
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Thành thị
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20 Chs


Alexander saw the message and his grin widened. He enjoyed being gifted.

"Hey, bastard!" Yelled Bob, drawing Alexander's attention toward himself.

"Huh?" Alexander asked condescendingly.

"Don't think you're free just because you managed to get out of the bed," Bob said and Alexander raised a brow.

"Yeah, brat. First of all, that door is locked so there's no way you can get out of this room without either one of our fingerprints. For your information, the moment you try to force the door open, the alarm is going to go off and dozens of security from all over the facility will be here to pin you down." Josh said.

Alexander looked at the door then he looked at Josh and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Josh asked.

"Nothing. Just realizing how important getting a good education really is and from what you just did, it's obvious that you idiots never made it past the fifth grade"

"Why you!" Bob said, trying to clench his fists in anger but there was no strength to do so.

"Only an idiot would have told me all that you just did. Wait, you thought that saying those things was going to intimidate me and make me lose hope in leaving this place? How wrong you are. Instead of making me give up, what you just did gave me an idea of what to do next." Alexander said.

Josh scoffed "Whatever punk. Go ahead and try to leave. I dare you. You'll still need one of our fingerprints to leave this room and you might be strong enough to get down from the bed but are you strong enough to make us open the door for you?"

Alexander shrugged "Oh, I don't need any of you to do shit."

"Huh?" Both Bob and Josh said in unison.

"That's right. What I need is just your fingerprint— scratch that. What I need is only your finger which has your fingerprint and would you look at that? All the tools I need to take it is right here and it's all thanks to you bastards. A single finger weighs way less than an entire person so this should be quick" Alexander said, sounding very mischievous.

Confused, Bob asked, "What are talking about—?"

Quickly, Alexander rushed to the side of the bed where the nurses had kept the tools for the surgery and then grabbed one of the many surgical blades.

The way he held the blade in front of everyone made all four hospital staff look at the weapon in his hand.

"Umm, what are you going to do with that?" Asked nurse Julie.

"Oh, this? What else if not take the finger of one of you four? I hope that none of you are going to complain or have any problem with me using this on you, considering how you all agreed to the doctor trying to take my eyes with the very same equipment. The question now is, who is our donor going to be?" Alexander asked as he looked around.

One by one he pointed at the four staff with the tip of the surgical blade, singing Eeny Meeny Miny, Moe.

He started with Nurse Rose and then ended with Bob.

"I guess today is your unlucky day. Now, give me that finger!" Alexander said wickedly as he walked towards Bob who was still on the floor, too weak and in pain to stand.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Let go of me!" Bob yelled as he tried to fight back but sadly Alexander was just too strong.

After all, both his and Josh's strengths were now Alexander's.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting out of here and you've been kind enough to help me. Now, keep this hand properly so this is as painless as possible, or don't and suffer an excruciating amount of pain. Your choice" Alexander said then positioned Bob's right pointing finger properly so he could cut it off.

Bob still struggled after being told not to and Alexander got extremely annoyed. So, with a regulated amount of strength, Alexander punched him in the face which gave the security man a concussion.

Bob became so weak that he could no longer fight back. He even almost passed out and was just hanging on to consciousness by a thread.

"Good. Now, this is only going to hurt for— well, it doesn't matter, now does it? You're in a hospital so you'll be patched up really nice" Alexander said and pressed the blade on Bob's finger.

He just pierced the flesh, causing the finger to bleed from the wound, and was about to cut the man's finger off when…

"Please wait!" Nurse Rose yelled.

Alexander halted what he was about to do and looked at her.

"What?" He asked, looking and sounding annoyed.

"I'm kind of busy here so what do you want?"

"You don't have to do that. If you want to open the door then I can open it for you" she said.

Without being asked, Nurse Rose stood up then walked to the door and pressed her finger on the panel which unlocked the door.

"Here. It's open now" she said as she grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, showing Alexander that he could leave.

Alexander looked at the open doorway then he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the nurse standing by it.

"What's to say there aren't other doors I would need his fingerprint to access? Yes, this one is open and it's nice and all but is it the only one that was locked?" He asked, looking at the nurse skeptically.

"The only doors that are locked— minus the VIP rooms— are the operation rooms like this one and that only when they are occupied. Once you leave here, you won't have to worry about any other obstacles" she replied.

Alexander grunted.

"And what if I leave and you bastards decide to sound the alarm? What happens then?"

"Well, if the alarms are raised then the whole building goes on lockdown and all the doors stop working. You'd need special access to use them which is something even his fingerprint can't give you so there's no need to cut it off. You'd need the access card that's with the chief of security if the building goes on lockdown" Nurse Rose replied and Alexander grunted.

"So what I'm hearing is that I'm fucked if I allow any of you to raise the alarm. That doesn't sound very nice or good for me now does it?"

Nurse Julie chuckled nervously, drawing Alexander's attention to her.

"Don't worry, young man— I mean, Sir. We won't do that. For sparing us, I think it's only fair to allow you to leave without any problems" she said.

Alexander observed her closely, seeing the nervous look on her face and then he flashed back to the smile she had when forcing the anesthetic gas down his nose.

Just then, Josh who had been slowly creeping closer to Alexander when the nurses initiated their plan to distract the young man was just about to attack Alexander from behind.

Alexander, looking at Nurse Julie straight in the face said "You think I would listen and believe whatever bullshit that comes out of your mouth after what all five of you tried to do to me—?"

Before Alexander could finish, Josh dove at him, grabbing Alexander from behind and keeping him in place so that the two nurses could go and sound the alarm and also get other security to come into the room.

Successful in wrapping his arms around Alexander's body, Josh started laughing.

"Sorry bastard but like I told you before, you're not going anywhere. Not on my watch" Josh said.

He looked at Nurse Julie and said "Go and sound the alarm" Then he looked at Nurse Rose and said "While Julie is doing that, go and fetch the closest security you can find. There should be one just around the corner."

Nurse Rose nodded her head in understanding and rushed out the door to go find help while nurse Julie stood up to find the emergency alarm button on the wall.

Watching them scramble to try and stop his escape, Alexander said:

"You idiots never learn. I was only testing to see what your plan was but to think it was this brain dead is disappointing. Whatever. Too bad I have to say this but don't think I'm just going to stay here and allow anybody to stop me from leaving this damn hospital"

Hearing Alexander's monologue, Josh laughed even harder.

Because of the way he had his arm wrapped around Alexander, Josh thought the young man couldn't use the surgical blade to attack him.

Unfortunately for him, aside from the fact that Alexander had the strength to easily force his arms off of him, the stupid security man didn't account for something very important.

He didn't take into account that Alexander had a system that allowed him to do the impossible and in that same system, he had one more free slot.

Without wasting any time, Alexander said "System, with my last free slot I want to possess the memories of everyone in this room. Give me their memories from the day they were born"