

Rias had taken Azar away from her parents and brought him to various maids and butlers who helped the boy. The servants were going to help the boy, but he fainted. Due to his hunger and how weak he was, that and fatigue. After he collapsed suddenly, the servants made sure he was taken care of per a worried Rias's words. Azar woke up in a well-lit room. He didn't feel cold anymore and the bed he was on was comfortable.

But that didn't stop him from wrapping the blanket around his body. When he did this, he was wondering where Rias was. He was curious as to where the heck he even was in the first place. All he recalled was blacking out from fatigue. As he was wrapped up, he noticed a green glyph on his wrist. It confused him as he went to touch it. He did but nothing happened. So, he kept touching it curiously till he heard the clicking of the door which made him halt all movements instantly.

His gaze snapped at the door as it opened. Coming into the room was Rias's mom, Venelana. She seemed to be carrying a tray with some stuff on it. He couldn't really tell what they were because his eyes were locked with the womans. Venelana notices that Azar is looking at her.

Venelana: "I see you've awoken." she said, calmly as she enters the room.

She shut the door and continued to walk further into the room towards the bed where Azar was sitting.

Azar: "Where am I?" he asks, a hint of fear in his voice.

Venelana heard this and knew deep down that this was going to be a process. But she isn't annoyed or frustrated by this in the slightest. She figured this much considering how he reacted when they first met. It's clear he's still warry of her and possibly still scared of her. She calmly walks over and sets the tray down on the nightstand next to the bed before she sits down on the bed near Azar who inched away from her in fear and nervousness.

Venelana: "I know you probably don't trust me." she said, calmly and gently. "But I promise you this, as long as you're under this roof. You will be treated as family, not as a stranger." she said, tenderly.

Azar said nothing and remained silent. Uncertainty was in his eyes and Venelana could see it. Both occupants of the room heard the door open, and someone walk in.

Rias: "Mama is he awake?" she asked as she slithered through the partially opened door.

Rias entered the room and shut the door gently, still thinking Azar is asleep.

Venelana: "yes, Sweetie. He's awake." she responded.

Rias saw Azar sitting up and a bright expression appeared on her face before she rushed around the bed and climbed onto the bed and sat beside Azar.

Rias: "You okay Azar?" she asks, curiously.

Azar: "y-yes, I'm fine." he said, clearly lying.

Azar looked at the green glyph on his wrist. Venelana followed his gaze and looked at it. She gently takes his hand and looks at it. Azar had stiffened upon contact. Rias just sat there looking at the glyph in wonder and somewhat awe.

Venelana: "This is a Healing Glyph. Only Devils experienced in Healing Magic can create a seal like this." she explained.

Rias: "What does it do?" she asks.

Venelana: "as the day goes on, Azar will be healed by it. All his booboos will go away." she said, refraining from saying injury.

Rias: "Does that mean we can go out and play?" she asks, innocently.

Rias was excited to have someone new in the house. She doesn't have many friends, the only friend she has is Sona, but she rarely comes over due to family business in the Sitri Territory. So, she's been eager to play with Azar ever since he showed up and potentially gain a new friend. But she's more focused on helping Azar get well. She's gonna be an amazing helper.

Venelana: "Not yet. He needs to regain his strength. Not eating has made him weak, so he needs to eat first and get lots of rest." she said before she reached over to the tray she brought in and grabbed one of the items from the tray.

Azar watched her as she brought what looked like toast towards him. Azar didn't know what to do. He's never been hand given food before. He's only really got food that was snuck to him by the servants of the Phenex Clan. Then again, that stolen food wasn't any good but it's what kept him alive. After some hesitation, he reached for the piece of toast and quickly snatched it from Venelana. Venelana didn't react negatively, instead she reacted humorously as she silently chuckled with a smile on her face.

Azar kept a warry gaze targeted at Venelana before he looked at the food in his hand. He took a taste bite. Once he did, his eyes lit up as he quickly began to munch on the piece of toast. Venelana giggled a little as Rias silently watched on. When he finished the piece of toast, he noticed he was being watched so he blushed embarrassedly.

Venelana: "Here, I have plenty more for you." she said calmly as she stood up and grabbed the tray.

She turns to him and sets the tray down beside the boy. Azar looked up at her for assurance. Venelana simply grabbed another piece of toast and handed it to him. This let the boy know he could eat what was on the tray. So, he helped himself to what was on it. But he did try his best to at least have good manners. He was always punished harshly for not having manners, and Punishment isn't what he wants. He just wants to eat.

Rias watches on and had her chance to ask a question.

Rias: "Do you wanna be friends?" she asks.

Azar stops eating and looked at her before dawning a confused expression. Rias tilts her head in confusion seeing his expression.

Azar: "What's a friend?" he asks, wondering what she could possibly mean.

He'd never heard the word "Friend" before so he was wondering what it meant. Rias gasps as her eyes widen at hearing such an outlandish thing. How can he not know what Friends are!? This is unacceptable to Rias. Hearing such an outlandish thing, Rias grabbed his arms.

Rias: "You're my friend now." she states.

Azar: "u-uh?" he asks, tilting his head confusedly.

Rias: "Worry not new friend, I will teach you the ways of friendship!" she cutely declares while throwing a fist up.

Venelana couldn't help but smile at this adorable situation. She had her hand over her mouth holding in a laugh. Rias was extremely childish compared to her friend Sona and cousin Sairaorg. She was the one who had the bubbliest personality. So, this honestly didn't surprise her.

Azar: "What's a Friend?" he asks, repeating himself. now even more curious at what Rias is talking about. It sounds like a good thing.

Venelana: "A Friend is a person whom you share a bond with based on mutual affection." she explained.

Azar just looked at her cluelessly. He then curiously and innocently looked at Rias.

Azar: "Are.... you a Friend?" he asks, with uncertainty.

Rias: "yes!" she states, happily with a bright toothy smile.

Azar: "What do Friends do?" he asks, sounding highly interested as he ever slightly inched a little closer to Rias to hear her better.

Rias: "We play together, spend time together and..... and... I can't think of anything else." she said, confused at the end.

But she lights up again, remembering what she had forgotten.

Rias: "oh! And Friends help each other! Right mama?" she asks, smiling at her mother.

Venelana had a humored expression at all of this but nods in confirmation. She was happy that this was going so well, she had feared that it wouldn't and Azar wouldn't trust her or anyone in the building. Azar just watched on while slowly bringing a piece of toast to his mouth and taking a bite out of it. Hearing what Rias has to say about what a Friend is, it sounds nice. To him at least considering he's never really had anything nice. Maybe he can give it a try? It doesn't sound negative.

Azar: "Will, you be my friend?" he asks.

Rias switched her gaze to Azar hearing what he said. After processing what he asked, her eyes light up happily as she then happily hugged her new friend.

Rias: "yes!" she exclaims happily as she joyfully hugs her new friend.

Azar just stiffened as he had no idea what Rias was doing. She didn't even notice as she was so happy now that she had another friend to play with. A part of her can't wait to introduce him to Sona and Sairaorg. She just needs to wait for him to be all better, then she can do many things with her new friend. Venelana just had a smile seeing all of this. She was happy that her daughter has a new friend since Sona rarely comes around the mansion to play with Rias. But if memory serves her right, Sona's going to be coming over in a couple days.