
Chapter 22: MILF One- Miia's Mom

() indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"Wow the house looks clean for once." I smiled "Good thing you Moms are coming it gives me an excuse to tidy the place up a bit before my Mom gets back in a few weeks…sure is convenient that all your parents are coming of different days and before my Mom, it'll be hard enough to deal with her alone when she finds out you're all living here."

"Does you Mom not like Extra-Species?" Kii asked in her small form.

"No she's fine with them." I said "I just doubt she'll like me having so many house guests."

We were cleaning the house in preparation for our coming guests, I was vacuuming the floor, Suu was acting like a dust buster and even Lilith was helping by dusting the fans.

"So, what did the letters you all got say?" I asked the four girls who got letters."

"Ugh…" the all groaned.

"Well…I see." I sighed "You're Mom's coming today right Miia?"


I heard a car stop outside and some doors open.

"Oh, maybe that's her now." I smiled.

"Ha…" Miia sighed slithering towards the door.

(She seems nervous…I hope everything goes well today.)

Miia and I headed outside and there was a van parked in front of my house, a man got out and opened the back door.

"Thank you." A voice said.

"Baby." Miia whispered "No matter what don't let your guard down around my Mom."


"Yoho Miia!" a woman called.

I looked back at the van to see Miia's mother, I was quite shocked she looked just like Miia, just a little older, If Miia looked to be in her late teens then her Mom only looked to be in her mid-twenties. They had on different outfits and Miia's Mother had slightly larger breasts but otherwise the two were basically twins.

"Mama…" Miia sighed.

"That's you Mom!" I said my eyes nearly popping out of my head.

(She's basically wearing a bikini.)

"You are Miss Baby correct?" the woman slithered over "Miia's told me a lot about you."

She held her hand out "Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter."

"It's no trouble." I smiled reaching out to shake her hand.

"Hmmm." Her mother took my hand and placed it against her tits.

"What are you doing?" I asked not bothering to move my hand.

(She has nice soft breasts…)

"I had heard you were bold." She said as I squeezed her "You are a hot blooded young lady after all. Well no point in sitting out in the open let's head inside."

I let her bosom go and we all headed into the house.

(Damn that woman is a MILF, she was flirting up a storm too.)

"I'm so happy Miia is getting along with everyone." Her mother smiled "I was worried she wouldn't be able to make friends but she has so many. She was such a shy girl it's hard to believe how she's grown up."

"Mama!" Miia yelled "Stop it!"

(She was a little odd at first but she seems like she really cares…not that I minded how she acted outside but it was a little awkward.)

"Miia what's with that face?" I asked "Do you not like talking about the past?"

"Oh no!" she gasped.

"I brought a gift for all of you." Miia's Mom smiled "I think you'll like it."

She pulled out a bag and a bottle.

"Our village is famous for its tea." She smiled "It'll be available here soon so I thought I'd bring a sample, it's good have a taste."

She poured a few cups and everyone took a sip.

"It's nice." Cerea said.

"I'll go get snacks." I said walking away.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed somethings before I saw Miia panicking.

"Baby Don't-oh you were over there." She said.

"I went to get snacks." I smiled "What's bugging you?"

"Bleck." Papi flopped on the couch "Can't…feel wings."

"You guys!" Miia yelled as the other kinda slumped around.

"No need to panic." Her Mother said "It's a weak Neurotoxin, it'll wear off in a few hours. Lamias are skilled with poison. I had hoped Baby would drink it too but alas…"

"Why'd you do that?" I glared.

"Isn't it obvious." The woman leaned back on her coiled tail and licked her lips "To get the rivals out of the way so Miia can have a wedding with Baby, and then bring the little Futa Princess back to our village to be everyone's bicycle!"

"Ehh?" I snarled "You knew about that."

"See now's you chance Miia!" Her Mother cheered "Seize the opportunity and-."

"Take this!" Miia yelled throwing Suu at her mother.


"Quick come on Baby!" Miia said grabbing my hand and dragging me away.



"We ran pretty far." I panted as we stopped to catch our breath "I doubt your Mom can find us here, these warehouses are like a maze. Seriously thought what's her damage?"

"I'm sorry Baby." Miia frowned.

"What did she mean by Bicycle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well I never mentioned it but…the real reason I came here is because Lamias are an all-female race." She explained "So to have children we need a man from the outside world, usually we trick them and make them a communal husband, there's a big orgy and…you know, babies. With the new laws we can't kidnap men anymore, so instead the tribe sent a representative to find one…that was me."

"I see…"

"I knew I never should have told mother the truth about you I should have just said you were a girl and she wouldn't be doing this. Now that I think about it, it feels like the only reason I'm even here is for sex…it's embarrassing."

"Well, it's not like we don't have sex all the time." I said.

"I know but…when it ends up feeling like my job it doesn't feel special like it normal does." She said "When we do it, I feel like we have a special connection, if I was only doing it to get you to the village to share with everyone else…it feel wrong, like that special connection would be gone. You hate me don't you!"

"Of course not." I said placing a hand on her cheek "sometimes people have to do things they don't want to, it's just part of life, but I do appreciate that you're trying to protect me Miia. I have no qualms with sex, heck I'm quite open about it but being reduced to a communal fuck toy for a village would be beneath me. I know Moms are hard to deal with."

"Oh…I'm upset to hear you think we're beneath you." A voice cooed in my ear "But if you're so open to sex let's get started yeah?"

"Mama!" Miia gasped "How did you find us."

"GAH!" I hissed as the older snake's tail wrapped around me.

"Snake's never let their prey get away." She smiled.

She slithered closer to me, reaching her hands into my pants and grabbing my cock.

"Mmmmm." She bit her lip "Good size and girth, well…shall we begin?"

"Mama!" Miia made the woman face her and spray and aerosol can in her eyes.


"Come on Baby!" Miia grabbed my hand.

We slipped into a different warehouse.

"Look if it'll get her off our backs I'll just fuck your Mom already." I said "I mean I don't have a problem with that."

"No!" Miia pouted "I want you to be mine and only mine, not some communal sex toy. It already takes a lot for me to share you with the others in the house, but a whole village…I couldn't bare it."


"That's sweet." I smiled scratching my crotch "Hmm…I guess I'm a little more turned on than I thought."

"It kicked in right on time." Miia's Mom appeared and licked my cheek while reaching into my pants again "Stop hiding from me, just let me have my way with you for a bit and then I'll let this go."

The woman spun me to see her face "Now come on, help me give Miia a sister. Ican even be nice and let you do Miia first, I always wanted a grandbaby."

"UGH!" I groaned.

"What's the matter." Miia's Mom licked my ear "Do you not like older women."

"I can't take this." I groaned as my cock rose out of my shorts "Miia…I need you to fuck me!"

"That's the spirit." Her mother said stroking my length "She's your friend so you can have her first Miia."

Miia slithered forward "Are you sure about this Baby?"

"Just do it." I hissed as my head was placed against her mother's breasts.

"That's it Miia." Her mother said stroking me as her daughter began licking my cock "You' ve been practicing on this girl haven't you."

"Please stop talking." Miia blushed "It's embarrassing to do this when you're watching."

"You're very beautiful Baby." Her mother said licking my neck and digging her fingers into my big chest "The others would love you but for now I suppose I'm content to share you with just Miia. I've waited years for her to be old enough for us to share our first man together."

"Mom…please." Miia hissed as she briefly stopped sucking me off.

"UGH!" I hissed "I'm so close."

"That's good form Miia." Her mother said as her daughter bobbed her head "Good motion and judging by the sound good suction too."

"Miia this is one of your bests!" I moaned "OHHHH!"

I yelled out as I blasted Miia's face with ropes of thick sticky cum. My white gunk got all over her face, in her hair and on her breasts.

"Baby." She cooed "It's so warm."

"My little girl's all grown up." Her Mother said hugging her daughter "Let me clean you up a bit."

Miia's mother started licking the cum off her daughter's tits before moving up to her face, their tongues swirling as they shared an incestuous kiss.

"Mama…" Miia moaned as her mother grabbed her breasts.

"You've turning into such a beautiful woman Miia." Her mother said "Features just like me a little smaller though."

The older Lamia turned to me "Well Baby, do you think you can handle me?"

I laid back "Just try me."

She slithered over to me wrapping her tai around me, hugging me close, our tits mashing as my dick slid into the woman.

"OOHH!" I moaned "You're tighter than I imagined."

"I've been in my fair share of orgies but I keep my youth in the right places." She smiled as she rolled her hips and rode my cock "HMMM Baby…I've never had one this good, Miia's lucky to have you all the time."

"Baby is the best." Miia said kissing my neck and hugging me.

I was sandwiched between the mother and daughter, moaning as they took their turns teasing me and letting my cock fuck the older one. Miia kept playing with my creamy tits, occasionally sucking on mine or her mothers.

"Miia." Her mother cooed "We haven't been this close in years. Keep playing with Mommy's boobies while Baby fucks my sweet pussy."

"UGH!" I groaned "I'm gonna."

"Yes, YES!" the older woman moaned as her insides clamped down on me "OHHH YESSSS!"

"OHHHHH!" I moaned suddenly filling her full of cum.

I wasn't given a break as Miia hopped on me, for hours I laid in that warehouse fucking Miia and her mother, the three of us kissing, squeezing and fucking various holes in each other. The occasional sights of Miia and her Mother getting nasty only turned me on more and more.

"Baby was the perfect ride." Miia's mother said lying her breasts on my cock.

"Baby's the best." Miia said kissing her mother as she also placed her tits on my waist.

(If the other vistis go this well I'll be in heaven.)



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Suggest who you want to see in the future.

Next Time- A couple of Bird-Brained Bimbos.