
Everything Out

Excerpt ~ Now, Kendrell felt color draining from his face. " I'm. not. a. thief." he said, word for word. " I should be calling you that, not the other way round. What explains why you're in a male restroom, with a parcel in your hands?'' Kendrell asked. " Because it's mine and you stole it." Morticia replied. " No I didn't. And it's not yours!" Ken exclaimed. " Then it's yours?" " No. It's not mine either.'' Kendrell answered. Scoffing, Morticia remarked, " Great. Now we have a confused thief.'' And that was it! That was how much he could take! Taking three more steps, he stood right in front of her. " Hand it to me, so we can both leave here peacefully." Kendrell said calmly. Clearing her throat again, Morticia replied " No, I will not and I'm still gonna leave peacefully." Dropping her hands to her sides, Morticia turned to leave. But without taking another step further, Kendrell grabbed her left hand by the wrist, forcing her to face him again. But a little more than that happened, as her face collided with his chest, while her hair brushed his defined jaw. In a trice, Morticia stepped backwards, and on the third step, her back touched the wall. Kendrell then closed in on the distance between them, before he placed his hands on the wall, right above her shoulders. Bending his back a little, he spoke up, more like in a domineering manner, as his voice was somewhere between a whisper, sounding devilishly hoarse. " I'm not a thief and you are gonna hand it over to me. Why? Because it's not yours and it's not mine either." Pausing, he continued seconds later as Morticia couldn't say anything " I won't explain myself to a... stranger like you." Ken said, looking at Morticia who had goosebumps all over her. " So just give it to me, so_" " I don't think it's right for you both to give it to each other in the open." commented a viking haired guy who had just opened the door, only to find Morticia and Kendrell in a rather intimate position. " Maybe you can find a more private location." he said. " The type that accommodates positions too." he added with a grin. Morticia was dumbstruck with terror! Her cheeks grew hotter. Hotter because it was already hot while Kendrell was speaking things her brain failed to put into meaning. ~ What does the future hold for these two? _ IG: Cristabelxx Discord: https://discord.gg/qvcywz4CNX

Cris_pan · Thành thị
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52 Chs

Chapter 32: The Wrong Person

" I hope there's ice in it?" grandfather Gordon asked Butler Bruce who was approaching him with a bottle of Dusech VSOP, a very expensive bottle of wine which was grandfather Gordon's favorite.

Sampson always had a bottle or two. Although it wasn't his favorite but, it had a really unique taste so why not?

" Yes sir." Replied Bruce who placed the bottle and a glass cup with an Ice cube tray on a mini table next to grandfather Gordon.

After Bruce had poured him a glass with three ice cubes in a tulip cognac glass, he turned to leave, but grandfather Gordon stopped him.

" Stay back Bruce." Grandfather Gordon said.

" Ok sir." Bruce replied with a small bow.

Gulping a shot quantity, grandfather Gordon exhaled in satisfaction while he poured himself another shot.

Gulping another glass, he poured himself another cup again, deliberately delaying the inevitable.

His children knew he didn't like intruding in their private lives or business, neither does he show up unannounced, but he was their father regardless and sometimes, some situations are better handled like a family affair and this was very much one.

The only sound that could be heard in Sampson's office at that time was the clanking sound the bottle and glass cup made whenever grandfather Gordon poured himself a cup.

Grandfather Gordon was no ex Military officer, but respect was accorded to him by people and to some extent, fear, especially a family member who got his or her behind in trouble.

All the while, his sight was on either on the glass or the book shelf opposite him.

Seeing how the room was getting too stuffy, Elle and Hilton decided to speak up. They couldn't take it anymore, besides they weren't sure what to expect if he spoke up first.

" Dad we're sorry. We just didn't want our son to get into more trouble or end up losing his life. We couldn't afford it and we didn't know what else to do." Hilton said.

" We're really sorry father." Elle pleaded.

But the old man kept mute. Infact, he was busy adding more ice and drink in his glass.

Seeing that he paid no attention to them, Hilton extended his hand and slowly tapped Mason, beckoning on him to apologise.

Mason who had not spoken a word since Jenna arrived tried to inaudibly clear his throat to the best of his ability before speaking.

" Grandfather I'm sorry f_"

" My friend Prescott has not lost a touch. Don't you think so Bruce?" Grandfather Gordon asked referring to the bottle in his hands.

" Yes sir. Still one of the best in the market despite it's years of existence and domination." Bruce replied with a small smile, playing along perfectly well.

" It is, it is." grandfather Gordon said, raising the bottle up to his eyes as if he was examining the bottle's new rebrand design, before nodding his head to show he was impressed.

Pouring himself a cup, Gordon finally glanced at his sons, grandson and daughters -in- law.

Sighing, Gordon downed another cup before he spoke up.

" Hilton, why are you apologizing to me? Why is your wife and son apologizing as well?" Gordon asked with a quirked brow.

" Neither you nor your family owe me an apology. The one you all owe a sincere apology, including you Sam and Evelyn..." grandfather Gordon said pointing at the both of you them, "is resting right now. Not me, I'm the wrong person" he added.

" Before dinner, I want the three of you to have had a real conversation." grandfather Gordon ordered, Sampson and Evelyn. And by the three of them, they understood he wanted them to have a conversation with Jenna.

" Now excuse us, except for you Bruce." grandfather Gordon said to Jenna's parents before they turned around and left.

Now, the judge and one-man jury had some punishments to dish out.

~ Hank Mansion ~

" I'm so sorry my love." Oliver pleaded with Melinda.

" Leave me alone Oliver." Melinda said, pushing Oliver's hands off her waist while they both sat on the bed.

Lying down, Oliver chuckled before he held her waist from behind and pulled her in gently.

Involuntarily, Melinda laid down.

" Honey, I said I'm sorry." Oliver said before relaxing his chin on her shoulder.

" I just want to sleep." Melinda replied.

" No qualms my queen. I can put you to sleep, the best way possible." Oliver said, using his index finger to brush her ear lobes.

" No you can't. I'm not a baby anymore, I don't need you to sing lullabies to me." Melinda replied.

" Who said anything about singing, huh? We don't have to sing" Oliver said " unless you can't keep your voice down, but you shouldn't blame it on me then." he added in a flirty manner.

Melinda smiled briefly before switching her demeanor to the 'cold' one which Oliver could see through anyway.

" We're not teenagers anymore Oliver." replied Melinda.

" And when did that become a license to having fun and being happy?" Oliver asked.

" Listen my love, I flirt with only you, no one else. Besides, the last time I checked, men my age are called sugar daddies because_"

" Because what Oliver? Oh, you want to be one don't you? Or are you already? Is that the reason you're always travelling? N_"

Abruptly, Oliver shut Melinda up with a kiss. He had to sit up to do that as swiftly as he could because Melinda had already sat up before he knew it.

Almost effortlessly, Oliver kissed Melinda even as she tried pushing him away. She even resulted to biting him, but was that enough to stop Oliver who wanted to have his dramatic wife so badly? No! Of course not.

When he was starting to run out of breathe, he parted his lips from hers, not without cupping her colored cheeks.

Breathing heavily, Melinda struggled to breathe normally so she could rant but Oliver spoke up first.

" If only you know how much I love you Melinda. You don't have the slightest idea. If you did, you would not be asking such absurd questions." Oliver said to Melinda who was less furious at this point.

" It's you Mel. Only you." he added calmly and passionately while stroking her hair gently.

" Okay?'' Oliver asked.

" Okay honey?" he asked again.

" Whatever." Melinda replied before lying down again.

Oliver took it as a positive response so he laid next to her, with his hands never leaving her body.

Slowly, he started making advances at Melinda. Advances she did not reject.

It took everything in her not to pounce on Oliver while the foreplay lasted. Everything!

When it finally boiled down to the peek of it, keeping her voice down became very difficult for Melinda.

The struggle was real.