
Every World Seems Not Quite Right (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Summary: For some reason, Shao Qian devoured half of the system. Because of that, he decided to return to the worlds that he has the coordinates of, and retaliate against them. But… Why is it that every world seems not quite right? Could it be the method he used to cross through the worlds was wrong? Total Chapters -189 Chapters Only till Chapter 52 had been translated . NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! Support the source --> https://thisantjustwannasleep.wordpress.com/ewsnqr/

Study_Bytes · Kỳ huyễn
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59 Chs

When You Get Caught Lying, How Do You Justify It? Urgent! Answer: Simply Have A Thick Face

When the young lady saw his unromantic behaviour, she stamped her foot angrily. On ordinary days, was there anyone in her family who wouldn't follow her or dote on her? Yet, this man didn't have even a bit of a reaction? He really was a block-headed lump.

"Miss?" The servant girl gently spoke beside her mistress, "Do you recognise that lecher?"

"Talkative thing," the woman said as she slapped the servant girl's face, "It's all your fault, you've chased him away.

The servant girl who had been slapped hurriedly lowered her head and clutched her face. She didn't dare to cry out, and could only lower her head and allow her tears to fall onto the ground.

"Hmph! We're going home." Once again, the woman looked reluctantlyin the direction Helian Qing Ji had left in. She wanted to go home and get her daddy to find that person, since she wanted that person to be her husband.

The servant girl who had been slapped naturally didn't dare to answer as she hurriedly followed her mistress back to the residence.

Over at Shao Qian's side, he and Xi Fu had followed the purchasing agents out of the palace. They changed their clothes in the carriage, and after affirming a time with the purchasing agents, they strutted away, wobbling as they went onto the main street.

In the end, Xi Fu was only a child who had just turned ten. When he reached the street, he wanted to see everything, and wanted to touch everything. Originally, it was Shao Qian that pulled him and walked, yet in the end, it became Xi Fu who pulled Shao Qian and jogged.

"Xi Fu, slow down a bit." Shao Qian, who was being pulled along by Xi Fu as he ran, was somewhat helpless. How long had it been since this child had actually came out? After stepping out from the palace doors, why did he seem like a bolting wild horse, running around in disarray?

When Xi Fu saw a store that sold caramelized haws some distance away, he immediately let go of Shao Qian's hand in his excitement. "Master, wait here, I'll go buy you some caramelized haws."

"Xi Fu! Don't run about all over the place!" Shao Qian shouted, but he wasn't able to call Xi Fu back. He hastily gave chase in that direction. There were a lot of people on this street, so it would be bad if he got lost.

Shao Qian ran forward worriedly. There was a person walking in his path directly in front of him, and as Shao Qian wasn't able to dodge in time, he collided with that person's waist. Shao Qian didn't look back as he apologised, before continuing to give chase in Xi Fu's direction.

Helian Jing Qi, who felt that everything had been inauspicious since yesterday, was making his way back to the regent's residence. On the way back, the ugly expression on his face unknowingly made everyone on the streets avoid him, in fear of angering this demon. Contrary to expectations however, there was someone without eyes who directly collided with said demon, and moreover, he merely called out an apology before he ran off.

Helian Jing Qi, whose mood already wasn't good, unconsciously rubbed his waist. As expected, his jade pendant was gone. Helian Jing Qi, who wasn't in a good mood, sneered coldly. A thief that didn't know the difference between life and death dared to steal from his body?

However, Shao Qian didn't realise that he didn't just bumped into a person, but that he had also pulled off that person's jade pendant hanging by his waist. With much difficulty, he caught up to Xi Fu and sternly told him that he couldn't do that from now on.

Xi Fu held two sticks of caramelized haws in his hands, at a loss at what to do. Just now, he had actually left his master behind. If his master had an unfortunate incident...

Helian Jing Qi turned around and caught sight of the figure, whose hair was in a braid, running in the distance. He saw the figure's familiar back view and pale blue, unlined long gown, and presumed that it was a dirty trick conducted by the girl before.

If he had been merely somewhat depressed before, then right now, flames of fury were spewing from within his mind. This woman was really impulsive. A woman that didn't obediently wait in the house, wore men's clothes, and came down to the streets. This was simply bringing dishonour to her family. If he ever found out which family she was from, he would definitely wipe out that household that was unable to manage itself properly.

The regent, who was seemingly expressionless, was in fact burning with anger. With varying strides, he arrived behind Shao Qian in a few steps. He was completely unaware that a child who was facing him and holding up sticks of caramelized haws revealed a frightened expression upon seeing him.

"Which family's girl are you? How can you uncover your head and show your face[1]?" Helian Jing Qi retrieved the jade pendant hanging on the 'girl's' shoulder and reprimanded her.

Girl? Hearing these words, Shao Qian's face distorted. Although this little Emperor was currently twelve years old and if you merely heard his voice, it would be possible to misunderstand, but his features was definitely not that of a girl's. Just as Shao Qian was angrily turning his head to look back, Xi Fi, who was in front of him, suddenly knelt down. "Your... Your Highness, Prince regent."

When Helian Jing Qi saw the 'girl's' face, he was stunned. Immediately after, his heart began to cry out in a frenzy that this was the person he was waiting for, and that he would be complete only they met.

Regent? Shao Qian looked up at the man who was staring at him in a daze, and snorted coldly. This fool's eyesight was really extremely bad.


Hadn't he said that he wasn't feeling well and was taking a break at home? Unwell, yet who was it that had directly called out to a random 'girl'?

"Imperial Uncle, weren't you feeling unwell and thus were resting at home?" Shao Qian looked at the regent with an innocent face, his voice also carrying a bit of a concerned tone. "Previously, the servant said that Imperial Uncle's sickness was very severe, so nephew was planning to visit imperial Uncle's residence."

If the regent was a modern man, then at this moment his brain would definitely have a herd of grass mud horses [2] running about wildly. Furthermore, he would run at full speed to his computer and issue a thread titled: "When caught lying by your sweetheart from a dream, how do you justify that lie? Waiting online, urgent!"

It was fortunate that the regent wasn't a modern person. His expression merely stiffened for a moment before he immediately bent down and grabbed the little Emperor by his armpits, carrying him up and scolding, "Who dares to dupe the sovereign? Behave, it isn't safe for you outside, so Imperial Uncle will bring you back."

Shao Qian hugged Helian Jing Qi's neck and let out a stream of abuse within his heart. They had just met, yet what was the deal with that claw you placed on Zhen's venerable buttocks? Furthermore, even pinching it. If you pinchZhen's venerable buttocks again, do you believe that Zhen will make you impotent later on?

"Imperial Uncle, your pinching is hurting me." Shao Qian thought that after he said this, this thing would restraint himself to an extent.

However, he underestimated a certain person's sense of shame. The person who he called out to, on the contrary, didn't restraint himself, and even honestly patted his dragon [3] buttocks and claimed, "Imperial Uncle is checking whether you have become thinner. As expected, you don't have much meat on you, so go back with Imperial Uncle and eat a bit more."

Mn, after raising it, he might as well eat it. He implied all kinds of different meanings.

Xi Fu was stunned by this series of developments. When he regained his awareness, his master had already been abducted by the regent. Xi Fu, whose hands were clutching the two sticks of caramelized haws, hurriedly ran and gave chase. He couldn't let his master be alone with the regent. What if....what if he bullied towards his master?

However, even after catching up to the long-legged regent, Little Xi Fu still didn't dare to speak. After all, it wasn't just anyone who could endure the regent's black face. Just the previous day, his master got so scared that he had a nightmare.

As Xi Fu was jogging behind Helian Xi Fu, he gazed worriedly at his master. The previous day, his master got a nightmare simply from the regent glaring at him. Now that he was in that regent's arms, he was truly afraid that his master might be scared sick when they returned. Unacceptable, he had to protect his master. He couldn't let the regent bully him.

"Your...Your Highness, Prince regent...Please... Please release my master." Xi Fu, who was already somewhat panting, stammered, "My-My master... My master is, is..."

"This little eunuch is still stammering?" The regent, who, in all seriousness, was eating tofu [4] with the person in his embrace, let out a cold snort, "It would be better if this kind of stammering and stuttering servant doesn't remain by Your Majesty's side."

When Xi Fu heard that the regent wanted to take him away from his master's side, he immediately became anxious. "This, this slave doesn't want to leave master."

"He is my steward eunuch." Shao Qian straightened his back in Helian Jing Qi's embrace and glared at him. "You're not allowed to move the people by my side."

"If you say stay, then he can stay." Helian Jing Qi hurriedly corrected himself, placating the other. He had already made the little Emperor unhappy. If he further provoked him because of this little eunuch and he got angry, wouldn't the loss outweigh the gain?

Furthermore, this little eunuch only stammered a bit. Some other day, he'll get the imperial physician to treat him, and it wouldn't be impossible to correct it. He didn't need to get so serious for this child.

The regent carried Shao Qian back to his residence. First, let's not talk about how he had stunned big figures justnot little people by just carrying someone in, but about how Shao Qian became somewhat sad upon seeing the beautiful flowers lining the sides of the main path. The blooming flowers in this person's residence was actually better than the ones in the Emperor's Imperial Garden.

"Like the flowers?" The regent was continuously aware about the movements of the person in his embrace. When he saw his eyes stare unblinkingly at the two rows of flowers and plants, he hurriedly spoke, "One of these days, I'll havelet someone move it to the Imperial Garden."

"No need." If they shifted them now, wouldn't they all die? Furthermore, he was not at all fond of the flowers.

Helian Jing Qi merely nodded his head and didn't speak. However, in his heart, he was already thinking of how he would shift everything good in his residence to the Emperor's palace. His Majesty ought to only use the best.

"Imperial Uncle, on ordinary days, you would never hug nephew, so why is it that today…" Shao Qian pretended to lower his head sadly as he continued, "Nephew only has Imperial Uncle left as family… if… if…"

"Xuan-er [5] is also Imperial Uncle's only family," Helian Jing Qi hastily patted Shao Qian's head and comforted him. "Previously, it was Imperial Uncle that was wrong. From now on, Imperial Uncle will definitely treat Xuan-er well."

Mn, these words were really very touching. However, if you moved away the hand placed on his buttocks as well as the one on his head, then it would be even better.