' the condensed form of his Death laws which he had Cultivated in previous life using the Cultivation Method " ". Though the name didn't sound as Grand , it was used to Cultivate " Death law " which was one of the Primordial laws of the universe, given that there are only four Primordial laws.

But he had only Cultivated it to Nascent stage, not even mastering it. The only reason he was able to achieve such great heights and kill the other sinner despite being weaker was a secret.

' I would need a good place to stay for some time while I improve my Cultivation. ' he could sigh as how weak he was as he couldn't use his trump cards everytime without consequences which would not be worth it.

He shifted his gaze to the far and saw that there was a huge city a few thousands miles away. ' That would do for now. ' Even though Space shifting was not rare among Heavenly Lords , Verenti being one of the top 10 worlds in Lower Sanctum had a much more stable Space and even shifting a thousand miles might suck your Qi reserves by one-third so it was useful to escape an enemy.

Ofcourse there were exceptions like those having an enormous Qi reserve or someone who is adept in Laws of Space but both were rare cases. Law of space even though was not a primordial law but it was still a Transcendent law which even geniuses from Celestial Plane would find hard to Master.

Ryu didn't have such concerns so he simply ' Shifted ' in front of the city gates guarded by two Demon Kings. Seeing the sudden appearance of a man startled them and they readied their weapons. But before they could make a move a oceanic pressure descended upon them making them almost kneel but Ryu had no intention of any unintentional trouble so he pulled back his aura after a light warning.

Both the guards were instantly alerted and toned down their bearing, " Sir, what's your purpose of coming to Yoric City? " they could tell he was an outsider by the absence of any reaction from the City gate which had the function to register and record the inhabitants and frequent visitors carrying the City token.

" I have arrived from a long battle and was in search for a good place to race." he didn't find the need to explain himself to just anyone.

" If that's the case, can you show kindly show your war token?"

War token was used to record all your contributions and Ranking, it served as a must if you wish to enter any Big cities anywhere in Heavenly Plane.

This was not an issue for Ryu as he made many contributions in his previous life both from 'Hell Detre' ( this would be the Major alliance of Infernal Plane from now as to avoid confusion ) side and Sacred Eden ( Since they didn't dare to name themselves as Heavens, Eden was a good way to show their superiority to the Infernal Plane ), he flipped a Jade token towards them which they inspected quickly and that made their faces white and quickly they fell to their knees.

" We greet the High Commander, please forgive our rudeness!! " their voice almost cracked at the end. And it was justified since they had almost made a move against a High Commander!!!

Who was a High Commander? Someone as the same Rank as the Ruler of their Major Camp, the Ruler of Verenti!! Since he was the same rank would only mean one thing, he's someone from above !! Even though their High Commander had more authority than him in their Camp but for these guards both were someone they couldn't afford to provoke!!

" At ease, I have come here for some urgent matters and secrecy is must. Do you understand? "

How could they have their own thoughts, it was just a direct order which must be followed, " We obey, Sir !"

"Good, you might inform your Commander (the mayor of th every big city is a Commander level figure )but tell him not to disturb me if it's not something important." Before they could respond the man had already disappeared, " Quick, send a message to Commander Priscilla!" one of them shouted. "Wh-what about High Commander Ye ming? " the other was still trembling being in the presence of such a big figure. They would rarely get the chance to meet even their own Commander!

After all they were just city guards even though they might me honourable Demon Kings in the Mortal Plane and God-like figures ( Devil-God in this case I guess?) , only they knew that they were just some bigger ants in this world.

"Let the Commander think about that, it's not our job idiot!!" his words were so true and simple that made his partner realize that he was still recovering from the shock because he was the one who took the lead in the offense. ' It's good that I'm still alive.' and he quickly ran to make the report.

It's a little inconsistent but that's because I don't have a definite framework. But I'm trying, so if you have any bad or good advice I'll take it all. My grammar might be a little weak, just ignore that.

pacman_3301creators' thoughts