

I AM BORED!!!!!!

That's an understatement of what I feel right now. I couldn't say that I am a NEET (No Employment Education and in Training). In fact I have a good work although the pay is not enough but still it's fine cause I enjoyed it. To those who are curious I work as a customer service representative on a graveyard shift for a certain telecommunications company. Everything is good and smooth sailing. Will if you ask me if there is something that I regret that would be that I didn't finish college.By the way before I forgot my name is Reille Barquin. I just have turn 20 this year. If you think that I am beautiful then let me tell you that is not true. I am as plain as I could get to the point where I will be sitting next to you but you wouldn't realize that I was sitting to you. I even experienced that a friend of my mine was walking pass by the bench I was sitting at under a huge tree, so I said Hello but what it made me never forgot about it is that instead of greeting me back she had scream so loudly and took off running. Sadly I never had the chance to ask her why did she do it because I didn't have any courage to ask her or maybe I do not want to admit that I was very scary that night even if I am just wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.

Now why did I say that I was bored. It is because today is a rare day off and I do not feel to the anything aside from lying from my bed. Frankly, all I was planning to do right is just to lay down on this very bed but I can't do that. To hell with those chores that I still need to do that can wait later. All I want now is to recover my precious sleep, so I set an alarm for the update of the story I was following then I went to bed.

But everything is not going according to plan. When I was in the middle of a lovely dream, I woke up with a start. But strangely I didn't remember what I dream about. But little did I know this is just a start of what a life changing in my life.