
Anime life 1

Life is a rollercoaster,one time you are crying another you are crying

that is the same as your protagonist Li Fei,Li fei eyes was contaminated by acid during his previous job so he became blind(for 6 hours a day).

every time he was blind he usually cried until one day it all changed.

Every time he was blind he started to see anime figures.

these figures always gave him quests to fulfill such as help them to catch fish or sometimes deliver a love letter to a beautiful goddess.

none of them talked to him until one day.

they gave him an initiate quest

Quest 1(initiate):find illegal groups of animers and kill them.

Li Fei was confused as F***,why does he need to be initiated.

but he still went ahead to do the quest,he found the illegal group as he was about to kill them his blindness ended.


Ring ring

the school bell rang and Li Fei walked out of school annoyed.

as he wanted to get home quick before his blind time elapsed.

then the familiar ring of his skull and blood bled from his eyes.

he ran to his house,his vision became blurred and his skull pained him,the moment he reached his house he slumped at the door and his sight went.


he was still at the place he stood since his blindness disappeared,he then remembered that he got a quest to do he ran to the illegal animers.

and started to beat their asses, blood bled from their face.

and he got excited,so his heart beat rose up and he looked like he could kill.

then he finally beat them.

his initiative quest disappeared and he saw a screen which said 'you have successfully completed initiating turning off beginner measures.

as soon as he saw that he was puzzled,he was at beginner's level before.

then he saw a icon which he clicked it showed him different kinds of anime weapons .

he chose the katana,because rumor has it that katana is the greatest weapon a ninja could have.

after that he selected another icon called an otaku daily activities or quests[1].

he chose watch 2 anime episode in 1 day and read manga for 3 hours.

after that he chose[an otaku must train in order for body to be healthy].

after that he rushed to complete the order of the day.

as he rushed a distressed anime road seller gave him a quest to find the dragon thief and bring him to justice.

Li Fei rushed again and looked for the dragon and found him in the west stall he chased the dragon to the end of the village and beat him blue and black with his katana.

he then threw him up his shoulder and gave him to the stall owner.

The stall owner was pleased and rewarded li fei very well.

he received a ninja spirit book and some delicious pie and a martial dojo blueprint.

he was going to give the blueprint to a blacksmith to help him build it.

then he rushed home and sat down on his bed and selected One piece to watch a random episode.


he finished watching the anime,then he checked progress of the quest it was remaining one more anime to complete the numbers.

he watched another anime then he finally completed the quest,he then went to his family gym and lifted some weights then he slept waiting for the next day

written by writer emerald

[1]-quests is a gaming term given to missions