
Rebirth Into An Angel

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Hubert, Hubert, you lazy bum, you actually dare to doze off at work. I'll deduct ten dollars from your salary!"

A fat man who looked like a fat pig shouted loudly beside Hubert's ear.

Hubert suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the fat man in front of him. He could not help but be stunned.

Hubert said in disbelief, "Smith? Aren't you dead? Also, how did you return to human form?"

Hubert remembered that the fat man in front of him was called Smith. He was the supervisor of the supermarket before the Cataclysm. After the Cataclysm, he became a pig-headed man and was killed in a chaotic battle.

"Who said I was dead? Are you confused? Hurry up and put these new beers on the shelf. You have to finish them in twenty minutes, or else you will lose another ten dollars.", said Smith, the supervisor of the supermarket, as he wrote down a line in his notebook.

Ignoring the nagging Smith, Hubert fixed his eyes on the electronic clock on the wall.

March 31, 2020, 21:38.

It was actually 2020.

He went back five years ago, before the Cataclysm.

Tomorrow, to be precise, two hours and twenty-two minutes later, the whole world would usher in a great change.

Everyone would turn into all kinds of monsters, and what they turned into would be decided by their last dinner.

If they ate steak, there was a high probability that they would turn into a minotaur which was as strong as an ox.

If they ate a vegetable salad, they would turn into all kinds of plant creatures according to the vegetables they ate.

If they did not eat anything and only drank water, there was a high probability that they would turn into water elves.

In his previous life, he had eaten a steak for dinner and turned into a minotaur.

Relying on his familiarity with the city, he had been careful for 5 years, and barely managed to become a level 3 minotaur.

In the end, when he was walking, he was caught in the aftermath of the battle between the two level 5 powerhouses and lost his life.

Hubert was both angry and furious.

He had already carefully avoided the battlefield, but he was still caught in the aftermath.

The destructive power of a level 5 powerhouse was terrifying. Even if it was just the aftermath of a battle, it still took his life.

"This lowly and crappy life, I don't want to do it again. This time, I want to change my fate, to become an expert that everyone looks up to!", Hubert clenched his fists.

"How do I change my fate?", Hubert thought.

Suddenly, he remembered a secret story that circulated in his previous life.

There was a powerhouse who could transform into an angel in the neighboring Buffalo City.

It was said that the angel had eaten a holy meal in the church and a fried chicken wing during the last dinner, and then he turned into an angel holding a long sword.

Those ordinary monsters were like steak on a chopping board when facing that angel.

The angel became the most powerful one in Buffalo. After a series of battles, he established the largest gang holy church in Buffalo and took charge of the city. The angel himself became the infamous and invincible boss of the Buffalo City. 

If one wanted to become an angel, the holy meal and the fried chicken wings were indispensable.

If one only ate the holy meal, there was a high chance that one would become a pancake man.

If one only ate the fried chicken wings, there was a high chance that one would become a mutated chicken man.

Only by eating both at the same time could one become an angel.

"I must become an angel and change my own fate!", Hubert waved his fist in the air.

Hubert took off the vest of the supermarket employee and walked out of the supermarket.

"Stop, you piece of sh*t. It's not time to get off work yet. What are you going to do?", the supervisor, Smith, stopped Hubert.

"I'm done. Please get out of my way.", Hubert said impatiently. He was in a hurry to go to the church to have his holy meal. He didn't have the mood to argue with Smith.

"No, these beers haven't been put on the shelves yet. Even if you don't want to work anymore, you have to put these beers on the shelves before you can leave. Otherwise, you won't get a single cent of that salary", Smith shouted.

Hubert was instantly furious after hearing Smith threaten him.

The supervisor, Smith, took advantage of the fact that he was the cousin of the supermarket owner, often finding trouble with Hubert and assigning him various tasks.

Because he needed this job, so he had always tolerated Smith in the past.

Now that he had resigned, Smith still wanted to bully him. This could not be tolerated anymore.

"Go eat shit.", Hubert punched Smith's nose, causing Smith to fall to the ground. Two lines of nosebleeds flowed out.

After punching Smith, Hubert felt that most of the resentment he had suffered over the past few years had dissipated.

He strode towards the door.

"Hubert, you piece of sh*t. I'm going to sue you. Just wait to receive the lawyer's letter!", Smith shouted angrily from behind.

"Anytime.", Hubert turned around and gave Smith a middle finger. Then, he walked out of the supermarket.

After leaving the supermarket, Hubert rushed to the nearest St. Raphael's Cathedral.

After passing through a small alley, Hubert came to a fried chicken shop.

"Old John, give me a fried chicken wing.", Hubert took out five dollars and threw it on the counter.

"There's a special set meal today. Add another dollar and you can buy three fried chicken wings. Do you want to try it?", Old John asked.

"There's a set meal? Then give me that.", Hubert took out another five dollars and handed it to Old John. "Please hurry up. I'm in a hurry. The rest are tips."

"Here, take it.", Old John passed the fried chicken wings to Hubert and continued to sit back and read the newspaper.

"Goodbye.", Hubert carried the bag of fried chicken wings and trotted to St. Raphael's Cathedral.

It was an ancient cathedral. It was said that St. Raphael's Cathedral had existed since St. Louis was founded.

After hundreds of years of baptism, the once glorious cathedral had long been mottled. It was originally the center of the city, but because of the expansion of the city, it gradually became a suburb and a residential area. The glory of cathedral gradually declined.

It was said that in a few months, this place would be demolished and turned into a parking lot.

At 21:59, Hubert finally arrived at St. Raphael's Cathedral.

"Phew, thank God, I finally made it.", Hubert pushed the door open and walked into the cathedral.

Old priest Marlin, who had a white beard and hair and a slightly stooped body, was wearing a white robe and standing under the holy statue to pray.

In the corner of the church, there was a family of three who were also praying.

Hubert knew these three people. They were residents of the neighborhood.

They were the car mechanic Dave, the stay-at-home wife Lola, and their six years old daughter Zoe.

They were all devout believers and came to the church to pray every day.

"Father Marlin.", Hubert went up to greet him.

He often came to this church to pray and was very familiar with Father Marlin.

"So it's Hubert. Are you here to pray?", Father Marlin asked.

"Father Marlin, I received a revelation from God. God said that I should enjoy a communion today. For this, I can offer all my savings to the Lord. Please help me,", Hubert said.

"The Lord will save every lost lamb. I have just prepared the communion. Let's enjoy it together.", Father Marlin said as he carried the communion to the long table. In the corner, Dave and his family of three also sat down and enjoyed the communion together.

"Thank you, Father Marlin,", Hubert said sincerely.

The communion in front of him was the assurance of his future.

"Heavenly Father, we praise you for providing us with the nutrients we need, and we also thank you for meeting our needs when we are hungry and thirsty. Forgive us for taking these small pleasures for granted. Bless us, that we may eat and drink with vigor, and strive for the glory of your kingdom, and be able to walk into your will. Lord Jesus, help and bless us in all that we do, in the name of Jesus, Amen."

Hubert said the most devout prayer before dinner, and then began to eat.

"Please have some of this.", Father Marlin said, pulling out a bottle of wine from a cabinet. It looked old and simple.

He opened the bottle cap, poured it into the decanter, and poured a glass for Hubert.

"Try it. This is a bottle of wine that I saved when I first came here as a bishop. It has been thirty years now, and it is the best drinking year.", Father Marlin pushed the glass over.

Hubert looked at the clock and felt that it was not early anymore, so he began to enjoy the holy meal.

In the end, Hubert even ate all three pairs of fried chicken wings in accordance with the principle of not wasting them.

He also drank the red wine that Father Marlin poured.

"In this way, becoming an angel should be safer, right?", Hubert guessed secretly.

Ding ding ding!

Twelve bells rang, and a new day arrived.

It also represented the beginning of the great Cataclysm.

At twelve o'clock, everyone fell into a deep sleep, and then, a terrible change began.

Everyone in the world began to demonize at the same time.

The people in the church were no exception.

Father Marlin's skin had turned into a thick tree trunk. Branches as thick as an arm grew on his head. Green leaves grew on the branches, and there were even a few red fruits. Father Marlin had actually turned into a treant.

The three members of the family had also changed.

Their skin had become dry and rough, and their skin color had also become charred yellow. Not only their skin, but even their hair and pupils had become charred yellow. From a distance, they looked like a moving pancake.

They had become pancake men.

Hubert felt an inexplicable sense of comfort all over his body. A holy light enveloped him, and his body was constantly being transformed by the holy light. His originally thin body had become as strong as the god of war in the Greek statues, and his muscles were clearly defined, his face was firm and handsome, as if the god of war had come back to life.

Three pairs of enormous wings extended from his back. The white feathers shone with golden light. The enormous wings spread open, bringing with them a supreme pressure that made people unable to resist kneeling and bowing.

Hubert became a six-winged seraph.